
Your face cream isn't working: top 5 reasons

A face cream can be perfect, regardless of brand, line, and cost. But a situation may arise that it will be completely inactive. Even if it will be a luxury brand, and will actually work in real conditions, there are some nuances when its action may be ineffective. will tell you about the main signs that the cream has stopped performing its functions, about the reasons why this is happening, and how to fix it.

Why the cream doesn't work

Signs that the cream has stopped working

There are main and clear signs that the cream you are using is not right for you. It may even be one that you have been using for years. And then suddenly the cream ceases to fulfill its function. Why? There are many reasons, but more about them later. And here are the main signs of such changes.

Experiment: Stop using the cream for at least one day. If dryness and a feeling of tightness, discomfort and peeling immediately arose, then the cream solves exclusively superficial problems. But it does not moisturize and nourish the skin from the inside, does not contribute to its regeneration or protection. If the cream penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and solves all these problems, then refusing it for a day or two will not cause any special discomfort. Change this product!

An allergic reaction, rashes, acne, clogged pores, excessive oiliness? Or, on the contrary, severe peeling, dryness, tightness, peeling skin, becoming dull? Any of these signs indicate that your cream is not working well enough. The presence of allergies, itching, redness indicates that the cream is not suitable for you. This can happen even if you've used it for years. Allergies are such a tricky thing that they can manifest themselves over time, rather than immediately.

But these signs will not always indicate that the remedy does not suit you fundamentally. The most important thing is to choose it correctly according to your skin type, age, season, existing problems that need to be solved. And there are many reasons why even an expensive luxury cream that you are used to for a long time can stop working. Here they are.

Your face cream isn't working: top 5 reasons

1. You change your cream too often

There is an opinion that cosmetics should be changed as often as possible. As if our skin easily gets used to the same cream and the same ingredients in its composition. If you use the care products for a long time, they simply stop working. It turns out that this is not the case. Moreover, experts from famous cosmetic brands such as Lancôme, Institut Esthederm, Etat Pur, Ducray, Darphin argue that the skin cannot “get used” to using the same product.

Our skin is renewed in about 4-6 weeks. Therefore, the effect of the new cream can only be assessed after this time. Therefore, the main principle in the use of care products is regularity and slowness. The active components of creams and serums do not immediately reach the deep layers of the skin, they begin to work only after a while, launching the necessary processes of hydration, nutrition, regeneration, etc.

2. You do not change the cream with age or with the change of the season

Contradicts the previous principle? Not at all! The cream is good with regular use, but that doesn't mean it can be used for decades. With age, the skin changes, signs of aging appear, even its type can change to the opposite. And this can happen not after 10 years, but already after 5. Care at 20, 25 and 30 years should be different - depending on the requirements of the skin.

It's the same with the season. If you find the perfect cream for yourself and notice an improvement in your skin after a month, feel free to continue using it.But if this is a fluid of light texture for summer use, then it will definitely not work for winter. If you like a cosmetic brand, try to find in the range of lines for different seasons. Or try richer cold remedies and lighter ones for winter.

3. You don't cleanse your skin enough

We are sure: you are perfectly aware that the skin must be very thoroughly cleansed before applying creams. To begin with, the remnants of makeup are removed, as well as dust and dirt that has got on the face during the day. This can be done with makeup remover milk or micellar water. In both cases, after this, the face must be washed with water and a cleansing gel or foam. After all, our pores can be clogged not only with tonal means and powder, but also with too dense textures of cleansers.

It is even better to lightly steam the face, it is better to do this in the evening before applying the night cream, as redness may appear. This will open the pores, the cream will penetrate deep inside and will work much more effectively. And don't forget about regular scrubbing and exfoliation. Often the cream simply cannot penetrate deep into the skin due to the fact that the top layer is covered with keratinized cells. Exfoliate regularly or use a mild scrub or gommage at home once a week.

4. You are using cold cream

Cold has an excellent effect on blood vessels, constricting them. Cold remedies can help reduce swelling and redness, especially in the morning. But this is only true for eye patches or special eye creams with metal rollers. In order for the cream to work on the skin of the face, it must not be cold. The active components in it seem to be frozen, and it will not be effective for one purpose or another.

Be sure to read on the label in detail at what temperatures to store the cream. Unless otherwise stated, the cream can be stored in the refrigerator - this way it will last longer. But still, before applying it to the skin, take the jar out of the cold, scoop up the required amount of cream with a spatula and warm it up in your fingers. Of course, this should be done when both the skin of the face and the skin of the hands are thoroughly cleansed and ready to apply the cream.

Why the cream doesn't work

5. You are using day and night cream incorrectly

Remember: there is no universal cream for night and day use. Yes, one cream can be enough, but all it does is superficially moisturize the skin, and that's it! For the desired effect, especially if the skin is aging or needs special treatment to eliminate imperfections, you need to choose wisely both day and night care. And you also need to use these creams correctly.

Night cream should not be used right before bed. Of course, if you got home too late and went to bed right away, that's okay. But what will be the effect of the product if it is immediately wiped off on the pillowcase on the pillow? Any cream should be well absorbed. Therefore, after cleansing the skin, apply a night cream and let it work - at least 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

In the morning, cleansing is also necessary, because sebum is secreted at night, dust gets on the face, it comes into contact with the pillow. After washing, you need to apply a day cream and also let it absorb well. You cannot immediately go outside, especially during the cold season. If using foundation, apply the day cream 20 minutes before using it. If the cream has not been absorbed in 20 minutes, continue to apply it in a thinner layer or remove too obvious residues by blotting your face with a dry napkin.
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