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What to wear for the New Year 2024 - festive looks

“... The peaks of the heavens are burning with blue light;
The valleys are covered with a shiny tablecloth,
And the fields are dotted with bright beads.
The earth flaunts at the winter festival ... ”.

There is very little left before the New Year holidays, and adults, like children, are looking forward to meeting happy new year 2024... After all, each of us wants to be in a fabulous magical land where happiness does not end, everyone's dreams come true, and smiles shine on their faces. But don't you think that making a fairy tale come true is in your hands, and everything depends on you?

Let's start with smart clothes, which should also be fabulously beautiful on this day. Although now the trend is oversized, patchwork, frayed and sagging clothes, patches and flaws, and even dirty hair, or, to put it simply, poverty and misery, does not advise adhering to these trends on the New Year's holiday. After all, New Year is the most fun and anticipated holiday for both children and adults, when you want to make a fairy tale come true.

Then let's take a look at winter sketches, where nature itself will tell us where to start, and how to dress up for the new year in order to get into a winter fairy tale.

Green Christmas trees are in white fluffy dresses, fluffy snowflakes sparkle in the sun's rays, lace patterns on the glass, trees froze in winter silver, and "... under the blue skies with magnificent carpets, shining in the sun, snow lies ...".

Isn't it a wonderful and dear picture of the Russian land. But if nature is adorned with diamonds and pearls, fringe dress and transparent ice floes, then even more so, we should dress up so that everything around comes to life and shines in a multi-colored radiance in order to delight ourselves and the people around. Ziad Nakad has prepared a winter's tale for you.

Evening dresses for the new year
Ziad Nakad, Rani Zakhem

How to celebrate the New Year 2024

Winter patterns on glass are always best repeated in lace outfits.

How to celebrate the New Year 2024
Alexis Mabille, Ziad Nakad

Winter is a dream of nature under cover of white fluffy snow. Therefore, winter landscapes are all shades of white sparkling snow, transparent winter air. Real winter, the beauty of which can be seen outside the city, transforms everything around, turning even darkened trees into a fabulously beautiful sight.

Holiday images
Ralph & Russo, Rani Zakhem, Tony Ward
Ashi Studio, Azzaro

Holiday images

It is hard not to be surprised with what various shades the white color is rich in, in which winter paints its landscapes. Endless Russian fields, covered with snow, and the blue sky, the radiance of which is reflected in the snow cover and in the river, hidden under the ice field with a bluish sheen.

How to celebrate the New Year 2024
Ralph & Russo, Tony Ward
Ulyana Sergeenko, Alexis Mabille, Rani Zakhem

How to celebrate the New Year 2024

Dawn is the beginning of a new day, and New Year is a new life. Yesterday and the past year are in the past, let's leave all the bad behind. The first morning of the New Year is coming, and we must live with hope for a better future. Look - as the sun rises, the snow suddenly takes on a slightly pinkish tint, and the pale rays of the sun signal the beginning of a new day and symbolize the beginning of the journey.

What to wear for the New Year 2024 - festive looks
Patrick Pham, Alexis Mabille, Armani Prive
Georges Hobeika, Fendi

Thanks to the wonderful winter sky and pink dawn, winter plays with bright and even variegated colors. To keep the winter fairy tale alive, contrasting colors can be used to bring this variety to life. The blackness of shadows, trees and earth, combined with the whiteness of the snow, only further emphasizes the winter beauty. Artists always combine dark and light colors in their paintings for a winter landscape.

Alexis Mabille and 2 photos - Armani Prive
Georges Hobeika, Givenchy

Night winter sky. The starry sky is never so beautiful as in winter. Everyone knows that if the sky is clear and many constellations are visible, then this is to frost. The secret of the beauty of the night sky in winter is not only in the transparency of frosty clear nights, but also in the special blackness, contrasting with the whiteness of the terrestrial landscape.

The light of the winter starry sky is reflected in the whiteness of the snow cover, where snowflake stars and colorful lights flash, and the calm glow of the moon pours around.

Zuhair Murad, Ziad Nakad

Russia is a huge country, and not all of us manage to see Winter in all its glory. But it is possible for everyone to choose outfits that match winter luxury, and well-known designers will help us with this.

According to the eastern calendar, the owner of 2024 is a yellow boar, which means that there should be a lot of luxury and wealth in the outfit. And if you don't like winter landscapes, then try on sparkling gold outfits... Therefore, let's say goodbye to simplicity and minimalism, at least for the New Year, and put on the best and most precious.

Golden images for the New Year
Christian dior
Christophe Josse, Guo Pei, Valentino

Golden images for the New Year

The New Year 2024 is coming, there are many unknowns ahead, and possibly sharp turns, but on the New Year's holiday, hope and desire for something bright and good are born.
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