What are style archetypes
In recent years, it has become fashionable to choose a style of clothing in terms of your archetype, and not depending on the rules of the dress code or relying on your color type and body type.
What is an archetype? Why can you choose a style of clothing for your archetype? And how to find your archetype and style examples for it?
10th Doctor - archetype Warrior
As examples, this article uses
characters of the series "Doctor Who"
Archetype Warrior (Hero)
He comes and saves everyone, is always ready for anything. His goal is battle and victory, including with dragons in his own head.
Style of clothes - and what are the heroes wearing now? In knightly armor, in a superman leotard, or in a regular suit? But seriously, it is most often classic or business style of clothing.
Archetype is a concept that stylists have borrowed from psychology. However, it is possible that everything was the other way around - psychologists who began to work with the style of their clients, having additionally mastered the profession of a stylist, transferred this term to the sphere of creating an external image.
In psychology, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung wrote about archetypes. And it was at the beginning of the twentieth century. Strictly speaking, it was from the first half of the twentieth century and thanks to Jung that the term archetype began to denote the structural elements of the collective unconscious. That is, some initial forms that exist only in our subconsciousness, which precede the phenomena of the material world.
Amy Pond - 11 Doctor's companion
Archetype - Innocent or Child
For the first time, this character is even shown at the age of a child.
Archetype Innocent or Child
Spontaneous, trusting, optimistic. As easily as Amelia Pond follows the Doctor, she sets out on a journey for those whom she completely trusts.
Often does not notice shortcomings.
Style of clothes - comfortable, youthful, girls like short shorts and skirts like girls
Archetypes are an idea (theory), but not a science
Jung's followers went further and expressed the idea that archetypes can be found in the most ancient structures of our brain (such ideas were expressed by neuropsychologist James Henry), in the cerebral hemispheres (Ernest Rossi) and even in DNA. However, these ideas have not received any scientific justification.
Rory Williams Pond - companion 11 of the Doctor
Archetype - Nice Guy, Boyfriend or Orphan
Archetype - Nice Guy, Boyfriend or OrphanHome, unassuming, knows how to be useful, on the one hand, on the other hand, there were trials in his life, he is a realist, he knows how to cope with difficulties and seeks peace.
Style of clothes - comfortable clothes, jeans, T-shirts, T-shirts, sneakers, in general
sporty style or casual style
Jung contrasted archetypes with images. Images (for example, hero, villain, sorcerer, etc.) are not inherited, they are created by culture. But archetypes are inherited, but can be described by those images that correspond to them. For example, there is the Hero archetype, the Creator archetype. According to the ideas of Jung and his followers, not all images correspond to archetypes, images that correspond to archetypes must always be associated with emotions. Images that are associated with archetypes (archetypal images) can appear to us in dreams or during meditation.
What are the archetypes?
The answer to this question may sound like this - we do not know. We also don't know if they even exist. But in culture there are images - in fairy tales, myths, legends, later in literature, in films. These are the images of heroes, creators, destroyers, jesters, and so on. So psychologists who adhere to Jung's ideas write that one can cognize archetypes, and accordingly they can be classified through images.
Clara - companion of the 11th and 12th Doctor
Archetype - Mentor, Guardian, or Guardian
Archetype - Mentor, Guardian, or Guardian
The commander or commander in her care for others, but at the same time is ready for self-sacrifice. Generous and empathetic.
Style of clothes - classic, conventionally business, everyday, romantic. They like to wear a watch as an accessory. Clara's dress style is conventionally business-like, close to everyday.
Jung himself singled out the archetypes of Mother (Great Mother), Heavenly Father, Renaissance, Trickster (trickster, deceiver), Spirit. There were no clear classifications in his works. However, Jung considered the archetypes themselves as opposites, that is, he wrote that there are always two opposite archetypes. For example, he singled out such archetypes as Anima - the female part of a man's psyche, and the opposite archetype Animus - the male part of a woman's psyche.
From ethnography to psychology,
from the hero of a myth to creating your own style
Today psychologists who work with archetypes identify 12 archetypes based on the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI) questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed by the American psychologist Carol Pearson.
11th Doctor
Archetype - Esthete, Lover or Romantic
Archetype - Esthete, Lover or Romantic
Love is both romantic and friendly. He is ready to take obligations, to appreciate not only when he is loved, but also ready to love himself. Afraid of being alone and losing her love or friends. He admires the world and expects the world to admire him.
No wonder it was the 11th Doctor who was associated with River Song, and it was he who was more attached to his companions than anyone else.
Style of clothes - romantic, unusual and even eccentric things in the wardrobe are possible. The 11th Doctor wears butterflies, and this is an element of romantic style, his eccentric thing is a fez
The questionnaire is based on the works of ethnographers who, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, actively studied the myths of different peoples of the world and came to the conclusion that all myths are based on common ideas - the elements from which these myths are constructed.
Moreover, in every myth there is a hero (a traveling hero) who goes through certain stages of his development - an innocent, a warrior, a guardian, a lover, and so on. In each individual myth, both all and some of these stages of the formation (journey) of the hero can be present.
List of archetypes: Innocent, Nice Guy, Warrior, Guardian, Seeker, Lover, Rebel, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Sage, Jester.
This classification is not final, other names of archetypes can be added to it, for example, the Warrior archetype can be called the Hero archetype, and instead of the Guardian, the Caring archetype can be found, and so on.
Also, in addition to the general names of archetypes, as in the classification above, the names of gods, for example, Greek, can be used as a designation of one or another archetype. For example, female archetypes can often be classified through such
ancient greek goddesseslike Athena, Artemis, Hera and so on. In addition to gods, archetypes can also be described through the names of the heroes of legends, fairy tales, and myths. For example, the Ruler archetype may be referred to as the King Arthur archetype.
The names of archetypes through the names of gods / goddesses or heroes of legends and myths are the names of archetypes through archetypal images.
How to choose a style for an archetype and is it worth doing?
In order to choose the style of your clothes in accordance with your archetype, the first thing to do is to define your archetype at the moment. Over time, by the way, we may well from a Warrior, for example, turn into a Sage.
River Song - wife of the 11th Doctor
Archetype - Wanderer or Seeker
Archetype - Wanderer or Seeker
Brave, ambitious, striving for new goals. I'm used to doing everything myself. He tries to be invulnerable. He enjoys seeking and finding, including adventures that he enjoys. It is the archetype of scientist-inventor and pioneer. And also adventurers in life.
Style of clothes - cowboy, safari style, military style
So, in order to determine the archetype, firstly, you can simply recall the myths and legends of the ancient peoples or the Marvel comics and write the names of the characters that you resemble in character. And then correlate the character you have chosen with the list of 12 archetypes (it is given above) and determine who the character you have chosen is - Warrior, Jester, Sage, and so on.
The second way to identify your archetype is to take a test. Archetype tests can be offered by both psychologists and stylists who work with archetypes.
Next, what style of clothing is best suited to the lifestyle and character of your archetype. For example, a Warrior will wear comfortable, but at the same time protective clothing, a Rebel will never be suitable for an exclusively classic style, because clothing, like his character, should be bright and not subject to rules.
Another option - you find celebrities with a bright individual style who share a common archetype with you, and after studying their wardrobe, you borrow ideas for your images.
However, pick a style of clothing
according to your archetype
not always the right decision.
In the 21st century, we can afford much greater freedom in choosing clothes than, for example, during the New Time or the Middle Ages, when your class determined what clothes you would wear, but, nevertheless, the dress code rules still apply. in many areas of our life. And therefore, if we are talking about choosing a style of clothing for our archetype, it should be borne in mind that this option of drawing up our wardrobe is not always suitable for us.

