Protective face masks and fashion trends
Among the fashion trends of recent years, it is worth noting accessories that cover the face. In the latest collections, there are various veils, hats with a veil and
huge sunglasses... A little earlier, balaclava hats were popular, which today do not lose their relevance, but continue to develop in terms of design.
We should also mention protective masks, it is about them that today's story. For a long time I wanted to add several protective masks to the collection of accessories, and last winter I decided to do it.
Now there is a huge selection of these unusual accessories. Many available options can be found on Aliexpress, where you can buy an interesting mask even for 100-200 rubles. For 500-700 rubles, they offer very beautiful and stylish models, and for 1500-2500, sports masks and fancy accessories become available, as if from a superhero's wardrobe.
Fashion designers are also starting to add masks to their collections. selected a few examples from the 2024-2025 collection.
Marine Serre Why are protective masks, oversized goggles, veils and balaclava hats popular? In fact, there are many reasons for its popularity. The influence of sports style on fashion trends. Designers borrow the most comfortable and stylish elements from the equipment of professional athletes to create everyday looks. Thus, balaclava hats and huge glasses came to our wardrobes.
In addition to the spot, balaclava hats carry some more political protest, which is also very actively developing in the fashion world. Oversized sunglasses protect the skin around the eyes from the sun, thereby protecting from wrinkles.
Veils owe their popularity to the attention of designers to retro styles. But most of all the fashionable root causes of the fashion mask.
Fashion Protective Face Masks
1. Protective masks in fashion carry many meanings at once. First of all, they are very practical in the off-season and winter. Masks really protect against viral diseases, because in the fall, winter and spring there are many people with influenza around, which mutates every year and comes to us in a new form that is not subject to old vaccinations. In general, we believe that a mask helps preserve health, and this is very important not only in fashion.
The protective functions of the mask do not work indefinitely, usually it lasts for 2-8 hours. Then you need to change the protective liner or carry out special processing.
Beautiful fashionable masks are often best worn outdoors and do not rely on special protection. In clinics and crowded places, it is better to put on a special medical mask and then throw it away.
2. In addition to health, fashionable face masks allow you to add an element of protest and rebellion to the image. Today, almost everyone disagrees with the authorities and generally with what is happening in world politics. Only we can hardly change anything, except how to express our opinion on the Internet and reflect in fashionable images.
3. New technologies and the future. The protective mask is an element of the styles of cybergothic, cyberpunk, and gives to other styles some technological and futuristic.
4. Secrecy and mystery. Recently, people are increasingly communicating on the Internet, but in reality they are moving away from each other. Sometimes a mood arises when you want to isolate yourself from the world around you, you want to live in your ideal world. A face shield, along with a hood, helps you look stylish in this mindless bustle of the world.
There was a desire to isolate oneself from the world before, long before the advent of smartphones. Let us recall the schema's cockle, long before the appearance of the hoodie, the monks wore a hood to hide from the world and to protect themselves from the bustle of the world.
5. Sports. Face masks create additional stress while walking and exercising.Thanks to this, the mask becomes a real simulator that trains the cardio system and breathing. In the process of training, the endurance and strength of the body as a whole increases. Special sports masks are best suited for these purposes. How they work will tell you in the next post shortly.
6. Influence of Islam. In recent years, Islam has influenced fashion around the world. talked about the dress requirements of Muslim women. The mask, especially the black one, is very reminiscent of the images of Muslim women, but in general it has little in common with the hijab.
There are other reasons for its popularity.
fashion maskalthough even these are enough to turn masks into a popular accessory. It is difficult to predict the future, but masks are likely to have a great future in fashion.
How to wear protective and sports masks?
Our society is freer than ever in terms of fashion. Therefore, the mask can be combined with different styles of clothing, the main thing is to choose suitable models that will perfectly suit you. Focus on stylish examples from Instagram and fashion magazines and you will succeed.