Kaia Gerber's casual style

All fashion media write about model Kaia Gerber, so it's no wonder that she has become one of the most sought-after models. Everyone understands that success in the modeling business is not her own merit. Kaia got everything at once, but this is not a reason to ignore the model, because the girl is actually beautiful and stylish.

Kaia Gerber is a very young model, in September she will be only 17 years old, she is now at school age, but on the catwalk she has to try on very adult images. Clothes from fashion collections and makeup make the model look older, so many schoolgirls are very interested in how Kaya looks in everyday life, and what her dress style is on the street.

According to the model's stories, she does not go on diets, but simply leads a very active lifestyle, thanks to this she can easily afford to eat pizza, ice cream and whatever she wants. has selected recent photos from a wide variety of sources. Perhaps the images of Kaya will serve as a source of inspiration for you.

Kaia Gerber's casual style
Kaia Gerber - everyday style in photographs

Kaia Gerber's casual style

Kaia Gerber's casual style
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