Winter wedding capes made of fur and fabric

If your wedding is for a cooler season or even in winter, then it's time to consider a wedding cape. After all, it would be nice to walk around the wedding venues, take a few photographs. And it's already chilly outside. Don't be upset. A wedding cape will not only warm you, but also add charm, make your image feminine, elegant and original.

Wedding capes made of fur

If you have opted for a dress made of lightweight fabric, and even sleeveless, a wedding cape must be present in your outfit. Better, of course, to buy Wedding Dress in salons, where you can immediately pick up a cape for yourself. It is not at all necessary that the cape be made of the same fabric as the dress - there are fur wedding cape that will suit any dress. Now capes are fashionable not only in a wedding wardrobe, but also in everyday wardrobe, so their length can be different. But in a wedding dress, it is better, after all, not below the hip line. If you want to look like a fabulous Snow Maiden at your wedding, then feel free to choose a fur cape.

Wedding capes made of fur

A dress made of white taffeta will look luxurious, for which you can choose a cape from the same fabric. Moreover, such a cape can be decorated with white fur along the bottom edge. Such a dress can be made with a long tapered sleeve, the bottom edge of which can be trimmed with the same fur as the cape. In addition to a cape, you can use a cape, a fur stole, or a stole made from the same fabric as your dress. A cape or cape made of lace guipure will look amazing on you. If the weather is cool, you can choose a cape lined with satin, and you can choose satin either white or another light, delicate color that will go well with the color of the decor of your dress or with your wedding bouquet. If the dress is supposed to be short (and it is better not to do this in winter), then take a closer look at its length - the shorter the dress, the shorter the cape. And it is better in this case to make a cape or stole, which will also be original. There is another option, suitable for any length of the dress - this is a bolero, which was once introduced into the women's wardrobe by Elsa Schiaparelli. The fabric for the bolero should be stretchy to fit your figure. You can choose from jersey, velvet, lace tight guipure and even elasticated faux fur.

Wedding capes made of fur

Wedding capes or other options for covering the shoulders are important when visiting church, in the event that you are planning a wedding. If you come to church at least occasionally, then you know that a woman should have her head covered (you have veil), in a dress below the knees with covered shoulders, that is, a minimum of naked body areas. And do not forget to remind your girlfriends about this.

Wedding capes made of fur

And finally, I would like to suggest that it is very simple to sew a cape or bolero on your own, on the Internet you can find many patterns and sew a cape to your liking.

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