XLady Fashion Academy and fashion for living people
First, in Gomel and Rechitsa, and since 2024 in Minsk, XLady Fashion Academy opens, where girls and women of absolutely any parameters and ages are expected. At the same time, XLady Fashion Academy offers not only “for oneself” courses, but also the opportunity for non-standard models to participate in fashion shows and advertising photo shoots.
Everyone is looking for their own secret - the secret of success or the secret of harmony with oneself,
but there are always people who are ready to help you find yourself
In the photo, a graduate of the Fashion Academy for custom models
We talked with Victoria Poluban about what and how: how ready Belarusian designers are to cooperate with non-standard models, and why our women need to learn to love themselves. Victoria is currently actively launching the XLady Fashion Academy in Minsk. After all, in December the Academy opens its doors.
In the photo Victoria Poluban Victoria, how did you hear about XLady Fashion Academy? And how did your collaboration with the Academy start?The idea of XLady Fashion Academy was born for a long time. And this was not one man's idea. Marina Kabadaryan proposed to create an agency for plus size women. But I wanted to see all kinds of women on billboards. And this was especially felt when working with brands. Therefore, it was jointly decided to do it for all women, regardless of parameters, weight, height and age.
And to be more precise - for those who do not recognize the standards and want to feel what it means to be a professional model. For example, for Valentina 35 years old, who is tired of doing only accounting and household chores. Or for Maria, who is 27, but really wants to take part in photo shoots as a model with her 65+ kg.
And I, as an entrepreneur with experience and just a woman, decided to open an Academy in Rechitsa, now in Minsk. After all, she herself once worried that my life is so ordinary to the point of horror and nothing surprising awaits.
In just a month, she opened the Fashion Academy in Rechitsa. And so it started.
XLady Fashion Academy concept is internal changes through external transformation. Tell your story of transformation - from outer to inner transformation. How did it all start, what steps have you already taken on this path and what else do you lack for complete harmony with yourself (or still for success)? What goal did you want to achieve, what did you initially lack in yourself?It is worth noting that the Fashion Academy is called XLady, which is very eloquent. We used our personal brand in Gomel to make a woman go to a woman. This is part of our philosophy. In Rechitsa and Minsk, I decided to focus on XLady. By the way, the name was invented by a man who said: “Here! Women need it! " Now our personal brand is our models. Already confident, loving themselves and making a huge breakthrough. And now they can not only demonstrate their clothes, but also their philosophy: not to seem, but to be.
"Our personal brand - our models"
And this is true. So, one of our models blossomed so much that she changed her life. She left her husband, started her own business on maternity leave. By the way, she comes to classes directly with her baby. And this closeness, measurable changes are important for me, as for a leader who is burning with our philosophy of the Academy.
My transformation story began 2 years ago with make-up classes. I came as a girl who did not know how to present herself, and had no idea that decorative cosmetics and its competent use could transform my image so much. Then there were compliments, more attention from others, and I began to feel some inexplicable confidence inside. Then the audition for photo shoots and public appearances began.
Victoria Poluban The peak of my realization that the external transformation made me more confident was the placement of my photographs on the bigboards of the city.
And then I realized that the desire to be recognized, realized is inherent in every woman, just many of us, including myself, once, bury these feelings in ourselves.
We do everything for others, but very little for ourselves. And when we begin to transform outwardly - in gait, in the ability to hold ourselves, to dress stylishly - they begin to notice us and from that moment changes begin to take place in us.
Victoria PolubanOver the past year, I have gone a lot - from a hired employee to a woman entrepreneur. It has been a difficult journey with ups and downs. But the desire to convey the idea of our Fashion Academy to more women was stronger and I moved on.
The Fashion Academy was founded in Gomel. The site (http://mk-moda.tilda.ws) presents teachers - a very strong team, really professionals in their field. Victoria, you are a manager in Minsk. Tell me, has the work of the Minsk branch of the Fashion Academy already begun? Work in Minsk is currently underway and we plan to launch the first stream in December 2024.
The training program includes such disciplines as choreography, photo posing, acting, fashion shows, psychology, as well as separate master classes on the basics of makeup and style.
On November 25, we held a master class on the basics of style and photography, which was conducted by representatives of the Minsk branch, experienced teachers.
In December, our Academy will hold a casting in which all women can take part, regardless of parameters, weight, height and model experience.
We have a really strong team of teachers, they are not only professionals in their field, but also responsive, ready to support our students in any situation, instill in them confidence in achieving success.
XLady Fashion Academy is a modeling agency for custom models. What is the meaning you put into this concept - non-standard models. What girls, perhaps women, can come to you to study? And why can they use the knowledge they have acquired?Non-standard models are those who would never go to a classic modeling agency. Usually the following phrases are heard from these women:
- oh, where should I go
- I have absolutely no time for myself
- now not before
--I am so tired
That is, these are women who are always busy, but forget about themselves. And they come to learn, first of all, to love themselves and just relax, no matter how trite it sounds. Believe me, modern women simply do not know how to relax. Working for two, not getting enough sleep is welcome. And just to relax, to devote time to yourself is a whole test.
“Come to learn, above all, to love yourself
and just relax, no matter how trite it sounds "
And of course she comes to become a model. At least for myself. You know, to look in the mirror and say, "I really like myself." And we are now working to create new fashion in our country and other countries.
And if a girl of standard model parameters comes to you, will you accept her? Will there be discrimination in the opposite direction (for example, we have no place for thin and tall)? Or is it not about you, do you accept everyone? I am generally against discrimination. I think the market needs a new model.
People are tired of just being able to walk and turn right side of the camera. People want to see value.
Therefore, we accept everyone - this is our value. But not because we are doing a project, but because both thin and tall cry too. As an example, my acquaintance with the growth of 180 is afraid to build relationships. She is a classic model, but nobody works with her cockroaches. Nobody discloses. And the photo always shows eyes that do not radiate happiness.
On the social networks of your Fashion Academy, it says “the world has turned upside down - and he wants to see non-standard women on the catwalk and in advertising”. Yes, there are such tendencies in Europe. And what about Belarus? Do Belarusian designers willingly cooperate with models of non-standard parameters? Perhaps you have some examples. Everything comes to us later. But the important thing is that I am a professional marketer and PR specialist. And I know how to talk about important ideas. And when the idea ignites you, you move incredible walls.
Therefore, I will say: first, there is a lot of strength to change trends. Second, the brands themselves want non-standard models, but this is not yet widespread. Third, this idea is in demand by women themselves, which is the most important thing.
As for Belarusian designers, they are really willing to cooperate with non-standard models. For example, at the very first show dedicated to the opening of the Fashion Academy, our models represented the collection of the young Belarusian designer Dmitry Grigorovich. And on November 26-28, one of our students participates in the international fashion festival in St. Petersburg, where she presents the collection of the Belarusian designer Alena Kanoiko.
By the way, our model Natalia, who went to the show in St. Petersburg, is 59 years old, 158 cm tall. This proves once again that non-standard models are in great demand.
Therefore, we invite you to our Fashion Academy in Minsk. All the details about training and events held by our Academy can be clarified with Victoria Poluban (VKontakte and Instagram - victoria_poluban).