How to choose the right size for clothes in an online store

Probably everyone, when ordering clothes or shoes on the online platform, "missed" the size at least once. I know this feeling of disappointment when you wait, especially if for a certain event, and either does not fit in size, or the expectation does not coincide with reality so much that you inadvertently think that the package came to you by mistake. Why does this happen?

How to buy clothes online

Let's figure out how to choose clothes on the Internet ...

Today, all major online stores post dimensional grids, and it is worth noting that each platform has its own. We are used to adhering to standard dimensional charts: international, Russian, Italian, English and now also Chinese. But on each online sales site, they may be different from the standards we are used to and, of course, it is worth adhering to them when you place an order.

Armed with a measuring tape, we take measurements exactly as if you were ordering custom tailored clothes.

We measure OG (chest circumference), OT (waist circumference) and OB (thigh circumference). Move on. We measure the crotch seam, this is necessary so that when ordering jeans or trousers, we do not overshoot with their length. Be sure to take into account the error; in any size chart, it varies from 2 to 7 cm.

Information about the height of the model and the length of the presented position also helps a lot. Knowing your height, using a measuring tape, you can calculate the length of the selected position.

How to buy clothes online

Clothes sizes

Many online stores have a feature such as launching a video of a model walking in the clothes she represents. Choosing bags or backpacks using the same function, you can see the real scale of the product in relation to the model.

If this function is not available, you can do otherwise. We write down the dimensions of the bag and cut out a flat model from the cardboard. Next, we take a cardboard bag in our hands and look in the mirror, this will be enough to understand how suitable the size of the bag is.

Now about one more convenient function provided by Zara and Mango online stores. When you have chosen an item and are ready to put the desired size in the basket, but suddenly have doubts, there is a button "select a size". The program will calculate all your parameters for you, up to how loose or tight you would like the position you have chosen to sit on. By the way, the same function appeared on the ASOS platform.

Clothes sizes
Clothes sizes

How to buy clothes by size on Aliexpress

As for the Chinese platforms Aliexpress or Shane, the situation is a little more complicated here, especially with the size. What usually happens? In the photo we see a fragile model girl in an incredibly well-fitting oversized coat, say, and we get a scanty cardigan made of squeaky synthetics. What are we doing?

  • Rule one: we pay attention to the price, if it is suspiciously low, you should not even count on the decent quality of the product, and in general you should not count on anything. Aliexpress is very rich in a variety of clothes, while there you can find products of the highest quality, which are no worse than original products from Italy and low-level products. Always remember the adage - the miser pays twice. Good quality items cannot be cheap even on Aliexpress.

  • Rule two: reviews, and the more there are, the more details people write about the product, the more photos they attach to the review, the more reliable the seller. Accordingly, the goods will come to you as shown in the photo.

  • The third rule is rather optional, but I still pay attention to it - this is the seller's rating. The longer this store exists, the more stars, subscribers, the more conscientious the seller.

  • The fourth rule is a dimensional grid and (-5 cm.) What does this mean? This means that we subtract 5 cm from each value in the size chart.The exception is more than 50% of reviews that the thing is "size in size".

How to buy clothes online

As for shoes from Chinese platforms, everything is simple, we measure our foot in cm, (for example, 24.5 cm), in the table from the sellers opposite the shoe size is always located, and 24.5 cm corresponds to 37 shoe size.

We ignore this fact and take one size larger. For what? First, completeness may not suit you, which is most likely. And there is also a high probability of such a fact that if you have a high rise, then there is no chance of wearing these shoes. And then we go back to rule number 2. We look where more orders are made, where people write reviews and post photos of the product. This will make it easier for you, believe me, there is a lot of useful information about the product in the reviews.

But what to do if the thing still didn't suit you. Or, for example, it was delivered to you with marriage.

To begin with, today the return procedure is free everywhere. For example, you need to return an item to an ASOS store. Preserve the presentation of the item, the entire set of tags and barcodes - this is important.

Together with the goods, you receive documents containing all the detailed information on how to make a return. At the point of issue, the operator will fill in and collect everything himself. And as soon as the goods reach the addressee, the money will be returned to you. This usually takes 5 to 10 days. Likewise, you can return to the online store ZARA, MANGO and H&M. Some online stores have a courier return function.

How to return to Aliexpress? In my practice, this was not the case. If I got a "complete failure" I just opened a dispute and returned the money. Do not be afraid to open a dispute and write to sellers, especially unscrupulous ones, unfortunately there are a lot of them. The dispute in 90% of cases is resolved in favor of the buyer.

So, we conclude that online shopping is incredibly comfortable and convenient. But, of course, there are nuances, for example, with fitting, who needs it (a clear imbalance in the figure, or a change in style, which implies a mandatory fitting). All in all, it's a pleasure to shop online. The main thing is to approach this wisely. I wish you a happy shopping. May all ordered things be a joy to you.

Be stylish!

How to buy clothes online
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