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Fashion shopping and travel to China

China has long been considered a distant, mysterious country, with an alien unusual culture, in which everything is different from ours, starting with the Great Wall of China and ending with incomprehensible customs, cuisine and language. The nature of the country changes quite a lot from north to south, and from east to west, which is not surprising, given the size of the Celestial Empire.

Home of the famous silk, porcelain, paper and gunpowder. An ancient country, which, according to the Chinese, is more than 7,000 years old, and began to grow and develop rapidly in the 21st century, and so much so that every fifth thing created in the world is done on its territory. And, if earlier the expression "Chinese thing" meant extreme unreliability, now the opinion is gradually changing.

Chinese products have become much more reliable and more prestigious. As for porcelain, silk fabrics and jewelry, they have always been of the highest quality and appreciated among fashion connoisseurs. But not only these products are popular.

Fashion shopping and travel to China

Chinese stores are functional and versatile, reminiscent of supermarkets selling everything from food condiments to expensive electronics. Especially there are a lot of inexpensive clothes, which will most likely turn out to be a clever imitation of well-known brands. This also applies to electronic equipment, which breaks down almost the next day. But at the same time, many firms began to produce their own products, no less reliable than those of the famous giants of the world electronics.

It is more profitable to shop during the pre-holiday sales, which happen before October 1, mid-December, from January 21 to February 21, on the eve of May Day and in the middle of September. Many stores run surprise sales for seasonal items. The amount of discounts sometimes reaches 65-90% of the original cost of the product.

Fashion shopping and travel to China

Shopping enthusiasts should be familiar with Chinese price tags, which are reminiscent of fractions in mathematics. The number at the top is the original price of the product, and below it is the amount of the discount, which does not have to be used right away. You can take a coupon and use it on your next visit to the store.

High-quality clothing and footwear from famous brands has a higher price than in their homeland. It is much more profitable to buy locally produced clothes, especially from high-quality natural silk, and only in specialized points of sale and large trade centers, in order to avoid annoying mistakes or fakes.

Fashion shopping and travel to China

Silk items in factory stores or the Silk Market cost almost 20% less than in supermarkets. In the clothing markets, buying is akin to a lottery - a high-quality fake of a well-known brand can also be found, if you are not too lazy to carefully choose the product.

You should also pay attention to Chinese cosmetics. Although it has not yet gained such popularity as the Korean one, it is gradually gaining the market and fans. Do not forget about jewelry created by the best craftsmen, and souvenirs, as a memory of a distant mysterious land.

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