Bright hair coloring for teenage girls
Fashion trends are diverse, on the catwalk we can see some trends, and among adolescents they are completely different. Hair coloring in bright colors has attracted the youngest women of fashion for many years. Hair of purple, pink, green shades give a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd, which is why it is so attractive for teenagers.
Girls and even boys want to be like their favorite fantasy characters or create their own image based on their personal imaginations. Creativity and experimentation with appearance is a good thing, but when there is not enough stylish knowledge and experience, the results are disastrous.
On the street, there are always teenagers with hair dyeing in unreal colors. I also like unusual shades, I adore
purple color range, from delicate lilac, to ultraviolet and very dark purple, turning into black. Only for all the time I have never dared to paint myself purple. It's not a lack of determination, I boldly undertake the most responsible cases and experiments. I just know how difficult such coloring is given to hair.
Therefore, I prefer to go the other way, buy wigs in my favorite color and do photo shoots. Thus, it is possible to create a fantasy image and preserve the hair.

Beautiful examples of hair coloring and wigs in bright colors from blogger Eve
If you decide to dye your hair in
purple or bright blue, try on the wig first anyway. Take a look in the mirror and decide how well this shade suits you. Although this is so easy to say from the outside, we ourselves rarely evaluate our appearance correctly.
Most girls are unhappy with their own appearance. Many people dream of having longer legs, thin waist, thick hair, perfect skin. Everyone wants to become better, but we do not always understand what will be better for us, and then we are too lazy to make serious efforts to become truly better. As a result, we are looking for easy quick ways, and it turns out even worse than it was.
Nowadays, many girls and boys "shine" with purple, green and blue hair, but rarely do anyone manage to create a harmonious image. Most often you see an ordinary girl with an unkempt appearance or even bad skin and bright hair. In this case, purple hair does not harmonize or decorate in any way, but on the contrary, emphasizes flaws and looks like a cheap doll wig.
Don't feel like looking like a doll with their head dipped in the toilet? Then evaluate your appearance realistically, and first get rid of the unkempt effect, and then think about how to create an image with which purple hair will be harmoniously combined. Until you do this, your bright hair will remain the subject of ridicule and misunderstanding.
The most important and happy news is that you don't need to have a lot of money to become a beauty with colored hair. Just take care of yourself and regularly watch only beautiful examples worthy of imitation. The more beautiful images you look at, the more chances that the understanding of style and harmony will enter your consciousness and become a part of your real life.