Bridesmaid wedding makeup

Typically, the bride and groom have the main witnesses at the wedding. And the bridesmaid on this day should look no worse than the bride herself. Yes, she is unlikely to be able to outshine the "main character", because this is the day of the newlyweds. But choose Nice dress, hair and makeup are a must. Today we will tell you about some of the most successful make up options for a bridesmaid that can be done for a wedding.

Bridesmaid makeup

"We make" the face

First, about the main thing. Applying foundation is a common step for any type of makeup you choose. Further, only the visage of the eyes and lips will differ. Therefore, at this step we will dwell in more detail and describe it in stages so that the tone of the face is just perfect.

As a rule, the bridesmaid or the main witness starts her morning with the bride and accompanies her all day until the end of the celebration. Therefore, make-up should be as long-lasting as possible.

Wedding makeup

  1. To do this, you need to apply a make-up base under the foundation, which evens out the skin and ensures the durability of the cosmetics applied on top.
  2. Let the base absorb well and apply the foundation. It should match your skin color perfectly.
  3. If there are imperfections on the skin, they are eliminated with a corrector. It is usually lighter than foundation, and denser in texture.
  4. It is better to choose a loose powder - it lays down in a thin layer, but at the same time mattifies the skin well. Do not forget about the compact powder - it will be necessary to put it in your purse.
  5. Choose blush according to your color type: warm peach shades for dark-skinned brunettes and brown-haired women, cold pink tones for light-skinned blondes.
  6. With dark powder or dark concealer, it is worth highlighting the area under the cheekbones, in the hollow - this will give the face grace and highlight the oval. You can also apply a little dark concealer to the sides of your nose to make it look thinner.
  7. Another nuance: a light shining highlighter. It is applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones, under the eyebrows, on the tip of the nose and on the area above the upper lip.

Bridesmaid makeup

Classic bridesmaid makeup

A great option for a bridesmaid would be classic makeup. This is a discreet, but at the same time, evening make up, which will be quite expressive. It involves emphasizing either the lips or the eyes. One of the trends of 2024 is the emphasis on both elements, but for a wedding celebration, we suggest refraining from it.

Paint eyes

  1. To do this, you should choose neutral shades of beige and brown or graphite shades. But if your dress is bright and colorful, it is quite possible to highlight the eyes with the same shade as the color of the dress.
  2. Choose several shades of eyeshadow with a transition from dark to light. The lightest color is applied to the inner corner of the eye, preferably with a pearlescent shine, and then a smooth transition follows to the outer corner of the eye, where the shadows should be the darkest.
  3. Highlight the lower eyelid with dark shadows, starting from the middle and moving to the outer corner. You can draw a sharper and darker line with a pencil. The pencil can also be used on the upper eyelid for more intensity.
  4. Don't forget about mascara. If your eye makeup uses neutral tones, choose black or brown, if bright colors, you can choose colored mascara.
  5. It is imperative to highlight the eyebrows. To paint them, it is better to use shadows or special powder, you can also use creamy textures that are applied with a special brush. Shape your brows with color, then comb through them with a brush and a little styling gel or wax.

Bridesmaid wedding makeup

We paint lips

  1. Since we painted the eyes in this case quite brightly, the lips need to be made more neutral. They must be neutral if colored shadows (blue, green, purple) are used in eye makeup. If your eye makeup is done in natural tones, your lips can be brighter and richer.
  2. Match the color of your lipstick with a suitable shade of contour pencil. A pencil is needed to outline a clear outline so that the lipstick does not blur and "eat up" over time. If you are hesitant about which color to prefer, choose clear lip pencils - they will go with any lipstick color.
  3. With a neat outline, apply lipstick, preferably with a brush, not from a tube. Matte lipsticks, which are currently at their peak, will be much more durable than creamy ones, but they will dry out your lips. Therefore, do not forget to put lip balm with you in your purse.

Nude bridesmaid makeup

The ideal option to match the image of the bride is to do nude makeup. As a rule, the bride herself will be dimmed, and therefore the bridesmaid can use all the techniques "make up with no make up" for her image.

Paint eyes

  1. Everything is quite simple here. Use shadows only in natural shades, soft, beige and, in fact, nude. You can add a light accent with brown or graphite eyeshadows, blending them with a brush. It is not recommended to use a pencil and clear lines and arrows in nude makeup.
  2. It is also better to use mascara not charcoal black, but brown or graphite. Choose the first color for brown eyes, the second for light ones. Try to keep your eyelashes combed perfectly, not sticky.
  3. Don't forget about eyebrows: for nude makeup, they are one of the main accents. Try to make them look more natural without sharp pencil lines. Better to use dry powdery textures or eyebrow shadows.

We paint lips

Everything is quite simple here: repeat the steps from the previous classic makeup. The only thing is that bright lipsticks in nude make up are unacceptable. Delicate peach, powder, light pink, cream beige - this is what you should use.

Hollywood bridesmaid makeup

Hollywood make-up is one of the brightest, most sophisticated and most suitable for any special occasion. And if most brides prefer not to wear Hollywood style, then the bridesmaid may well choose this option.

Paint eyes

  1. First, you need to apply shadows to the eyelids. They should be of a natural shade to match the skin color. After all, the main accent in Hollywood make-up will be by no means shadows. Choose matte textures that even out the skin tone of the eyelids.
  2. And now for one of the most difficult steps: you need to draw a perfect jet black arrow on the upper eyelid. To do this, use an eyeliner, but if a thin and long enough brush, which is usually present in eyeliners, is inconvenient for you, then it is better to take an eyeliner-marker. Its tip is similar to that of a felt-tip pen, it does not bend when pressed and allows you to make a clear line.
  3. Mascara should also be as dark as possible, because together with the drawn arrow, the effect of false doll eyelashes should be created. The lower eyelid is best left untouched with mascara and shadows.

We paint lips

Lips in Hollywood makeup stand out brightly, ideally use bright red lipstick. But there are many shades of red, and therefore you must choose the one that suits your color type. For dark-skinned girls of a warm color type, it is worth choosing, respectively, warm shades of red: scarlet, carmine, terracotta. And for a cold color type, cooler tones with a pink tint or the color of Marsala are suitable. For bright lipsticks, the use of a contour pencil is a must. Matte textures are also preferred over creamy ones.

Bridesmaid makeup

Bridesmaid makeup

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