Mastopexy - when a breast lift is needed and which method to choose
"Soak up with mother's milk" has long been a phraseological unit in the Russian language. This is no coincidence. Breastfeeding is considered one of the most beautiful moments of motherhood, not just nutrition, but an invisible thread between a woman and a child as a symbol of the transfer of love, values and life itself.
This mysterious connection was conveyed on their canvases by artists of all times: Raphael, Francisco de Zurbaran, Andrea Solario, Alexei Venetsianov, Konstantin Makovsky, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and others. Women are beautiful in their maternal state. This is how we see them. How does a young mother really feel?
Her body is undergoing significant transformations, and here it is not far from postpartum depression! How to make a woman happy? Help her believe in the power of her beauty and regain her self-confidence. Therefore, if there is a factor that hinders and prevents the acceptance of my femininity, then as a doctor I must exclude it. Loss of elasticity, attractiveness of the breast is just one of such nuances.
First of all, heredity affects ptosis of the mammary glands. If the patient's mother has a severely lowered breast, then the daughter is likely to have the same situation after giving birth. For young mothers who have had their first pregnancy and are planning a second, I advise you to do mammoplasty after the birth of babies. Not because it is impossible, but because during feeding the breast increases, after the cessation of feeding the iron again contracts.
Expert: Sergey Dernovoy, plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeonIt happens that because of this, a correction is required. If the implant is already in place, a tightening will have to be done. In terms of aesthetic value, a breast lift is equivalent to an operation to introduce anatomical breast forms, that is, restoring the elasticity and appearance of the breast. The degree of ptosis is determined by the physician as the ratio of the nipple to the submammary fold.
Three degrees are distinguished:1) with ptosis of the first degree, the areola and nipple are at the level of the submammary fold or slightly lower, as a rule, not more than 1 cm;
2) the second degree is characterized by the location of the nipple below the submammary fold by 1-3 cm, the breast is visually perceived to be saggy;
3) at the third degree, the nipple is located much lower than the submammary fold, looks down.
Depending on the degree of breast ptosis, one of three methods of mastopexy is prescribed.
Method one - periareolar, or circular mastopexy. It is a plastic surgery performed to remove excess skin on the mammary glands to restore the shape of the breast. The lift is performed through an incision around the areola, while the incision radius should not exceed 14 cm.
Method two - vertical breast lift. The operation is performed through incisions in the skin extending from the edge of the areola down to the breast crease.
Third method - anchor mastopexy, when the incisions pass along the lateral edges of the areola of the nipples, and then join in one vertical line and continue to the sides along the submammary ligament.
Another type is distinguished - endoscopic breast lift, which is the most modern. The operation is performed with endoscopic instruments through minor incisions in the armpit. Many patients come to the doctor with a specific request: to have a lift that will not leave scars. This is the wrong approach to choosing an operation, since the patient should have a goal - to get a beautiful breast shape.
Patients who go for a breast lift on the basis of indications and of their own accord should accept the idea that an operation without scars is impossible. But the stitches go away, and the young mother becomes the owner of a beautiful breast shape.
I consider it necessary to debunk the marketing ploy regarding medical neologisms invented by plastic surgeons in relation to sutureless methods for breast augmentation through the nipple. It's about gluing. There is no need to use glue in this operation. Making a "seamless" breast augmentation, the surgeon still applies a suture, only an internal one. As a rule, threads are used that completely dissolve. But drainages must be excluded - this is an anachronism.