Evening hairstyles for the New Year for women after 40 years
What determines the perfect evening look? Of course, from a thoughtful outfit, matching jewelry and accessories, from a beautiful hairstyle and the right makeup. And if about anti-aging makeup for the New Year mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ already told, now it's time to figure out what kind of evening hairstyles for ladies after 40 can be used for a celebration. After all, the New Year is just around the corner, and you need to think over your image to the smallest detail. And some hairstyles and styling are really capable of dropping a couple of years!
What you definitely shouldn't do
First of all, you need to tell in more detail about the prohibitions and taboos for evening styling and hairstyles for women after 40 years. Here are the basic rules.
Inaccuracy. Light negligence is definitely in fashion today. A loose bun, strands sticking out of a high hairstyle, lack of perfect "slicked" smoothness - all this is very much welcomed. But inaccuracy in the form of a clearly visible pile under the outer layer of curls, in the form of uncombed strands, in the form of "roosters" on a high tail or bun should not be!
Smoothness and "slickness". If in your youth you could experiment with hairstyles as you like, and use foam, gel, mousse, varnish, or all of this at the same time, then after the age of 40, we advise you to be very careful. Love sleek hairstyles? Do not create the effect of "slicking", it is better to comb your hair in a natural way, and leave a note of carelessness, without sloppiness.
Buckles and an abundance of varnish. Fixed by an abundance of varnish, hard embossed curls on the hair - this is definitely the "last century"! You should not do high hairstyles with "towels", today such options are not in vogue. There are an abundance of options for sophisticated and very elegant hairstyles with curls gathered upwards that do not look outdated. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ will tell you more about them below.
Loose long hair. After the age of 40, hair that is too long, if it is not styled, will look too simple and will "cheapen" the image. Want to show off a beautiful length for everyone? Curl at least light waves or voluminous curls, pin bangs, gather hair on both sides or only one, use beautiful hairpins - such elements will make your hairstyle more sophisticated.
Lack of color. At the age of 40+, and in many even earlier, the natural hair color begins to "capture" gray hair. You need to think about suitable toning or coloring, which will add color saturation and maybe even make you younger... And certainly on New Year's Eve, the hair should be freshly dyed, regardless of the length or the chosen evening styling.
Well, now you can go, in fact, to the list of the most fashionable, trendy and stylish evening hairstyles that will definitely suit ladies after 40. And in principle, they will be relevant for any age!
Hollywood curls
Hollywood wave, cold wave, retro wave - whatever they call this styling! This is a real classic for a truly luxurious look. She brings a touch of retro chic, as well as a flair of Hollywood celebrities. It is they who prefer such styling for long and medium length hair for the red carpet and all kinds of special events. If a young girl retro styling with perfectly smooth uniform and symmetrical waves can age, then for ladies aged 35-40 - it will be just right!
Do not forget that the curls should be well dyed or protonated. After all, smooth waves will "turn inside out" all color imperfections.And after a good dyeing, the hair will shine and shimmer, it will be smooth and filled with pigment. Despite some pompousness of this styling, it is appropriate almost everywhere. An ideal combination with an evening dress, but it will just as well look with a trouser suit at a corporate party or even with a simple outfit when celebrating the New Year at home.
Light waves
For those who love waves and curls, but prefer to look more natural and less pretentious, mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ offers light waves. If perfect smoothness and neat styling are important for Hollywood curls, then light waves can be slightly sloppy. But remember: only slightly - no disheveled hair and the effect of uncombed hair. Styling like this will also help balance and slightly simplify an overly elaborate and conspicuous look if you don't plan on being the center of attention all evening.
Light waves can be done with a triple curling iron, which does not curl the hair, but only creates a wave. And for busy ladies, you can use this know-how: from the evening on the eve of the New Year's celebration, braid wet hair in several braids all over your head. If the party is scheduled for the evening, it can be done in the morning. After drying, loosen the braids, and there will be an effect of light and slightly careless waves. The perfect look for a home party or a visit!
Collected curls
On the basis of the same curled curls, curls and even light small waves, you can create a hairstyle with hair gathered up. There are many options: you can collect your hair completely up, pinning it with hairpins at the back of your head or at the crown, or you can pick up only part of the hair, leaving the rest loose. This is what we talked about in the section "Bans": if your hair is too long, use this technique.
Curl the curls and collect them asymmetrically, pinning only on one side. On the other hand, leave your hair hanging loose. At the same time, we advise you to choose a hairpin that is bright, sparkling, striking. It should match the color of the outfit or be in harmony with the shade of jewelry on the neck, ears and arms. You can pull the hair on both sides or pull it up completely. Do not forget that pomp and carelessness are great, but in moderation.
Elegant buns and ponytails
A bun is probably the simplest solution for an evening hairstyle. In this case, the bun can be made both with medium hair length and long curls. But for the age after 40 years, not all options for bunches and ponytails are suitable. For example, too smoothly "licked", as we said above, will not be the best solution. It is worth making a ponytail and releasing a few strands at the face, and combing the volume at the head a little initially. If your haircut has bangs, you can leave it loose, it also looks elegant and youthful.
A high bun on the top of the head should not be done for those who have a round face or the oval of the face itself has dropped a little. In this case, it is better to make the bundle just below the crown line, at the back of the head. The option "shell" with curled hair will also be relevant, but they should not be perfectly smooth, it is better to add a certain note of negligence. A high bun in the style of a ballerina will suit ladies with high cheekbones and an elongated oval face. You can not make a bun, but leave a ponytail loose, only the hair should be of sufficient length and straight.
Braids and weaving
Do you think braids and weaves are relevant only for schoolgirls or very young girls? No matter how it is! Weaves are beyond time and age, and even more so in the current season they are more than trendy. True, it will be too easy for an elegant lady of age to braid an ordinary braid. It is worth choosing an option (in the photo below - win-win examples) with hair taken away and braiding in it. It can also be a bun made not from loose hair, but from a braided braid.
Options with a braid wrapped around the head also look great - this is ethnic imagethat matches many outfits. But in this case, it is also worth adding a note of some negligence.You don't need to make perfect sculpturality and symmetry: release a couple of strands near the face - at the age of 40+ this is necessary, as it hides the irregularities of the face oval and imperfections, removes the visible age, makes the whole look a little more frivolous and interesting.