How beautiful to wear a brooch
The brooch in the XXI century again became a popular adornment not only for women of fashion at an elegant age, but also for young girls and business ladies. The brooch has a rich and long history. The time of the emergence of this decoration can be calculated from the emergence of humanity.
A person who appeared once needed to fasten separate parts of his simple clothes. Such fastenings were especially developed in countries with a cold climate, where clothes were of significant importance. But brooches were also very popular in southern countries. Ancient Roman patricians fastened their tunics with them, and the wealth and quality of such a fastener emphasized the nobility and title of the owner. True, then the brooch was called differently -
In the form in which we most often find the brooch, it appeared in the magnificent Baroque era. Today you can see brooches of different shapes and sizes, designs and materials. If there is no way to replenish your jewelry box with a brooch made of precious stones and precious metals, rhinestones and beads will help you create sparkling jewelry.
And the boho and ethno style, which have remained popular for many seasons in a row, will allow the use of plastic, inexpensive metal, textiles and wood as materials. This jewelry gives you the opportunity to show your design skills. Only at the present time no one uses them to fasten their clothes. The brooch serves as a decoration.
Looking at a brooch, you can feel admiration for the beauty and craftsmanship, you want to look at it, look at it and look at it, which brings pleasure. However, this product brings no less pleasure to those who create it.
Today, many are turning to manual labor. By creating beauty, you can restore harmony in your soul, distract yourself from everyday worries and even troubles. Favorite hobby, manual labor will give you and your loved ones a good mood. Each costume and occasion has a specific decoration.
How to wear a brooch on a dress, jacket, coat and
Modern clothes are so diverse that it is not difficult to choose a place for a brooch. The brooch is most often pinned in a conspicuous place, near the face. For example, on the chest or collar, on the lapel of a jacket or business jacket.
Shawls, kerchiefs and scarves look beautiful, regardless of where they are used (on the neck or head), decorated with a brooch. A brooch can decorate a hat or beret, that is, any headdress, and even a bag. But knitted sweaters with bright colorful ornaments should not be supplemented with a brooch, it will simply be lost on them.
If the sweater is monochromatic with a large knit, you can choose a large brooch for it. But here you need to have taste so as not to violate the style. In a sweater with a collar, the place for the brooch is more specific - this is the collar. In this case, the choice of decoration will be more varied.
Stylists believe that a brooch is a self-sufficient decoration, and therefore you should not combine beads and a brooch, pendants and a brooch. You can pin a brooch on the left and right on the chest or on the corner of the collar of a blouse, dress or jacket. On a dress without a collar, the brooch can be placed on the shoulder.
An outfit with drapery, which is accented with a brooch, looks spectacular. The brooch can be pinned to the belt, such a dress will instantly take on an elegant look.
Yes, a brooch in modern fashion has exhausted its practical value, but no one forbids it to fasten the shelves of a jacket with it, especially if there are no buttons in it or to place it as a fastener on a dress if it suits the style and cut of the dress.
For a light dress or blouse made of thin fabric, you will need a brooch that is thinner in design and artistic execution. For denser materials, jewelry with stones and gems or more massive performance is suitable.
On a dress, in which the front fastener is decorated with colorful bright buttons that attract attention, a brooch is unlikely to fit, because buttons are also an adornment in addition to their practical purpose, and they are close relatives of brooches. If buttons of a neutral color or covered with fabric and at the same time are not striking, then the brooch will be appropriate, but not at the top of the clasp, but somewhere on the shoulder. The brooch can be worn on a coat in the same places as on a dress or jacket.
Several jewelry in one look
Modern all-permissive fashion allows you to put on several brooches at once. And you can do this, however, in style and artwork, the brooches must be combined, then it will be beautiful. This option looks especially impressive with a coat, jacket or jacket.
Today the brooch is inherent in any style. But everything depends on its content, form and performance. In any situation and for any set, you can choose your brooch. Even strict business women and women politicians can find a brooch with which they will emphasize their style, sophistication,
elegance and femininity.
An example is the world-famous woman, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. In the business world, it is not always possible to say everything in your heart. Therefore, instead of words, she came up with a "tongue of brooches."
Brooches Madeleine Albright
Madeleine Albright used the brooches to communicate her attitude towards negotiating partners. Therefore, over the years of her diplomatic activity, the collection of brooches has been constantly replenished, which only animals are not in it. Here you can find many types of eagles, personifying American power, fish and other living creatures, in other words, a whole zoo, because any person and his activities can be compared to some kind of animal.
There are many musical instruments in the collection, enough to compose a jazz or symphony orchestra. And among the unique examples there is a grenade launcher and a cruise missile.
And if the powerful of this world wear brooches of amazing beauty, created by famous and best jewelers, then Madeleine Albright has brooches by unknown masters, moreover, from the simplest materials, up to plastic and wood.
The Museum of Fine Arts and Design in New York hosted an exhibition of Madeleine Albright brooches from 2009 to 2010.
Try to create your own collection, but let the brooches, collected by you, emphasize the unique femininity and be aimed at peace, love and happiness.
Antique brooches in silver and gold with diamonds and other precious stones.