Fall-winter 2024-2025

What to go to the office 2024-2025: not boring business images

How to go to the office in order to comply with the norms of our society, fashion trends and at the same time please yourself? This is a problem for many women, almost everyone is unhappy with their appearance and wardrobe. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ studied all the main collections 2024-2025 and collected this selection especially for you. There is stylish dresses, women's suits with trousers and even shorts, and other sets.

Office womens clothing
Adam Lippes, Ermanno Scervino, Jonathan Simkhai

In this publication, we will not list the standard rules of the type - the business dress code welcomes white blouses with male cuffs, and the shoes must be closed with a 5 cm heel. All these boring rules have been retold a thousand times and are already boring. I would like to see the best looks from successful designers and stylists together with you, and philosophize a little more about why we should try to dress best for the office ...

Business looks 2024-2025
Elisabetta Franchi

Office fashion fall-winter 2024-2025

There are very few organizations now that have a strict dress code, and recent events should weaken it even more. During self-isolation, millions of office workers were transferred to telecommuting. On the topic of working from home, a lot of positive and not so much has been said. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of concentrating on work and separating office affairs from home. And the main advantages are called the absence of wasting time on the road and the ability to work in home clothes.

Men generally work at home in shorts! Girls are not much better. Such an attitude towards clothes is relaxing and it is completely unrealistic to concentrate on work. Even at home you need to have nice and stylish clothes for work. Let's be honest, almost none of us has a perfect body that looks much better without clothes than in clothes. You can finally relax and turn into an animal, but it is better to engage in self-development and self-improvement, including in terms of style.

If you want to achieve something in your work, you should not dress boringly and sadly, even at home. In too simple clothes, you yourself will not feel very well and you will not make the best impression either. Modern fashion allows maximum freedom in everything, we have a huge choice and opportunities to create stylish images. Going to the office, you can and should wear bright things with rich decor.

Chloe fashion news

Why do you need to dress stylishly and elegantly in the office?

A common office dress code when a girl puts on a dark knee-length skirt and a simple white blouse is correct but boring. When your clothes fit into the uniform as much as possible, you blend in with the crowd and you are not noticed. What career growth can you think of if you are not noticed?

Even if now you do not have fortitude and confidence, you should not limit yourself to the image of a gray mouse. Gradually, step by step, change your wardrobe and at the same time work on your inner world in order to confidently go towards the transformation of your personality and image.

The main thing is to understand correctly what suits you and to reveal your merits as beneficial as possible. Dressing brightly doesn't mean looking like a painted doll. Bright things are different, in the office you should give preference to discreet brightness and moderate luxury.

People receive only 20-30% of information from your words, and the rest is read from non-verbal signals - including clothing. Therefore, you need to learn how to make the right first impression with clothes and makeup.

Work takes up most of our lives, our earnings, mood and self-esteem depend on work. These are all well-known truths that we all know, but for some reason only a few know how to properly use clothes to create an attractive business image. This is a very important skill, thanks to which you can change your whole life.

What to go to the office 2024-2025: not boring kits
Temperley london
Vanessa bruno

If you work in a large Company with a strict dress code, you should especially try to stand out, you just need to do it very subtly and elegantly. All things must be sewn from high-quality fabrics, and do not forget about the decor. Even the strictest dress code allows for chic lace collars, expensive accessories, and the right brooch. There would be a desire, but you can even decorate yourself and stand out from the crowd of colleagues while serving in the army.

Rules and prohibitions!

Despite the prevailing freedom in fashion and the mores of modern society, when dressing in the office, you need to remember some frameworks. We all work in different conditions and in different positions, but all of the following rules are relevant for most:

  • Dresses and skirts too short. The attractiveness of the image is not the same as overt sexuality. In addition, skirts that are too short are simply uncomfortable in the office.
  • Home and sports. At work, this is not a place for home relaxation, and it is better to choose a sporty style for walks in the park and trips to nature.
  • Open shoulders, plunging necklines and cutouts are all suitable for walking, parties, dating, but not for work.
  • Cheap elegance. Above we mentioned lace collars, so all the decor elements should look expensive and stylish, everything should be of high quality.
  • Transparent fabrics.
  • The specifics of the company. Many people, even among successful leaders, have their own quirks and even superstitions. Someone believes in astrology, esotericism, other bosses are militant vegans and animal protectors, the list is endless. If you want a promotion, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the worldview of your superiors.

These rules make it clear which fashion trends of the fall-winter 2024-2025 season we can use for an office wardrobe, and which place in other life situations.

Luisa spagnoli

Smart people say the best investment is investment in yourself. It is important to make it a rule to invest in your education and appearance. It is much smarter and more far-sighted to spend all the money on several sets of clothes than to roll them on the notorious travels, and then go to work in rags and declare - I love minimalism and simplicity! Traveling will leave nothing but memories and photos, and investing in your image will help you move towards a new life.

Michael Kors Business Sets
Michael kors

Michael Kors Business Sets
Michael kors



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