Why the Apple Watch is the best buy
Previously, mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ repeatedly scolded Apple Watch and other “smart watches”, but the world is changing, and people's minds are also changing. Now more and more people around the world are buying fitness bracelets and smartwatches. At the same time, traditional watches, which have long become a stylish accessory for
beauty and status.
Watches for status
If you want to use watches to demonstrate your success and belonging to the elite part of society, you need to buy only real watches from famous Swiss brands no cheaper than several tens of thousands of dollars. Only such watches can demonstrate high status and love for true luxury.
Mechanical and quartz watches costing several thousand dollars, and even more so up to a thousand dollars, do not make any sense at all. Such watches are inferior in accuracy to time "smart watches" and they have nothing but time. If you need to know the exact time, buy a fitness bracelet, it costs no more than $ 50-60, but it can do a lot.
Regular cheap watches are a relic of the past. Take a closer look, in life, in blogs and on television, who wears ordinary watches, they are often ordinary people. Often such watches are preferred by representatives of the old generation, who are simply accustomed to their favorite watches and can no longer imagine life without them.
By purchasing affordable models, you blend in with the crowd. If you buy a watch that costs 100,000-150,000 rubles, you merge with the crowd of average office workers who want to look more important and worthy. Old people with their favorite watches can be understood, they are so used to it, but modern office clerks look ridiculous and pitiful.
Putting on a watch for 100-150K, you demonstrate that you are not worth more than that, because this is the kind of watch that ordinary office workers from the Moscow office army love. Better put on a fitness bracelet, along with it you will think more about your health and save money.
If you want to get the most - all the useful features, save money and even slightly improve your status, choose the latest Apple Watch.
Who wears the Apple Watch
Check out who's been wearing Apple Watch lately. There are many different people among fans of apple products, even a simple schoolboy can ask his parents to buy him a new Apple Watch and enjoy life. Only in addition to schoolchildren, students and the creative part of the population, watches from the apple company are sometimes worn by the most successful people.
It turns out that Apple Watch can save you tons of money until you can buy a genuine Vacheron Constantin. Choose clothes from fashion brands, create stylish, beautiful looks and complement the Apple Watch. If you manage to create the perfect image, this watch will become a part of your new status and even multiply it.
There is no point in buying cheap sparkling watches from Aliexpress. When girls and especially men choose watches from Aliexpress, which are made of cheap materials in the image and likeness of models of expensive brands, they greatly spoil the impression of themselves. There are many factories and plants in China, they can fill up the whole world with such hours, but in reality these purchases are tantamount to throwing money away. Mechanical and quartz watches from Chinese manufacturers cannot bring anything good to a person's life.
Malika Artsruni