How to Delay Skin Aging: 7 Important Beautician Tips
Often, the key to prolonging the youthfulness of the skin is not so much in the cardinal salon procedures, but only in the correct and regular care. decided to find out from experienced cosmetologists and dermatologists what can be done at home so as not to hit your budget. Here are the top 7 essential tips and tricks to follow to delay facial aging.
Have you noticed that the skin loses its youthfulness, firmness and elasticity? Wrinkles, age spots, dark circles under the eyes appear? Is your skin dry and flaky? All these are the first signs of skin aging, as much as we would like to admit it. An option to delay age-related changes is to go to a beautician. But do not think that all cosmetologists in beauty salons will immediately begin to stuff you with "beauty injections", hardware techniques, or even offer plastic surgery.
In youth, the skin practically does not need any nourishment from the outside. It has enough moisture and
hyaluronic acid, which retains fluid in the tissues, while collagen and elastin are produced on their own. With age, especially after 35-40 years of age, moisture is not so well retained in tissues, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, collagen and elastin are not produced at the proper level. Therefore, the skin needs to be nourished and moisturized additionally.
1. Find Your Ideal Skin Care Products
This is exactly the case when you need a beautician. At least in order to correctly assess the condition of the skin and the existing imperfections. And suggest how to solve these problems. With the help of experienced beauticians and dermatologists, you can find the perfect home care products.
In the composition of creams and serums, masks and gels, be sure to look for
hyaluronic acid, peptides, ceramides, retinoids and antioxidants. Try different products, ranging from the usual mass market segment to expensive professional products. Often, even simple creams work no worse than "luxury" ones. The most important thing is how your skin will "react" to this or that remedy, and whether the anti-age effect will be visible.
2. Don't neglect baby cream
Modern children's cosmetics are not the same baby soap, powder and cream with fragrances that we have known since our childhood. Today, parents are much more scrupulous about the choice of care products for children, which means that cosmetic companies also carefully monitor the quality of products for children.
Children's cosmetics, as a rule, do not contain any fragrances and dyes, often also preservatives. Its composition is environmentally friendly, natural and tested for allergenicity. Therefore, in some cases it is quite possible to afford to use baby cream instead of elite anti-aging cosmetics. Especially in cases where your skin is prone to allergies.
3. Use natural oils
As we said above, the skin needs additional moisture retention and nutrition with age. And not only well-chosen anti-aging creams and serums can cope with this (although this is very important - see item 1), but also ordinary natural vegetable oils.
The best choice is extra virgin olive oil, unrefined, cold pressed. It contains the lion's share of beneficial fatty acids and vitamins. It is enough to apply a little oil on thoroughly cleansed skin 20-30 minutes before bedtime. And when going to bed, simply wipe off excess oil with a napkin. This is the simplest nourishing and moisturizing mask you can apply every day!
4. Cleanse your skin gently but thoroughly
Gently - this is about the composition of the cleansing and washing products. Forget about ordinary soap, even baby soap.Choose gentle soft foams, mousses and gels, make sure that they do not contain surfactants - surfactants that mercilessly dry out the skin. And carefully - this is about additional mechanical accessories for cleansing.
Even for daily washing, it is worth picking up a sponge or sponge, soft, of course. The skin needs exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum, only in this case the active substances from the serums and creams used afterwards will be able to penetrate deeply and have the proper effect. Above all, remember to change your sponges regularly to keep them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.
5. Do not forget about the skin of the neck and décolleté
Here, the skin is even thinner and softer than on the face. It is usually drier, and therefore wrinkles on such skin will be visible immediately. When caring for your face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté, because they will give out your true age even with a perfect face. Make it a rule to apply an intense nourishing cream to your neck and chest every day.
It is advisable to do this immediately after the shower, while the moisture is still retaining in the skin. Hollywood cosmetologists even have such a rule: “be in time in 60 seconds”. That is, any moisturizing and nourishing creams, both for face and body, should be applied immediately after washing and showering. Then the moisture is "sealed" in the skin.
6. Use SPF-protected products
Use them always: when you leave the house, and when you spend the whole day indoors, both in summer and winter. For any skin, both young and age-related, UV protection is the key to prolonging youth. If the body does not respond so clearly to the abundance of sunburn, then pigmentation spots can easily appear on the face. And believe me, this can happen not only at 50-60 years old, but even at 30-35 years old! Day cream should be with a protection factor of at least 50. Use it at any time of the year, and in summer and during the seaside try to additionally cover your face with an umbrella or a hat with wide brims.
7. Get enough sleep
- Tell me, do you get enough sleep at night?
- Where do I sleep?
This is just about modern women, regardless of what they do. Career, personal life, children, everyday life - all this is exhausting in earnest, and it seems that in a day there will not be enough 24 hours to have time to redo all the cases. Therefore, many snatch this time from sleep, neglecting good rest. And, of course, this is reflected, first of all, on our appearance, and only then - on well-being and health.
Therefore, you need to very carefully monitor a sufficient amount of sleep. Try to go to bed around 22:00, no later than 23:00. It is at this time that the body produces the sleep hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sound sleep and the restoration of all cells in the body. Sleep 7-8 hours, so you can wake up at 6-7 in the morning and have time to do all the things in the morning, and not late at night.