Missy is an enemy and at the same time a friend of the Doctor

Missy (female), in her earlier incarnations, Master (male)
Archetype - Jester (Shadow of the Jester)
The shadow of an archetype is a negative version of its manifestation.
The Jester's main goal is pleasure. In the negative version, it can be a fraud and a deceiver, a despot is the shady side of the Jester. But he also encourages to enjoy the joys of life and is able to turn everything, including the most routine affairs, into a game, from which he gets pleasure.
"Our whole life is a game and who is to blame for the fact that I was carried away by this game"
This is the archetype of businessmen who know how to make money out of thin air, the archetype of charismatic leaders, actors
Clothing styles - classic, business, but also the style of a vamp woman, eccentric things in clothes may also be present.
So, if you, for example, work in a bank or ministry, then no one has canceled the strict business style of clothing, selected in accordance with all the rules of the dress code. The same goes for high-level receptions, business lunches, and so on.
Another point to consider when choosing clothes for your archetype is your color type and body type. These parameters should not be neglected.
The choice of clothing style for a long time was based on two rules: the first rule - where and with whom you will be in these clothes (dress code), the second rule - the main thing is that the suit fits (fits your figure and suits you).

12th Doctor
Archetype - Outcast, Rebel, or Destroyer
He weeds the garden to make room for new growth. Modest. May be ruthless, but knows how to contain his anger. He is afraid of being destroyed and tries to protect himself, but at the same time endangers others. He has changed and the laws that he followed earlier do not suit him.
He is on the edge of life and death. He is full of protest. So it's not for nothing that the 12th Doctor is a Doctor who, in his next incarnation, will change completely dramatically - not only in appearance, but also in gender.
Style of clothes - classic or business for public events, military style, but at the same time at home, in the company of friends - there may be bright things, for young people - rocker style, punk style
The second rule is the rule of those who sew clothes - first artisans (tailors, seamstresses), then fashion designers, clothing designers, and then stylists.So, being carried away by the ideas of psychology and, in particular, archetypes, you should never forget that your clothes are not your thoughts or emotions, the clothes are quite material and in order for the suit to sit, you do not need a psychoanalysis session, it is enough to take a thread and a needle and fit it to the figure.
P.S. The illustrations for this article are characters from the English TV series Doctor Who. The series "Doctor Who" is a fantastic series that has been released on screens from 1963 to the present day. The series has its own special charm, which, like the popularity of the series, can also be explained by the fact that it is an archetypal series. The series "Doctor Who" is a modern interpretation of fairy tales, myths, legends in a new way. And all of its main characters are also always pronounced archetypes.
Archetype - Other, Magician or Wizard
Turns dreams into reality, explores the laws of metaphysics and science. He uses his strength and knowledge for good. The magician knows himself and learns to use his power.
Style of clothes - business, casual, sporty, romantic, but these are always clothes of unusual styles, can be bright colors, clothes in combination with elegant accessories
However, any work of art of any genre can theoretically be viewed and analyzed from the point of view of archetypes. But practically, depending on the conditions for creating a particular work of art, you will find that economic, political, historical events, events of everyday life, scientific discoveries could have a greater influence on it, but you will have to look for archetypes during the day with fire.
As for the series "Doctor Who", it is just the same very close in its "language" to fairy tales and myths, by the way, like the above mentioned comics and Marvel films, and, accordingly, archetypes in this series easily reveal themselves.