Signs of aging that betray a woman's age

After 25 years, the skin begins to age. Small mimic wrinkles appear - near the eyes and mouth, which gradually deepen and turn into folds. Over the years, the volume of soft tissues changes, elasticity is lost, the face loses its clear contour, the cheeks sink. You can still enumerate and enumerate ...

Unfortunately, no matter how we take care of the skin, all the same time will make us look in the mirror with chagrin. The older we get, the weaker the subcutaneous capillaries become, which means that the supply of oxygen to the skin is disrupted. And also, in addition to natural aging, stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet and various external harmful influences that lead to a decrease in the regenerative capacity of cells. The skin loses its elasticity, collagen content decreases, redness appears, age spots, etc..

Signs of aging betray age

However, you yourself have heard about this more than once or observed the change in the faces of acquaintances, and maybe already on your face. How we look or will look like depends a lot on us. But in any case, all natural processes programmed in a person must be learned to accept with peace of mind. Most women are upset, and sometimes discouraged, looking at their reflection in the mirror. Therefore, in order not to lose heart too early, it is necessary to warn in advance the possible consequences.

If you are not yet 25 years old, then it's time to protect yourself from early skin aging, tired eyes, puffy eyes and other markers of aging. And if the years are a little more or even more, you still do not need to lose heart. Let your acquired wisdom, poise, inner harmony and softness of clear and kind eyes make the wrinkles on your face invisible.

Now let's take a close look at ourselves and, perhaps, see the emerging signs of age. To do this, let's get acquainted with the main age markers, which are the first to apply unsightly marks.

Signs of aging that betray age

10 markers that give out your age

1. Nasolabial folds. It is this marker that can appear quite early, depending on how mobile the facial expressions are. Another reason for nasolabial folds is a change in body weight (gained weight - lost, etc.). A sharp weight gain or a sharp weight loss is especially affected. Finally, with age, muscles weaken and subcutaneous fat shifts downward. A "mask of sadness" appears - a sad, tired expression on his face.

2. Bags and blue circles under the eyes. Tired eyes, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. If you have all this, we are looking for a reason. It can be parties that drag on after midnight, unhealthy diet, poor sleep, overwork and many other factors, besides this, a genetic predisposition. With age, the tone of the muscle tissues of the eyes decreases, the skin stretches, and the gravitational force acts. Due to smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, blood vessels are narrowed, the skin is poorly enriched with oxygen.

3. Loss of volume, fullness and delineation of the lips. With age, the lips turn pale, become dry and wrinkled, and decrease in volume. The border of the red border becomes less clear. The main reason is skin aging, changes in the dentition, deterioration of blood circulation. Wrinkles appear over the upper lip, lips become thinner, especially the upper lip. Smoking is an important reason for the early occurrence of this marker.

4. Loss of clarity of the contour of the face. Another marker that indicates age is the appearance of loose skin in the chin area. It is also caused by frequent changes in body weight, improper posture or prolonged work at the desk (head down), as well as the anatomical structure of the body. This is one of those markers that gives the face a withering feel.

Aging markers that betray your age

5. Skin color. A dull, grayish complexion can also add years. Unfortunately, these can be various diseases, oxygen deficiency (you are not enough in clean air). The reason for the deterioration in complexion is fluctuations in weight. Another reason is the influence of ultraviolet radiation, gas pollution of the area in which you live, poor sleep.

6. What do your hands look like? Not only the face, but also the hands betray age. Pigmented spots, swollen veins, wrinkled skin, thin, flaky nails. The reasons, in addition to ultraviolet radiation, can be various diseases that cause pigmentation, the frequent presence of hands in water, detergents containing surfactants, and finally, poor hand care.

7. Neck. The neck, like the hands, not only gives out, but also adds age. The reason may be the wrong position of the head during sleep, work, or just posture and gait with the head down.

8. Excess weight. This, of course, can be a disease, but more often than not, excess weight appears when a person does not control the consumption of the quantity and quality of food. Overweight people always look older than their age.

9. Posture. Maybe you keep a close eye on what hair or skin you have, but don't pay any attention to your posture or gait at all. Constant presence in social networks will certainly affect your posture, which will entail the occurrence of other consequences - stoop, wrinkled neck, loss of clarity of the oval - all these signs are already on your doorstep.

10. Hair. First, of course, gray hair. The reasons for it are not easy to identify. To say that stress, unhealthy diet, ultraviolet radiation, unhealthy lifestyle, genetic predisposition are to blame? But that is not all. Trichologists' research continues, perhaps someday there will be an answer for each of us why gray hair appears? And as for dry hair and dull color, then, of course, this does not decorate anyone.

The reasons are different. In addition to the lack of some elements or vitamins in the body, the main reason is improper care, products that do not match your hair type, stress, the sun, and frequent dyeing.

Many signs of age appear over the years. They are the result of natural aging of the skin, adipose tissue and muscle carcass. The blame is attributed to general health, nervous system and genetic predisposition. Every person ages in their own way.

Age markers do not appear all at once, so if you recognize one of them and start fighting, then by all means put off the approach of age on your face and body. You can fight on your own. This is facial gymnastics and massage, do not forget about correctly selected cosmetics. Gymnastics should be done regularly. And if your face condition is neglected, then cosmetology and plastic surgery will come to the rescue.

"I've always believed that looking good makes you feel good and that it definitely improves the quality of life." Carol Maggio.

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