Nutrition and diets for the whole family

I was lucky since childhood, I have never had excess weight and cravings for unhealthy food. I will even say more, since childhood I had a certain aversion to meat and meat products. Meat in any form was unpleasant, and only well-cooked fish was available in the diet. So it was by nature, the body felt that meat was completely unnecessary and if I were lucky enough to be born a little later, then having modern knowledge, my parents would have nothing against it, because today the culture of healthy eating and vegetarianism is very developed, and only narrow-minded people are convinced that meat is necessary for the body. So now, and then almost all citizens of the USSR believed that meat was simply necessary, and even more so for a growing child.

Guided by generally accepted ideas that everything was like people, my parents stuffed me with meat, against my will. They were regularly forced to eat beef and pork, borscht with pieces of meat, or chicken soup, where pieces of chicken with skin floated. It was disgusting to eat, and if a piece of white meat could be eaten, then a piece of chicken skin in the soup caused nausea and disgust. Despite this, the parents were forced to eat meat and even took to all sorts of professors - doctors to examine the naughty child. What kind of strange phenomenon is this - a disease, how is it that a child does not want to eat meat! Oh, if then there was the Internet and all the wealth of knowledge that is hidden today on dietology sites, women's sites, then opening any women's magazine, they would read and understand how to feed a child. Unfortunately, then there were only magazines like Rabotnitsa Krestyanka and other products of the flawed communist system.

Improper diet, unhealthy food

Several years passed, they forced me with daily executions and convinced me that I had to eat meat. This is about the same as with smoking and strong alcohol, when in our youth we try to drink a glass of vodka, it seems so nasty, and a cigarette causes a cough and almost vomiting. In my case, this was the case with meat, the body did not accept, but I was forced to eat chicken, beef and even fatty pork.

Improper diet, unhealthy food

And then what? Then years passed, after reading many books on various topics, including on dietetics, proper nutrition, I learn what a proper family diet is - it is an opportunity to give everyone what he wants, what the body requires, while being guided by modern knowledge designed to preserve health and beauty for many years.

Now it was my turn to teach proper nutrition, I managed to convince my parents without much difficulty and rebuild their diet. Now they themselves avoid meat on the table, and are fully convinced that they can live happily ever after without it.

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