8 scientific ways to prolong youth and beauty

Just a few decades ago, the extension of youth by 5-10 years was on the verge of fantasy. Today it is a reality, because during this time science has made great strides, and scientists can advise on how to preserve youth and beauty for many years. Our appearance depends not only on the number in the passport, but also on what kind of life a person leads, what he eats and how actively he goes in for sports.


Regular cleansing of the body can prolong youth and beauty. This is a scientifically proven fact. Throughout life, harmful substances accumulate, which, in general, are capable of slowing down metabolic processes. Even with proper nutrition, there is a slagging of the body. Here are some guidelines for getting rid of toxins:

  • correct drinking regime (up to 2-3 liters of water per day);
  • the use of juices based on fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • infusions of useful herbs.

Additionally, cleansing by folk methods, rejuvenation with tea based on herbal ingredients are used.

8 scientific ways to prolong youth and beauty


The Mediterranean diet has been shown to slow aging. This type of diet reduces the incidence of cancer (up to 7%) and type 2 diabetes (up to 16%). Thanks to the selection of products and the nutrients they contain, life expectancy can be increased by at least several years.

The diet contains vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, nuts and olive oil. These foods are virtually fat-free and low in calories.

It is worth trying to limit yourself in the use of meat and dairy products. It has been scientifically proven that with the Mediterranean diet, telomeres are reduced, they are responsible for the aging of the body.


Scientists have long come to the conclusion that physical activity accelerates metabolism, which means it contributes to the rapid elimination of harmful substances from the body, and can preserve youth and beauty for a longer time.

If you regularly play sports, for example, go to the gym or go swimming, then not only will the digestive system work better, but in general metabolic processes will improve, blood flow will normalize. This means that the complexion will change, the mood will rise, and endorphins will be better produced.


Each organism has its own wear limit. This also applies to the digestive system. Overexploiting it or eating too much of it only drains the body. You need to try to eat exceptionally healthy food and focus on small portions.

It is worth calculating not only calories, but also monitoring the balance of macro- and micronutrients. A number of scientific experiments were carried out on primates - they were given food at a certain time, and then the results were measured. Those who ate the right amount of food in the same amount had improvements in their brain and digestive system.

No stress

It has been proven that being in constant stress affects human health. The work of the heart worsens, diabetes mellitus occurs, and chronic fatigue appears. An organism that is in a stressful situation has a weakened immune system, therefore it is more susceptible to various kinds of infectious diseases.

Under the influence of stress, immune cells begin to age faster. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with your anxiety in time, try to eat right, sleep more and follow the diet.

To give up smoking

Nicotine creates additional problems not only with the respiratory system, but also worsens the complexion and teeth. According to the latest studies that were conducted in the United States, the mortality rate of smokers is several times higher than those who do not have nicotine addiction.

Another fact is that every fifth person who dies takes his own life precisely because of systematic smoking. Nicotine is able to penetrate from the lungs into the circulatory system and other organs, reduces immunity, and disrupts the usual metabolism.

Modern cosmetology

Do not forget that today there are hundreds of ways that help prolong youth at once for 5-10 years. They are a little more expensive than the previous 6, but very effective:

  1. Botox injections. Are able to restore the desired muscle function.
  2. Photorejuvenation. Eliminates facial contour defects.
  3. Laser peeling. It is used to cleanse the face and skin in general from old cells.
  4. Facial contour plastic. Hyaluronic acid is able to rejuvenate for several years, the effect lasts up to 6 months.

The choice of a procedure for rejuvenation depends on each specific case and the characteristics of the person. You must be guided by your own preferences and the desired result.

Sun protection

After winter, we happily greet every sunny day and want the sun never to leave heaven. If it were so, the sun would cease to please us, because we get used to everything. And most importantly, the sun is not only our friend, but also our enemy.

In recent years, the global warming trend is gaining popularity. Fashion brands are competing with each other to limit their carbon emissions, but this is all sheer nonsense. Climate warming is primarily associated with the activity of our beloved sun and the level of solar radiation.

Draw conclusions, if in recent years there has been a warming of the climate, then the level of solar radiation is higher. In this case, the sun does even more damage to our skin. Day after day, the skin accumulates solar radiation and active aging begins at some point. The skin loses moisture more actively, wrinkles and age spots appear ...

It seems that this article is nothing new, and you already know all this, thanks to social networks and magazines. But knowledge by itself does not give anything. Any knowledge should be embodied in action, only then it will benefit our lives.

Author Alina Litvinchuk
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