1940s vintage bridal fashion magazines
Nowadays, most of the fashion collections, including bridal ones, are safely stored on the Internet. Fashion sites, youtube, social networks store photos and videos digitally. And the fashion of the past did not have such opportunities, then it was necessary to focus only on magazines and ordinary photographs.
Magazines were cherished, stored, passed on by inheritance, so many magazines survived for tens or even a hundred years. Thanks to these publications, we can study in detail the images and fashion of the past. But today
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ offers to lookwhat the covers of the Bride's wedding magazines looked like in the 1940s.
Bridal fashion is more conservative, new collections are not much different from previous seasons, and it seems that nothing is changing. In fact, the images of brides change very much, it is just that the changes are happening so slowly that it is difficult to notice.