Safe remedies for scars after surgery - my experience

Most girls are already underwhelmed by their appearance, and scars from surgery can make their self-esteem even worse. Scars adorn only truly strong brutal men, such as Roman legionnaires. For girls, scars often do not add beauty and joy. Therefore, I want to smooth out the scars on the skin in all ways and make it smooth and silky again.

Today we will not go into all the methods of removing scars and delve into the nature of scar tissue. has already published articles on this topic. In this post, we'll look at how to minimize fresh scars after surgery at home without lasers and surgeons. At the same time, we will limit our choice to only safe recipes.

All methods are suitable for scars of different ages, but my experience is with the freshest scars. I was preparing, and even before the operation itself I already knew what methods should be used to get rid of postoperative scars.

How to get rid of scars after surgery

Folk remedies for scars - contraindications

There are many tools on the Internet, only they can be dangerous. Many site owners think of only one thing - how to earn more and faster. The quality of the materials often suffers. Some recipes have become obsolete. Once upon a time, people did not know about the dangers of smoking and even used cosmetics with radioactive components. Every year we learn that we have been wrong before. So with recipes, they used to think that they were useful, now the opposite effect has been proven. In addition, some remedies may be beneficial to one patient and harmful to another.

Various rubbing into fresh seams can not always be beneficial! The advice to steam the scars, and then rub onions, honey, badger fat and other means into them, looks especially dubious. Onion juice really has a beneficial effect on the skin, it helps fight age spots, and helps to whiten the skin.

But steaming fresh scars can be quite dangerous. After the operation, it is recommended not to visit the sauna for a month or take a steam bath. While this is individual, recovery is different for everyone. I know a case when a girl after laparoscopy, after 2 months, had internal bleeding, and she went back to the hospital.

At a certain stage, you can start using onion juice and other means, but when the right time will come, it is difficult to say. I cannot give recommendations when it will be completely safe to do compresses with onions and rubbing in honey. Everything is individual.

Rubbing and steaming scars can cause complications, and in the end, things will turn out to be much worse.

Someone manages to go to work 3-4 days after laparoscopy, other patients suffer from pain for a whole month. Likewise, scars go through the stages of healing in different ways. Therefore, it is best for you to see the surgeon and ask if you can now start using folk remedies to minimize scars.

Folk remedies for scars

It should also be remembered that all these homemade ointments, tinctures and compresses give the effect gradually. The procedures will need to be done daily, or maybe 2 times a day, for 2-3 months! Just imagine rubbing honey or onion juice into your stomach 2 times a day. 2-3 months you will not leave the feeling of stickiness and smell of onions.

Some recipes recommend rubbing in the products 3-4 or even 6 times a day! For most girls, this is unrealistic. Long before the operation, I wondered how scars could be minimized with safer and more affordable methods.

How to safely remove scars after surgery

To successfully get rid of scars, you need to start taking action even before the operation.After reviewing all the materials, I decided to follow the path of proper nutrition and nutritional supplementation. At the very beginning, scars change the fastest, it is important for us to start fighting scars literally from the first day after they appear. The body itself seeks to recover, we only need to help it.

1. Vitamins - for the quick healing of wounds, the body needs vitamins A, C, E. I will not recommend a specific complex of vitamins, so as not to advertise. There are manufacturers you can trust, these vitamins should be bought and drunk before and after surgery. Depending on the operation, there may be restrictions, but here you should consult with your doctor to determine on what day after the operation you can start taking our vitamins.

How to get rid of scars after surgery - personal experience

2. Fatty acids. has talked about how important fatty acids are many times. You can read in detail here ...

Omega 3 fatty acids

Flaxseed oil for health and beauty

Fish oil and regular fish, health benefits

We buy flaxseed oil, regularly prepare fish dishes according to the recipes from Diet No. 5. In the future, we use creams containing avocado oil and shea butter.

3. Protein and Keratin. Athletes use these aids for muscle growth and post-workout recovery. In our case, there will be no training, but additional funds for recovery after surgery will not interfere. The most important thing is to decide in what amounts to take protein and keratin. Personally, I take about half the dose recommended for athletes during training.

4. Amino acids. Buy an amino acid complex from a trusted manufacturer and take as directed. If this is a complex for athletes, the dosage should be reduced by half, or even less.

Further removal of scars

After the initial recovery, when it is better not to touch the scars and not to rub anything there, the next stage begins when many means can be used. All this is individual and depends on the speed of recovery.

5. Essential oils. Scars form up to six months or a year. During this time, essential oils can be very effective. The main goal in the fight against scars is to soften the skin, improve blood flow, and accelerate cell regeneration. The result of using essential oils will depend on the size of the scar and personal characteristics.

You can use one oil, or you can use a whole complex, for example, a mixture of immortelle, incense, geranium, tamanu. Aromatherapy is a separate and very serious topic, ill-considered use of essential oils can burn and create other undesirable consequences. Before you decide to use essential oils, seriously study the topic. has published materials on oils many times, everything can be found through the search, we have over 100 articles on essential oils.

6. Onion juice or onion extract products. The easiest and cheapest option is to use regular onion juice. The action of onion juice has been proven, it reduces scars, whitens the skin, and fights pigmentation. Most importantly, be patient. It will take at least a month to achieve a positive effect.

Scar cream

7. Creams, gels and ointments for scars. You can buy scar remedies at pharmacies. These tools can be very effective, but here, too, we will not be analyzing and testing. Pharmacy remedies for scars are very diverse in terms of effect and cost, the topic of their comparison requires a separate publication. In the near future, we will conduct research, and then there will be a new article.

Removal of scars and scars by other methods

If the scars are old or extensive, none of the above remedies will be able to fix the problem. Then procedures such as professional chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and, in the most difficult cases, surgical removal of the scar will be required. Only all this is beyond the scope of our publication. Today I would like to tell my experience of getting rid of scars at the very initial stages.
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