Annie Leibovitz photographer

“I only have one life
and all my photos are personal and taken
on assignment - a part of this life "
Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz photo

No matter how we deny the stereotypes of our world, this is unlikely to change anything, because the world in which we live is still a world full of stereotypes. Model? The model is necessarily a girl, she is necessarily silly. The model is a young man - and this is somehow not decent. Photographer? A photographer is a male profession, just like an artist. Is the famous artist a woman? Is the famous photographer a woman? No, this probably happens, but this is an exception. Annie Leibovitz, who today is not only the most sought-after photographer, but also the most famous of the photographers working in the portrait genre, has become such an "exception".

Annie Leibovitz photo

photos by Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz was born on October 2, 1949 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Her father was a US Air Force officer and her mother was a dance teacher. And like any military family, Annie traveled a lot with her parents, brother and sister, changing one place of residence after another. So Annie Leibovitz filmed her first shots in the Philippines, where part of her father was located during the Vietnam War.

photos by Annie Leibovitz

Fascinated by photography since childhood, Annie enters the Art Institute in San Francisco. Since 1970 she has been working for Rolling Stone magazine, a magazine dedicated to rock music. For them, Annie will work for more than ten years, initially as a freelance photographer, and then as the chief photographer of the publication. And in those years, Annie was called nothing other than "the photographer of rock and roll." So the famous rock band The Rolling Stones only trusted her to shoot at concerts and during the 1975 international tour.

photos by Annie Leibovitz

It was during the years of work for Rolling Stone magazine that Annie Leibovitz took one of her most famous photographs - a snapshot of John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono. The picture was taken on December 8, 1980, a few hours before the assassination of John Lennon. The photo shows a naked Lennon hugging a dressed Yoko Ono.

Subsequently, many variations were made on this photograph, both in photography and in painting. For example, in 2009, Terry Richardson did work with the same composition as in the photograph of Annie Leibovitz, but only the role of Yoko Ono was played by John Lennon's son, Sean Lennon, and in his place was now Sean's girlfriend, actress and model Kemp Mule. Thus, the gender composition of this photograph was reversed back to the “norm” accepted in art (a man is dressed, a woman is naked).

Annie leibovitz

In 1983, Annie Leibovitz moved to Vanity Fair magazine, for which she created many portraits of famous people, both stars and politicians.

Annie leibovitz

Annie leibovitz

In the 1990s, Annie opens her own photography studio in New York. In 1991, an exhibition of her works will take place, held both in America and in Europe. Then the book "Photographs: Annie Leibovitz 1970-1990" was published. In 1999, Annie Leibovitz, together with her friend Susan Sontag, a famous American writer, critic, winner of national and international awards, publishes the book "Women", on the pages of which you can see both the most famous women of the planet and ordinary American women.

Annie Leibovitz has three children: daughter Sarah Cameron, twins Susan and Samuel. Today Annie is actively working, publishing books, arranging exhibitions and collaborating with such well-known magazines as Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker.

Annie leibovitz

photos by Annie Leibovitz

photos by Annie Leibovitz

Annie leibovitz

photos by Annie Leibovitz
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