Types of pedicure - hardware, classic and others

Feet endure a huge load during the day, so foot care should be as mundane for you as washing or showering in the morning. Daily care will not only ensure that your feet are always in order, but also make them healthy and prevent various skin diseases.

One of the procedures required when caring for your feet is a pedicure.

A pedicure is an essential part of regular grooming. Pay attention to the word - regular. The effect is fixed only after several procedures. You can get a pedicure in the salon, but you can also at home.

On the soles of the feet there are a huge number of nerve endings that are associated with all organs of the body. By cleansing your feet, you allow your body to breathe freely. Therefore, foot care will prolong the youth of the body.

Types of pedicure

What types of pedicure are used today?

1. Classic pedicure

It is also called a trim pedicure. First, the nails are filed, then the feet are immersed in a bath of hot water, after which the rough skin is removed. You can do this using a variety of tools - a scraper, pumice stone, and various cutting tools.

Next, cut the cuticle. And here it becomes clear that injuries and infections can be its disadvantage. During cleansing with stabbing and cutting tools, cuts are possible, which means infection. It is best to contact a craftsman who knows his job well and does everything clean and tidy. All instruments of such a master are sterile. You will see the best result after 2-3 procedures, and it stays on your legs for about 1 - 2 weeks.

Classic pedicure

2. Unedged pedicure or European

This is a safer view. It is performed without cutting tools, and even a water bath is not required. Special gels are applied to the feet, which soften and dissolve the stratum corneum. After that, the cuticle is moved with a special stick, and the skin of the feet is treated with a scraper, you can use a pumice stone, then polish and rub in a caring cream.

The desired effect of such a procedure, of course, you will not get the first time, but after 6 - 8 sessions. Some people are in a hurry to see the best condition of their feet and begin to do a trim pedicure in between sessions, but this contributes to faster growth of the skin and cuticles. However, it is impossible to remove very coarse areas with the help of a European pedicure.

3. Hardware pedicure

The procedure is performed using a special apparatus with replaceable rotating nozzles. After such treatment, the skin retains its elasticity for a long time. A water bath is not required here. When using the device, care must be taken not to damage your nails or more delicate areas of the skin. For example, when processing a coarse part of the skin, you need to stop in time, otherwise the uncoarse layer of the skin may be erased, and this is already an injury.

Hardware pedicure

4. SPA - pedicure (preparative)

Preparation means the use of various preparations for foot care, such as scrubs, nourishing masks, creams, gels, aromatic oils. This type of pedicure originated in the USA, it includes not only the use of drugs, but also hydro and manual foot massage. This procedure does not injure the skin, and allows you to admire the result for 3 - 4 weeks.

SPA pedicure

5. Mixed pedicure

The most common pedicure involves steaming the feet in a bath and trimming the cuticle, then sanding the feet with an apparatus. The result of the polished legs appears immediately after the procedure. This procedure takes 1.5 - 2 hours.

Between treatments, no matter which one you choose, you need to take care of your feet with scrubs, creams and massages.

If you trust the pedicure to be done by the master, for any choice of the type of pedicure, choose also the master, whose workplace always looks neat, and the instruments are sterilized.

Types of pedicure and technique
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