Secrets of perfect eyebrows forever
Many makeup artists claim that good eyebrows are first of all well-groomed, neat eyebrows, and if tinted, then with the right color for you. So don't try to be just like
Caroo Delevingne in her best years.
Most models with thick and voluminous eyebrows actually have less than perfect eyebrows. If you look closely, they are simply skillfully tinted, this is what gives them density and volume.
Men are at a loss as to why the eyebrows are first plucked and then drawn. And many today do it very successfully. However, admit it - after all, you wanted your eyebrows to be perfect, and at the same time natural? We will talk about this today.
How to grow perfect eyebrows
Starting the fight for the thickness and volume of the eyebrows, you should not indulge yourself in the hope that you can only have them as you drew in your imagination. Think about your genetic predisposition, look at your parents and relatives, what is given to them by nature. If your eyebrows are thin or sparse from birth, you are unlikely to get thick and wide.
However, there are some ways that can significantly improve the quality and enhance the growth of eyebrows, even at home. Tune in to work patiently and take care of your eyebrows.
2024-2025 Christian Dior1. Do not pluck
If, before this decision, the eyebrows were plucked often, then, at best, the growth of hairs will occur slowly, this process can take months. For the first weeks, try not to touch (not pluck) your eyebrows.
If you don't like something, use an eyebrow pencil, you can use shadows. When we remove small and still thin hairs that seem to interfere and make the eyebrows sloppy, we deprive our eyebrows of density or volume in the future. At this point, the hairs begin to grow worse and worse, and finally, their growth stops. If you dream of thick eyebrows, you should forget about tweezers.
And if some hairs that are long or out of the correct shape of the eyebrows still interfere with you, use a trimmer. Its purpose is to remove unwanted eyebrow hairs. He does not pull them out, but delicately cuts them off. At the same time, you do not feel any discomfort, only the visible part of the eyebrow is removed, the roots of the hairs are not injured or destroyed.
2. Comb your eyebrows
The eyebrows themselves will strive for perfect, if you comb them. Brush your eyebrows daily with a special brush for them. This will give them a neat shape and stimulate hair growth.
Take a small comb or, finally, even a toothbrush and start combing them, making short strokes from the center of the face to the temple, and at the same time slightly upward. Then comb in the opposite direction and again - from the center to the temple, thereby, you will give them volume and fluffiness. In essence, it is a massage that strengthens the hairs and promotes their growth.
Balmain 2024-20253. Use growth-accelerating serum
However, remember! All creams and serums, fluids and foundations, concealers and concealers are not designed for eyebrows at all, so be careful not to get them on your brows. The hairs suffer from them and over time the eyebrows thin out, but we do not know why. If, nevertheless, something of the above-mentioned means gets on the eyebrows, immediately remove with lotion to remove eye make-up, then wipe with a cotton pad moistened with water.
Use a serum for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, which contains vitamins B5 and B6, biotin, A, E, C and others. Use vitamins and dietary supplements not only in serums, but also as medicines. But first, consult your doctor.
4. Oils to enhance eyebrow growth
What oils are best used to strengthen and grow eyebrows?
Here are some of them - castor, coconut, olive, burdock, argan ... This can include oil-based vitamins A and E, which can be bought at the pharmacy and used like the oils mentioned above.
How to use oils?Before applying the oil to your eyebrows, test it on the outside of your wrist by applying a little of the product to your skin and waiting for four hours. If there are no negative consequences, such as irritation, redness, rash, you can use it.
Next, you should cleanse your face with your usual means, rinse them with water or foam. (For cleansing, do not forget to use a scrub and not only for the face, but for the eyebrows as well). Apply the oil to your eyebrows and massage it into the skin.
Some eyebrowers advise using the oil at night. But this method is controversial, you can get swelling in the morning. So take some time during the day or evening, apply for 30 minutes, then wash. You can also use a makeup remover.
Castor oil is rich in proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins. Olive oil contains vitamins A and E. The advantage of coconut oil is its polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as myristic, lauric, palmitic, oleic, linolenic, caprylic, arachidonic.
