Beautiful dresses

Embroidered dresses: fashion techniques and trends

The embroidery on the dress is still relevant. It can be used in an outfit of any style and purpose. For a long time in Russia, most women were engaged in needlework, including embroidery.

Embroidery is laborious work. In it, you need to have not only skill (skill and skills are acquired over time), but also patience. The speed in the modern world sometimes turns out to be higher than our physical strength. Someone “falls off their feet” from fatigue, while others fall into depression. And there are situations in general out of the ordinary, such as the pandemic of the 20th year.

Beautiful dresses with embroidery: fashionable styles and trends
Simone Rocha and Stella Jean

Embroidery, despite its laboriousness, always affects the psyche as a sedative. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, hugging your head and lamenting how everything is wrong around, learn to embroider. There are many different types of embroidery. Choose the one you like the most.

The initial steps in learning are not as difficult as they seem. And many who are just starting will see the results almost immediately, and this inspires further, more complex steps. And yet, to embroider patterns on a dress, it will take a lot of time even for experienced craftswomen, so dresses with embroidery are one of the most expensive items. It sometimes takes months of work to create hand-made embroidery in the collections of famous designers, and more than one craftswoman. But do not let this scare you, start small, and in two or three weeks you will be able to complete a bright and elegant motive on your favorite dress.

Beauty is created, as already mentioned, by various types of embroidery.

Embroidery on dresses: techniques

Smooth... This includes many different embroidery techniques. All of them differ in the size of the stitch, the motifs and the type of threads used, as well as the type of embroidery stitches. Most often, plant patterns, especially flowers, are made with small stitches with multi-colored threads.

Here you can master the Vladimir surface, white surface (lately it is often found on the catwalks), artistic (landscapes of extraordinary beauty, color compositions, the world of fauna and flora can be seen at Chinese craftswomen), Russian surface, colored, satin, counting, which includes many more execution technician.

The main seams for making the surface are: looped, stalked, knots, tambour and many others. That is, you see how rich and varied creativity awaits you if you choose smoothness as your hobby.

Cross-stitch. Everyone's favorite embroidery, one of the easiest to learn, but bright and colorful. Ornaments in this technique can be very different. Here there are plant motifs, and the geometry of the pattern, and symbolic signs, understandable only to those peoples who put a certain meaning in them.

One of the most beautiful - rococo embroidery... This is a three-dimensional embroidery in which the main character is a small rose. Execution technique allows you to make voluminous compositions. Looking at such embroideries, one recalls portraits of beauties of the 18th century in exquisite outfits, strewn with small roses.

Counting equipment... These are various crosses and half-crosses. Counted embroidery also includes counted satin stitch. There are many varieties of counted embroidery.

Hardanger - this is openwork and at the same time counting embroidery, one of the most painstaking techniques of execution, but at the same time extremely beautiful. Craftswomen consider it a simple but time-consuming job. Hardanger is an old Scandinavian embroidery that mimics lace work. It requires a fabric in which it is easy to count the threads.

Bargello - an Italian technique that can be considered a counting surface. This embroidery will allow you to create beauty both in clothes and in the interior.To simplify the work, it is also better to use a fabric on which it is easy to count the threads.

Richelieu - openwork technique of execution, which also imitates lace. This embroidery can completely fill the surface of the fabric, which is then transformed into an elegant dress. Richelieu embroidery is laborious, but affordable for many. It includes many varieties, for example, white embroidery. It is easier to do on an embroidery machine, although manual work may well replace it, but it will be much more expensive.

Hemstitch... There are types of hemstitching that are also easier to make on a machine, and there are those that require manual labor, but before starting work, you need to choose a fabric with a simple count of threads, then you will need to remove the longitudinal threads at the designated places of the pattern. After that, on the remaining transverse threads, you can create your own intricate patterns.

It is not easy to list the various types of embroidery. There are embroidery with beads, sequins, rhinestones, they are sometimes called diamond. There are ribbon embroidery, Italian assisi embroidery, Brazilian three-dimensional embroidery, golden royal embroidery. For each type, gold, silver, silk, linen, cotton, synthetic threads, artificial and natural pearls, ribbons and other materials are used.

About some types of embroidery already told in more detail, and now let's see how it looks in dresses on the catwalk from famous designers. Embroidery is often used to embellish casual and festive outfits.

Beautiful dresses
Adam Lippes, Blumarine

Beautiful dresses
Andrew Gn

Embroidered dresses
Vivienne Tam, Georges-Hobeika

Richelieu ..

Alessandra Rich, Alberta Ferretti

White dress with embroidery
Dice kayek

White dress with embroidery

White dress with embroidery


The photo is enlarged by clicking to a size of 2000 * 2000
Alberta ferretti

An evening dress with a simple, simple cut will look elegant if decorated with embroidery.

Naeem khan

2 photos Andrew Gn and Adeam

Zuhair murad

Embroidery is a creative work and over time, more and more new ways and techniques of embroidery appear. Craftswomen, while embroidering, sometimes combine several different techniques, independently choosing these or those stitches that decorate the work.

Embroidery will allow you to escape from everyday affairs, various thoughts and just give you a rest, and of course, decorate your outfit.

Fashionable dresses with embroidery
Alberta Ferretti, Andrew Gn
Tadashi Shoji

Fashionable dresses with embroidery
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