How to create stylish looks with vintage pieces
If you are not a fashionista who tirelessly chases after the most trendy things, then you have hardly ever attached great importance to vintage things in your wardrobe.
Vintage ?! Why do you need this old stuff at all? - some of you will probably think ... however, do not rush to say these words out loud, let's first figure out what vintage is and how it can change our style.
There are opinions:
The first, where vintage is a good quality item of a well-known brand, made in the 20th century and perfectly preserved to this day;
And second, when vintage is a thing that is 20 or more years old, characteristic of its time.
I agree with two statements, so I bring out some middle ground.
So, vintage is a good quality and good condition of things, both with the name of a well-known brand, and without it, created in the 20th century. A prerequisite - these things clearly reflect the decade to which they belong. That is, you look at banana trousers, and calendar sheets rustled in the opposite direction in your head, and you are already in the rebellious 80s, even in the middle of them, when every second one sported such bananas.
Why is there a clear time frame? - Everything is very simple, it is unlikely that a crinoline dress of the 19th century can be called vintage and put on to a party. It is more correct to classify such a dress as a real antiques, and it has a place in a collection or a museum exhibition. Although, if desired and financially available, you can afford to go out in an antique dress.
So it is with young things - if a dress is under 20 years old, it cannot be called vintage, because it is the 90s that are considered the last 10 years, where something new was created in the fashion industry, and whose things bear such an important name, like vintage. Then comes only the interpretation of the fashion of the previous decades, the revival of vintage and its exaltation to the highest heights.
Today we can see the highest peak of this very fashion for vintage. It rose to such heights under the influence of fashion postmodernism, or vice versa - vintage set the direction of fashion - a rather interesting question, but there is no unequivocally correct answer, and it is not very important to us either.
It is much more important now to understand how to distinguish vintage from ordinary second-hand and how to wear it, so as not to look as if there was a failure in the matrix and we have a time traveler in front of us - this is at best, or just an absurdly dressed young lady from a distant village - at worst.
Let's remember once and for all that not all secondhand is vintage, and not all vintage is second-hand, things can be completely new, inherited by the owner quite by accident.
As for the second-hand, you can really find a high-quality and even branded thing there, but as we have already said, the decisive factor is not a label with a well-known name, but the soul itself, which was awarded by the fashion trend of that time. Of course, it is much more pleasant if the beautiful Yves Saint Laurent had his hand in her, but a dress with satin stitch, scallops and tucks, sewn by hand by Aunt Lyuda, will also be considered vintage, Aunt Lyuda was the best dressmaker in the USSR and sewed dresses better than overseas.

Not everyone can identify and pull vintage out of a huge basket of old things that smell of mothballs. Therefore, there is no need now to pack up and run to the second-hand, it is better to read to the end in order to understand how to increase your degree of fashion and move to another, higher level, and leave the search for vintage in a second-hand store for knowledgeable connoisseurs. Better to head to a specialty vintage store where you can be sure to pick the right dress.
How to wear vintage clothes
If you just decided to get acquainted with vintage fashion or your pleasant acquaintance was forced. For example, on a lucky break, you inherited a large chest full of vintage items. Or maybe you inherited a whole apartment where your grandmother lived and carefully kept her best dresses for a special occasion in wardrobes. When trying on dresses and planning new looks, follow some rules ...
1. A better place to start is by adding one vintage item to your look. Any vintage item, even the most soothing colors, will look accent in combination with a modern bow. Therefore, when wearing a jacket from the 90s, make sure that it is combined with the most versatile basic things, so you will surely get a stylish look.
2. Next level and denim to help you! Nothing calms and balances a look like denim. Actual straight-cut jeans with a vintage blouse or a denim jacket thrown over a vintage dress - and you have plus a hundred to style and an extra twenty to karma.
3. For those who are already familiar with vintage things firsthand, you can try to compose an image from a mix in one decade. Don't forget to add a modern piece or two for balance, though.
4. Confident fashionistas can try mixing styles for two or more decades. Ground your vintage by adding a modern accessory. Whether it is a bag or a shoe is a matter of your taste and preference.
5. Well, if you are an advanced fashion fan with a sophisticated sense of style, then it will not be difficult for you to dress up in vintage from head to toe, while looking stylish, not weird. Many experienced fashionistas try to create looks entirely from vintage outfits and not everyone succeeds.
In addition to things, your inner state must correspond to the spirit of the time in which you want to create an image. We have all seen movies about the historical events of the 20th century many times, where the actors seem to be dressed in the fashion of that time, and the overall impression is strange.
A good example can be seen here -
Colleen Darnell, a teacher of the history of Ancient Egypt, she manages to literally travel through time. Colleen Darnell harmoniously combines her work, fashion, history and hobbies, she is just a gorgeous example!
I hope that I was able to melt the ice of misunderstanding about vintage things, because there is something to love about them: from the quality of fabric and accessories to an interesting cut and uniqueness. And it doesn't matter what drew your attention to vintage - fashion, lack of finances or a sensational issue of ecology and the desire to reduce the production of new things. All the same, the most important thing will remain that unshakable feeling of permanent presence in the era to which we touch.
Daria Andreychik