How to love yourself and why you should start with clothes
In the rhythm of modern life, we often forget about ourselves. We are running somewhere, in a hurry, doing many things automatically. This leads to the fact that we forget to pay enough attention to ourselves, to ask elementary questions: “what do I want”, “how do I want”, “maybe I want something differently than what I used to do it”?
So, from day to day, we, without keeping track of our needs, come to the fact that we become somehow insecure, inadequate, not whole. Self-esteem suffers first. Many girls face the question: “how to love yourself”, “where to start”, “how to become more self-confident”.
Psychologists recommend starting with inner work on yourself: reading books on self-development, going to a specialist, taking courses and trainings. All this takes a lot of time and, most likely, at first it will cause some kind of internal resistance.
Of course, this will be useful for personal growth and harmonious development, but there is an easier way - to start with external transformation. There is such a concept that the external is equal to the internal and vice versa. Moreover, in women it is quite strongly manifested. It is impossible to broadcast all the beautiful that is inside, being in an unattractive shell or in the wrong external image in which you would like. Often, even in television broadcasts, all transformations, including internal ones, begin with the transformation of the external, i.e. with a change in the appearance of the heroine.
So, let's look at how clothes affect the feeling of oneself, self-esteem, and also how it helps to build a harmonious relationship with oneself, namely, to love oneself and transmit it to others. In order for the clothes to really work for you, it is important to understand the following points:
- Beautiful clothes cheer up. Agree, when you put on a beautiful dress, pumps, you feel like an irresistible beauty. And when you try on a perfectly fitting trouser suit, you feel like a beauty, but already more businesslike and purposeful. Putting on something bright in rainy weather, thoughts become more positive. So, experimenting with different outfits, you can create your desired mood.

- With the help of clothing, you can control the impression. Often people unconsciously put on different things, choosing them according to some principle, for example, convenience or a favorable price. In any case, putting on something, you broadcast your attitude towards yourself to the world.
The way you treat yourself, so do others around you. That is, if you wear your usual sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt every day, and generally prefer a sporty, baggy style, and want to be a sexy beauty seducing men, then there is a dissonance both inside and out. There is not the perception of oneself that we would like, which in turn entails dissatisfaction and misunderstanding, but how one generally wants to.

- With the help of clothes, you can attract the right people, circumstances, situations into your life. Putting on favorite, beautiful, pleasant things, the girl feels joy, her mood rises, inspiration appears. This turns on the program of positive thinking and the right people meet on the way, and the situations develop in the best way.
- Clothing is a way of expressing yourself. For some, beauty is in the details, for example, in accessories, while others like minimalism more. So, putting on a dress with a floral print, a girl broadcasts a romantic mood, and choosing a red outfit, she wants to attract more attention. With the help of style, you can express everything, show your individuality and emphasize your uniqueness.
- Thinking about what to wear or what to buy means taking care of yourself.Those who declare that things are just things for them and do not matter, in fact, one way or another, they still make a choice, buy clothes, wear whatever comes to hand. So isn't it better to buy what you like and wear it with pleasure than to fall into denial of an integral part of your everyday look?
It is very important for women to be well-groomed, beautiful, light, positive. This gives a healthy self-esteem and inner self-confidence, in their beauty and attractiveness. To achieve this state, you need to start somewhere, and the easiest way to start is by changing the external image. It is important to hear yourself and describe in at least three adjectives what I would like to be. For example, beautiful, stylish, chic.
Next, you need to understand which images convey this description. Then make a selection of suitable images. You can use Pinterest. Then you can go shopping. It doesn't matter if you do it yourself or with a stylist, it is important what result you get and how you will feel in new clothes.
The external transformation will be followed by the internal one. Naturally, more effort needs to be made for internal changes. But if you are beautiful on the outside, then the transformation process in thoughts automatically starts. Appreciate, love and respect yourself!