Worst mistakes in a masculine style
It is impossible to immediately learn to dress well. Even seasoned mods make slips. The article contains the most common mistakes in masculine style and tips on how to raise your image to a high level.
Clothes in sets
Don't buy yourself clothes in sets. They may try to sell you a shirt immediately with a tie in the set, this is a wrong purchase. Don't let random people choose your clothes. You should have enough knowledge to yourself understand what kind of clothes suits you.
The wrong shirt
The best shirts for a stylish look are light blue and white. They act as a canvas that will support the rest of the outfit. The shirt must be tucked into the trousers, you can not tuck in shirts that are not designed for dressing. Don't buy dark shirts. The first five shirts should be light colored.
Inability to tie a tie
Learn to tie a tie and bow tie. This is a sign
stylish man... Ideally, when the tie fits to the middle of the belt buckle, plus or minus two centimeters, the rest needs to be bandaged.
Poor quality and unfashionable shoes Do not wear square-toed shoes.
Online shoppingBuying things online at full cost is like burning your money.
Incorrect pants length Correctly hem pants to your height at a tailor. Take trousers or jeans and take them to the master.
Lack of perfume
Your father and grandfather probably had their own scents. Women choose a man, including focusing on his scent. When a man comes to a meeting with a delicate scent, then this is a sign that he was preparing for the meeting.
Unkempt shoesUse a wooden shoe spreader to keep it in shape and absorb sweat. What happens if you don't use a wooden spacer? Sweat will distort the shoes. Shoe wax - additional protection for leather shoes from scratches. Use moisture sprays and shoe conditioners. First, remove the wax from your shoes, then apply conditioner, the shoes will retain their appearance for much longer.
Cheap shoesCheap shoes don't save money. A cheap shoe will make you feel cheap. Quality leather shoes will adapt to your foot and only get better and more comfortable over time.
Lack of attention to detail and accessories
Use pocket squares, you have a pocket to fill. This will diversify your look. It will make you stand out. The scarf can be combined with clothes or simply with the color of the eyes. Pay attention to accessories, it is important to have a good handle. Anything about signature and writing accessories is interesting.
Clothing with logosLarge size logos and graphic T-shirts do not look the best on a man.
Jacket with all buttonsWhen you are standing, you always button your jacket, when you sit down, unbutton it. But on a jacket with two buttons the top is fastened, on a jacket with three buttons - the one in the middle. Top button optional.
No undershirt under the shirtGuys should wear a T-shirt under their shirt. It protects against sweat and hides vegetation from others.
Imperfect uniformMen are addicted to habits. They get used to wearing the same clothes, it becomes a kind of uniform for a man. Therefore, you need to gradually increase the level of your clothes, especially if your income may depend on your appearance. Upgrade your pants, shoes, you will receive more compliments and increase your level.
Inflexibility in fashionDon't confuse the inconvenient with the indecent. Understand the difference between clothes that you are not comfortable in and those that you are not yet used to.
Low quality casual wearCasual clothes should also fit well.Pay attention to style, proportions, and color. Do not mix in the image
formal wear with everyday.
Incompatible things in the wardrobeWear not perfect outfits, but choose interchangeable classic wardrobe items. Do not follow the herd mentality. Some trends may not suit you. Don't buy too many items at once, especially if you haven't decided on a style yet. If you are not an employee of the fashion industry, then do not overload the image with details and accessories. Use some accessories to make them mean something.
Hair Care Mistakes
- Do not wash your hair with too hot water, hot water dries out the skin and can cause dandruff and even hair loss.
- Use the hair dryer on the lowest setting and hold it a few centimeters from your head.
- Use conditioner to moisturize your hair. Hair conditioner makes it easier to style.
- Wet hair breaks faster, you do not need to dry wet hair with a towel, just get it wet.
- Don't put too much styling product on your hair.
Style mistakes that separate from success
- Apathy. The desire to look good doesn't depend on the budget. A man should himself want to improve his style.
- Don't prioritize. Less effort brings more results. Think about your message to the world. Clothing should speak of competence and authority. So a lawyer or engineer on a construction site must wear a jacket.
- Blind trend following. When you find clothes for your body type, then you pass by most of the trends.
- Poor quality shoes and clothing. Good shoes and a jacket can last 10-20 years. You can understand what good quality is in an expensive clothing store, touch the fabric, look at the seams, you will have an understanding of what good clothes are. You will realize that there is something magical in high quality, that a wool sweater is not cashmere.
How to raise your style level?
- Take time for etiquette. Pay attention to other people, respect them through your actions.
- Pick a celebrity whose style you like. Nobody will tell you that you stole the style from a star, but they will tell you that you look good.
- Conduct a wardrobe audit. You may have a lot of pants, but little tops.
These style mistakes are advised to be corrected by men and women.- Take care of your beard so it doesn't look like a haystack. Moisturize your beard, shape it, make it work for you.
- Do not wear a hat in warm weather.
- Wear a strap so you don't see the gap between your buttocks.
- Refresh your underwear more often.
- Buy shirts below the waist, the lower abdomen that protrudes from the front of the shirt looks bad. When buying a shirt, just raise your hands, if you can see your belly, then don't buy a shirt.
- Do not wear long shorts, they shorten your legs.
- Accept your bald spot, don't brush your hair over it.
- Do not wear white socks with pants, black socks with white pants.
What kind of men's things do women like?- Soft sweater, sheepskin coat, pea jacket, pajamas, hoodies, tunic, aviator glasses, bathrobe.
- White T-shirt, chinos, coat, leather jacket, white shirt.
- V-neck sweater, tennis shoes.
- Collarless polo shirt.
- Fitted shirt.
- Jewelry, accessories, watches.
- Casual shirts with sleeves rolled up because women love the forearms. Instead of a T-shirt, if you do not have an athletic body, it is better to wear a shirt, it will cover more and create harmonious proportions.
- T-shirts on pumped men.
- Nice perfume.
- Tailored suit. The suit creates a masculine silhouette, makes the waist thinner, and increases the shoulders.
- Short boxers.
- Jeans to fit. In jeans with a good fit, the buttocks look better.
- Boots. They look good and add 2-3 centimeters to the height.
Style Tips for Recruits
- Choose clothes without relying on the fact that you will lose weight or gain weight over time. You need to dress according to your body type so that the appearance is visually harmonious.
- Know your tailor by name, all clothing must be tailored to fit. The new thing is made to suit a lot of people. And the tailor will be able to fit your clothes to your figure, and it will look perfect.
- Even if the clothes fit well, problems can arise, for example with the shirt. Wear shirt suspenders.
- Clothing should be appropriate for the event, pay attention to what people wear to your job, invest in your clothing. Choose the best fit and fabric over time.
- Think about interchangeability of things. If all the clothes are combined, then from 12 items (3 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of trousers, 3 shirts, 3 jackets), you can collect 81 sets.
- Know what to spend and what to save on. You can buy a TV, or you can buy clothes that will help you climb the career ladder and get a raise in your salary.
- Spend your money on a pair of good suits and a pair of shoes; if you live in a cold region, be sure to get a quality jacket.
If you do not strive to be a fashionista, but just want to look good, then be sure to apply the tips of the article in practice.