How a lace collar turns a casual dress into a party dress
The day before
New Year there is always a festive mood, bustle and worries, because everything needs to be done. However, most feel joy and pleasure in this. And it is no secret to any of the women that while you are fussing and taking care of everything and everyone, there is a chance that you will not have time to do something, and it is for yourself, for example, that you will never buy a new outfit. Yes, it happens. And it also happens that you know in advance that you will not be able to buy a new dress, because ...
But everyone has their own situation, and now this is not the topic of conversation. Let's talk about how to fix the absence of a new outfit. And you can fix it in various ways, today we will consider only one.
Buy and sew a beautiful collar to your favorite dress or blouse. It is the collar that will help create a beautiful outfit. In it, you will not only decorate any dress, but you will also be in trend, as many women of fashion dream about.
The collar is not the first season adorns designer outfits, and in collections
2024-2025 there were many such images. Famous and inventive designers come up with the most original ideas. They use collars for various looks, decorating not only dresses or blouses, but also suits and sweaters ... This is evidenced by the models of the latest collections.
Collars can be embroidered, lace trimmed, knitted or woven.
We are used to focusing on European designers, believing that no one else will do better. But this is not at all the case. Do and do - our craftswomen and needlewomen.
You can watch and buy on Instagram @lacespb

Snow-white, airy and weightless, they are like snowflakes from a fairy tale - Russian lace collars. Russian lace is distinguished by its richness of ornamental motives, subtlety of work and is considered a unique form of decorative art. In Russia, many lace-making centers have become widely known, for example, in Vologda, Ryazan, Yelets, Vyatka, Yaroslavl, Tula, Rostov and in many other large and small cities of Russia.
And if you want to
New Year became a little fairy tale, it is quite simple to do it. It is enough to decorate any dress with a lace collar.