2024 main color and beautiful coral dress
Each year, Pantone designates the main color of the year. In 2024, we chose the shade "Living Coral". The color is very warm, positive and inspiring. According to the idea of Pantone specialists, this color should give humanity the energy of life and wisdom to make the right decisions in difficult times.
There have never been simple times on planet Earth, and there never will be, the whole point is in the essence of man, sages wrote about this thousands of years ago.
In any case, the new color can give a lot of bright moments, give comfort and positivity in 2024. Pantone experts offer fashion brands and craftsmen of hand-made clothing and accessories to experiment with coral when creating new collections.
That's why
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ recommends pay attention to the coral dress, because the dress is the main item of women's wardrobe. According to store statistics, on Black Friday, it was the dress that was the leader in sales, which means that it does not lose popularity, despite the dominance of comfortable fashion and unisex style.
Coral dress for 2024 - fashion trend
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has been creating publications based on collections from the main Fashion Weeks for many seasons in a row, but today we will break this rule a little. Why limit your selection to just one season? There are many offers of wonderful things around, we will choose the best. The main thing to remember is the main guidelines - your own style and fashion trends.
Pantone has gradually gained the confidence of the fashion media and is increasingly influencing the fashion and beauty industry in general. Therefore, the color of the year according to Pantone means more and more, now it is not just a far-fetched advice, but a real fashion trend that has an impact on the entire design world.
Coral color literally radiates positive energy, it is associated with creativity, summer, warmth and sea relaxation. This color has many shades. Depending on the lighting and companion colors, coral can look different, at times leaning towards red or turning almost pink.
Due to its versatility, coral goes well with almost all colors. It looks good next to pastel shades - milky, beige, cream, light blue, and is combined with bright saturated colors such as
fuchsia, purple and, of course, black. Although all colors are combined with black, because it is at the same time the absence of color and all the shades of the world at once.
Based on this, we can say that a coral dress suits girls of different color types. Blondes, brunettes and even those with very dark skin can find their perfect dress ...