You can use argan, burdock, almond, usma oil, papaya oil. The oils listed can be mixed.
Fashionable eyebrows from Prada shows 2024-2025
5. Onion juice for eyebrow growth
This is another home remedy. Onions contain sulfur, selenium and other elements that promote hair growth. Sulfur deficiency results in dull hair and thinning of the eyebrows and eyelashes. Sulfur stimulates collagen production, strengthens hair follicles.
Selenium enhances hair growth and therefore eyebrows. Onion juice improves the health of both hair and eyebrows. How do I use it? Use a blender to prepare the onion juice, apply it with a cotton pad and hold for about an hour. You can also remove it with a cotton pad dipped in lemon juice, this will prevent the unpleasant smell of onions.
6. Aloe vera for eyebrow growth
Aloe Vera extract works wonders. It is quickly absorbed, restores hair structure, prevents breakage, accelerates growth. The sap of this plant opens up the follicles and helps to grow luxurious eyebrows.
Aloe juice can be mixed with parsley, after chopping it. The gruel is applied to the eyebrows and left for 20 minutes. This mask can also be used for the eye area.
7. Fig mask
Boil dried figs well in milk. Make a mask with the resulting gruel, attaching it to the eyebrows. You can put the gruel in a gauze napkin, covering it with parchment paper on top, and then with a towel. The mask should be kept on for an hour.
You can long list the beneficial effects of oils and other natural products that stimulate the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, but much depends on a healthy diet and lifestyle. This should also not be forgotten.
8. Proper nutrition and lifestyle
By the way, this is of great importance both for skin and hair, and for eyebrows and eyelashes. Many diets, poor in nutrients, have only one harm - hair falls out, skin becomes dull, nails exfoliate, etc. If all this is there, you should not be surprised that both eyebrows and eyelashes have thinned out, thinned out. It should also be noted the lack of moisture in the skin and hair, as well as age-related and hormonal changes.
Include in the diet food rich in B vitamins, especially vitamins B5, B6, biotin (B7), vitamins A, C, E .., omega-3 fatty acids. We also need trace elements - zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, manganese, inositol (B8).
The best sources: yeast, liver, eggs, brown rice, barley and wheat porridge, peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, almonds, chicken, fish (cod, salmon), fish caviar, soft cheese, cottage cheese, milk, meat, vegetables and fruits - Brussels sprouts, broccoli, avocado, spinach, carrots, oranges, peaches, raisins ...
Get exercise. They help stimulate the blood circulation process, which leads to the activity of hair growth, cleansing the body.
Avoid stress, do not forget to walk in the fresh air. The body as a whole is negatively affected by smoking, insomnia and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Certain medications and birth control pills also have side effects, including hair loss.
Hormonal disorders and various other diseases can slow down hair growth. Therefore, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will be the main helpers in the fight for luxurious eyebrows.
Photo above - Elie Saab
Photo below - Alberta Ferretti
How long does it take to restore the eyebrows?
Many people wonder how long it will take to restore the eyebrows? This is, of course, all individual. It is also important what kind of eyebrow care, your healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. If your situation is not so neglected, in six months you will see the best result, and if the hair follicles are damaged, it will take much longer.
In the latter case, do not despair. Time passes the same way - both when you use all the opportunities and when you think that everything is useless. The difference is that in the first case, you can see positive results, and in the second, the result may be even worse than today.
You decided to change the shape of your eyebrows
If you decide to change the shape of your eyebrows on your own, do it without straying too much from the natural arch of your eyebrows. Stick to the form that nature gave you as much as possible. Do not try to make your eyebrows unnecessarily high by drawing surprise on your face, do not make them clearly straight if your eyebrows are arched.
If you are absolutely sure that a completely different eyebrow shape would suit you, it is better to consult a specialist, but at the same time you must make sure that he has all the professional qualities. The make-up artist will select for you exactly the shape of the arc that is ideal in your case.