How to wear a frill to look trendy and stylish
The history of the decorative element called frill (from the French “Jabot” - bird's goiter) was reminded by new original images in the 2024-2025 collections. Frill is a decorative element in the form of a flounce or frills that adorns the neckline.
This element has long been included in the decor of clothing, but initially it also belonged to the men's wardrobe. Frill was especially popular in the 18th century on men's shirts, which were worn under a vest or camisole. And if no one could see the shirt in the suit, then the lace flounces on the chest and in the cuffs were always in sight. Often these were lace elements that were sewn along the neckline and cuffs, they could be changed from one to another. In any case, this element contributed to the luxury of the costume of the secular nobility.
What happened then? Then, like many other things, ladies began to use it in their wardrobe. This decorative element became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. But women began to look at the luxury of a frill earlier. The lace element was one of the favorite adornments during the Victorian era, the frill was sewn to both the dress and the blouse, sometimes just fixed with a brooch.
Portrait of Zinaida Gippius by BakstThere are many types of frill, depending on the cut. If the frill is cut in the form of an oval or circle, we get flounces, if in the form of a strip with a cut along the share - frills. There is another type of jabot that has its own name - chill mold. This detail is cut in a spiral in the form of a strip.
If earlier they used removable frills, today these elements are often sewn on. They can be sewn on along the neckline, or sewn into the fastener bar of a blouse or dress. In addition to flounces and frills, the decorative detail is pleated. Sometimes a brooch or a decorative flower is added to a frill; in a retro style, you can add a cameo.
The jabots are also different in material. Since this detail usually decorates blouses or dresses made of light fabric, the same material is often used as for the product. But in view of the huge popularity of lace, it is not uncommon to see a lace frill. Such decoration is made not only from ready-made lace fabric, but also by hand. For example, Yelets or Vologda lace, made by craftswomen, is a luxurious addition to your outfit.
Once the frill was borrowed by women from the men's wardrobe, then it only occasionally took place in certain periods of the twentieth century, and men completely forgot it. What is happening today in
modern fashion? Yes, designers strive each in their own way to create images in which you cannot distinguish a boy from a girl, and they assure that they should be guided by. Perhaps the main thing for such designers is to break gender stereotypes?
Fashion historian and art critic Alexander Vasiliev says that unisex style will prevail in fashion. What does each of us say? Would you like to see your husband or friend in a blouse decorated with a frill? But while we are thinking, the designers suggest ...
Alberta Ferretti, Chanel
Elie saab
Elie saab