Designer Anna Molinari and Blumarine brand

Bright colors of flowers, their magical beauty, floral prints - this is the signature style of Anna Molinari, the founder of the Blumarine brand. Anna spreads her cheerful mood to everything. Her catchy prints seem to be specially created for those who do not like to go unnoticed.

She grew up in the small town of Carpi, near Milan. Her grandfather owned a huge old villa, which was surrounded by blooming gardens. The little girl loved to spend time in the garden, among the rose bushes, where there was a lot of light and bright colors, and Anna also loved to paint flowers.

As Anna Molinari herself says, the luxurious parental house seemed to her gloomy and dark. It was filled with antique furniture and scared her a little. Therefore, the girl strove to the garden, to flowers. Probably, since then, her love for roses and shades of pink has remained forever.

Designer Anna Molinari

Many years have passed and flowers have become the trademark of her fashion brand. They are found everywhere, not only on women's or children's clothing, but also in the interior. Flowers take their rightful place everywhere.

At the age of eighteen, Anna got married, and she decorated her first apartment herself, her bedroom was decorated with pink patterns. She did it with such enthusiasm that her husband even remarked to her: "It seems to me that you forgot that I am also going to live here!"

Blumarine fashion brand

Anna lived with her husband for almost forty years; he tragically died hunting in 2006 in Zimbabwe. In 1977, Anna Molinari and her husband, Gianpaolo, created a brand called Blumarine, which means navy blue in Italian. Gianpaolo was the founder and director, and Anna was the designer, the face and soul of the brand. They separated from the knitwear factory owned by her parents.

The factory produced items for major Italian and foreign brands. Anna strove to create her own company, in which she could bring her aesthetic ideas to life, bring her ideas about fashion to life and make clothes that would bear her name and not someone else's label.

Designer Anna Molinari

When a new collection of a famous designer comes out, only talk - what inspired him to create these things? Anything can inspire Anna: painting, architecture, and how a stranger is dressed on the street.

When creating a new collection, the designer puts feminine lines, styles, as well as romantic details and cut in the first place. She likes her interpretation of the trends of the past decades. She does not accept bad taste, lack of harmony in colors and selection of accessories. Anna Molinari creates clothes that every woman would dream of. "My husband and I have always done things only so that others can wear them."

Women's clothing from Blumarine
Fall-winter 2024-2025
Women's clothing from Blumarine

Now that the children have become adults a long time ago and have started their own families, they continue to work together. Anna inherited her love for creativity from her parents, and now she passes it on to her children and grandchildren. The brand has recently celebrated 40 years of operation.

Today, the brand creates not only clothes, but also perfumery, costume jewelry, underwear, baby clothes and interior items. Anna believes that nothing can reflect her views on fashion better than chairs, tablecloths and porcelain.

Designer Anna Molinari - Queen of Roses

As soon as she got the interior line Blumarine Home Collection, the Italian furniture company Idea approached her with an offer of cooperation and bought a license for it. Anna Molinari personally participates in the process of creating collections, monitors the production and discusses all the details. In many glossy magazines, you can see photographs of the designer's own houses.

Her passion for flowers is not so much a hobby for her, but most likely a second profession. Anna took part in the International Flower Festival Garden Club in Monte Carlo.The festival was organized by Carolina, Princess of Monaco, who is also a big lover of flowers.

Now in her homes, in her hometown of Carpi and in Forte dei Marmi, Anna Molinari continues to plant rose gardens, and although there is a gardener, she herself enjoys flowers, digs in the ground, grows, shelters. Her houses are all in light pastel and warm shades, they have an abundance of colors and floral prints.

Among the fans of the brand are Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez and many other famous and unknown women who also adore, like the designer, bright colors, floral prints and, of course, flowers.

Spring-summer 2024

Like many gardens in Europe, lovingly created by their owners, Anna Molinari's rose garden has become a real attraction, it is famous in Carpi's hometown, not only for the success of the brand, but also for its uniqueness.

The garden is open so far only for friends, relatives and acquaintances. “I fell in love with roses when I was very little. Our house was surrounded by a huge garden, and my mother looked after it with great love. " Now, despite the presence of the gardener, he is given only general work in the garden. And such activities as planting flowers, searching for new varieties, haircuts and watering are entirely Anna's own. True, the granddaughter also helps. Together they enthusiastically plant flowers, cover them for the winter.

In every corner of the garden there are flowers, flowers and ornamental shrubs. Flowers and plants alternate with cast iron garden benches. On the territory of the garden there is a greenhouse, in which the most unstable to cold and demanding plants for greenhouse conditions winter. This includes many flowers and lemon trees. The garden has not forgotten and recreation areas with sun loungers and umbrellas, a swimming pool, a play area for grandchildren. Anna loves to meet guests and relatives; in a gazebo with pink canopies, she serves lunch in the summer.

For the son and daughter, the garden is a resting place, for the grandchildren it is a fabulous kingdom. And granddaughter Elizabeth is also the first assistant, Anna passes on all her knowledge about flowers to her. The garden is constantly in bloom - some flowers pass the flowering baton to others. Peonies, jasmine, lilac, wisteria, roses create a fragrant aroma in the garden.

Blumarine brand collection

Flowers, and most importantly, roses have become not just a hobby. Those who love flowers know that they want to rejoice and delight others. Therefore, she decided to create a large garden in the old part of the city in the spirit of the Italian Renaissance. “I would like to create a mysterious and romantic garden, fill it with trees trimmed in the form of different figures, plant flowers with trellises, arrange fountains, terraces ...”.

In life, Anna Molinari tries to be like her roses. They wither for the winter, but bloom again in the spring, so it should be with people - difficult moments in life must be experienced with dignity, and they will surely pass.

One of the famous Italian botanists created a special rose variety in honor of Anna Molinari and named it “Anna's Rose”. This flower has a pink hue and very soft petals. Throughout Anna's garden, you can find these beautiful roses, and we can see their images as prints in her collections.

The passion for flowers has given a special vision of the world of fashion and feminine beauty. In her collections, you can always find floral prints in the shape of your favorite flower, pastel colors. First, the designer Franco Moschino, and then the entire Italian fashion press, awarded her the title of "Queen of Roses", and she is very proud of it.

For all the years during which the Blumarine brand has existed, Anna has never bought an apartment in Milan, where her headquarters are based. She comes here, settles in a hotel, and then, when all business is over, she returns to her house, garden, to books and friends, with whom she likes to spend a free evening in a small restaurant with a cup of tea.

Among them, a special place was occupied by Manuela Pavezi, one of the best and most influential stylists in Italy, who left this world. She advised Molinari to invite Helmut Newton to shoot Blumarine's advertising campaigns. And in the future, thanks to his special vision, the tenderness of floral prints and pastel shades turned into a highly fashionable statement and led the brand to even greater success.

Blumarine brand collection

With her old friend Elena Loenthal she wrote a biography, which begins like this: "I was born in a huge house with a garden ...". She always spends her holidays in Forte dei Marmi. Anna adores this quiet seaside resort town, where she spent her holidays as a girl. She loves the serene elegance and beauty of the area.

Anna Molinari began her life in a huge garden, among flowers and beauty, where her happy childhood passed, the time of youth, love came ... And throughout her life she remains in the world of beauty. “I am very lucky: I live in the world of beauty, and I don’t get tired of it, I still feel its magical attraction. I hope that in the future I will continue to work with passion, dedication and perseverance. " Apparently, this is the secret of her success.

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