Fashion bags with prints and inscriptions
Bags with prints, inscriptions and drawings are not the newest phenomenon. In the collections of past years, there were painted accessories. And such bags were also offered on the websites of the Fair of Masters and, where already several years ago you could find chic hand-painted bags. But back to the accessories from
current collections, because they serve as the brightest guide to what to buy now.
Lettering on bags
Brand names and inscriptions are a very popular trend in fashion and are not going to give up their positions. Designers play with different fonts, sometimes very stylish things come out. The lettering blends perfectly with the sporty style, but now we see brand names and other words on the classic-shaped bags. Not all new accessories have turned out well, but we do have a choice.
Most often, the Balenciaga brand writes its name on accessories, so it is regularly copied. Lots of girls proudly walk around in fake Balenciaga suits and sneakers, bags are no exception, and therefore there are too many on the streets. The excessive simplicity of Balenciaga's design should also be replaced, it will not be to the liking of lovers of sophisticated style.
Prints and designs on bags
The most common and recognizable prints on accessories are the monograms of the manufacturers' brands. This is followed by floral prints, stripes, checks, polka dots and others. We should also mention bags with pictures, they are not common and therefore can be useful in creating a unique look. Although such accessories are not always easy to fit into the image. Buy a bag with cats or Alice in Wonderland if you own a large wardrobe of accessories. When you have 2-3 handbags, it's best to look at more versatile new items.
Given the sustainable
interest in military style, you can pay attention to bags of proven comfortable shapes in a military color. Camouflage print immediately adds militancy and masculinity to women's images, and this is so popular lately. Fashionable black boots in the style of Dr. Martens and camouflage handbag will make you look more determined. Miu Miu has an excellent bag. Leather handle, combined with large chain links, which makes the accessory very fashionable and noticeable.
Miu MiuAlso, do not forget about the leopard print, it has been decorating bags, belts, shoes and all possible outfits for a long time. Not everyone will wear a leopard raincoat, but it's easier to decide to buy a bag. Despite its long and complicated history, nowadays, a leopard-look bag remains a fashionable accessory.
Next comes the snake, but it's worth noting here that if you are not a staunch vegetarian, it is better to buy a bag made of genuine python skin. No artificial snake print can convey the beauty of a real snake.
Christian louboutinWhen choosing a new bag, do not limit your choice to the newest collections. Many brands have unsold accessories from the past and the year before last. Such things are found at a good discount and look no less fashionable than the latest innovations. Now nowhere will they be ashamed of a thing from the old collection, we can carry any bags, including a real vintage.
Tips for Creative Girls
In addition to color and inscriptions, let us recall the fashionable trend for the combination of 2 or even 3 bags at once. Accessories can be independent from each other or attached to one common handle with additional carabiners. Visit specialty shops for builders and travelers for an assortment of carbines. Buy high-quality steel carabiners, they will last a lifetime and come in handy for different bags, you can change belts, combine 2-3 bags, hang squirrel tails, bows and much more ...
If you skillfully own a brush and paints, you can paint the bag with your own hands, thus, you will get an absolutely unique accessory. This technique will also help breathe new life into an old bag.