When to do rhinoplasty of the nose
The story of one noseIn the culture of world civilizations, the nose has been in the spotlight more than once. Let us recall the famous fairy tale by V. Hauf "The Dwarf Nose", the story "The Nose" by N.V. Gogol, the sculpture "Major Kovalev's Nose" in St. Petersburg or "Perfume" by P. Zuskind, where the main character possessed a unique sense of smell. And this is no coincidence!
For a person, the nose is not only an instrument of breathing. It performs a number of important functions: it makes it possible to distinguish odors, has a bactericidal effect, filters the inhaled air at the expense of hairs, and participates in the formation of the timbre of the voice and lacrimation.
Breathing is a fundamental physiological process; at the slightest discomfort, we experience difficulties with the passage of air through the nasal cavity, which can lead to all sorts of ailments and diseases.
Rhinoplasty, in my opinion, is the most difficult category of plastic surgery, since there are no identical noses. It is only art students who have been drawing the same reference nose of David for centuries. With us, doctors, each nose is a whole story! Each time, the doctor does a tremendous job to make his patient's nose as similar as possible to the model of the nose she would like to have.
When is rhinoplasty a whim of a person, and when is it a necessity? Here are two clear signs that a person is being considered for nose plastic surgery.

Expert: Danila Kuzin, plastic surgeon
1. Medical indications
The main source of problems is the curved shape of the nasal septum. Only 5% of the population can boast of a perfectly flat partition. It divides the nose into two symmetrical cavities and has cartilaginous and bone tissue in its structure. Sometimes a curved septum is visible with the naked eye, if there is a deformation of the cartilaginous tissues close to the front, or in the bony section at the top of the bridge of the nose - the symmetry of the nose is lost.
Internal curvature is often expressed in chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, nosebleeds due to thinning of the mucous membranes in the narrowed nostril, it becomes one of the causes of snoring, chronic headaches, lack of sleep and fatigue, increased fatigue, etc.
When the problem is clear, we decide on the method and method of operation. There are open and closed rhinoplasty. Both with a closed and an open technique, the operation is performed as accurately and efficiently as possible. The question is in the technical habits and calmness of the surgeon.
Open rhinoplasty is performed for complex reconstructions. It is impossible to single out any method as fundamentally the best. These are different schools that achieve the desired results with the same effectiveness. When performing open rhinoplasty, the incision is made along the columella (septum, skin fold located between the nostrils of the nose). Also, an incision can be made on the wings of the nose in the area of their connection with the upper lip.
2. Persistent complexes about your nose
Each nose can be made better, and even more so if you live with the idea that your nose is a hindrance to achieving goals. Confidence can only be gained when, at the sight of your reflection, you fully accept your beauty and nature. Therefore, if dissonance arises when studying your mirror double, then this can become a reason for changing that part of the body that is embarrassing. In our case, for changing the shape of the nose.
The patient comes with one goal - to improve the shape of the nose. At the consultation, we discuss in detail what exactly the patient's wishes are: to narrow the tip of the nose or the back, remove the hump, raise the tip up or reduce it.
We often come across the fact that a girl, in an attempt to explain how she would like to see the result of the doctor's work, answers: "I want it to be beautiful." It is at this very moment that the task of a plastic surgeon is to record as accurately as possible what this beauty should be.
Let not everywhere, but gradually the introduction of 3D modeling into the consulting process begins, when through special glasses you can recreate what you want and outline the predicted result to the smallest strokes. Simple and effective, you can use the usual "Photoshop" or photographs of the noses to choose which the patient likes. The main thing is to understand the stylistic wishes and even then it is not difficult to simulate a harmonious individual nose during the operation.
Of course, the percentage of women who sought to improve their appearance through rhinoplasty prevails over men - 97% versus 3%. The peculiarity of the male nose is the presence of thick skin, so it is rather difficult to narrow both the tip of the nose and its back.
There are, of course, limitations. For example, thick skin. Even 30 years ago, surgeons canceled operations altogether if they were approached by the owner of thick skin. The reason - because of the thickness, the result of the surgical intervention will not be visible, since we cannot cut the skin.
Doctors work with internal cartilage and bones. And thick skin covers them, the effect becomes invisible. Today everything has changed, and thick skin is not a contraindication. Effective surgical techniques and therapeutic treatments have emerged to achieve the desired results in patients with thick skin.