Choosing a DSLR and mirrorless camera for a girl

Photos for girls have always been of great importance, because it is so nice to fill an album with beautiful photos, where you are surrounded by loved ones, at home and on travel. It is even more pleasant to demonstrate this album to all your classmates, former and just acquaintances, and maybe completely unfamiliar. Now, when almost everyone has a page on the social network, everyone has such an album, but the content is very different. Photos of some girls make you contemplate them with envy and breath, while others are laughed at.

Much depends on our inner content and our way of thinking, but no less depends on our camera and how we know how to use it.

How to choose a digital camera for a girl, which is better - Nikon or Canon SLR, or maybe Sony is better? Or does it make no sense for a girl to buy a DSLR, and would it be the best choice to buy a digital mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses? We will try to find the answer to all these questions in this publication. The topic is important, so there will be a lot of text.

The purchase of a camera for the majority is associated with significant expenses, which means that before buying it is necessary to decide exactly what we want to get. It will be a shame, after the purchase, to realize that you could have bought a little cheaper and better.

Do you know exactly what your camera is for and how often you will use it, where do you plan to take it with you?

digital camera for girl

When buying a digital camera, you can consult with the seller in the store. Only this is the most unreliable advisor. The seller must first of all sell the goods, he is not interested in how well this particular Canon EOS 5D Mark III SLR camera suits you. The seller is interested in the amount you are counting on, and if your financial limit allows you to buy a Canon EOS 5D Mark III or Nikon D800, he will definitely advise you to buy these particular cameras. He will say this - if there is an opportunity, you need to take a good camera right away, so that it will last for a long time.

There are many examples of such advice from sellers, only they do not explain why the professional Canon EOS 5D Mark III is good for you, a novice photographer, and even a girl. The girl in this case is meant not in the sense that a girl cannot take photographs of masterpieces, but in the fact that digital SLR cameras such as the Canon EOS 5D Mark III are large and substantial.

The first time you pick up a Canon EOS 5D Mark III or Nikon D800, you'll love these cameras. Each of them is beautiful in its own way and has many advantages. You will not be able to take advantage of the advantages of these SLR cameras at first. Or maybe you never can. It's one thing to shoot a simple soap dish on the machine, it's another thing to expose everything manually.

Having taken several hundred pictures, you will simultaneously make a discovery for yourself, the camera has become heavy and uncomfortable! In the store, he did not seem so heavy and large, he lay comfortably in the handle and looked very solid. In the store, these cameras look exactly like this, but when you buy it, literally in 2-3 days you get used to the advantages that you can immediately appreciate and use, and then you begin to notice the shortcomings.

Choosing a camera for a girl

DSLR cameras Canon EOS 5D Mark III or Nikon D800 are very heavy for a girl, they will not fit in a purse. For such cameras, you need to take a special bag.

It's not a problem to take a bag, compared to the cost of a camera, they cost a mere trifle, but then other discoveries will begin. They will be in the event that you want to seriously delve into the art of photography, start reading books, specialized forums, and consult with professionals.

When you step on this path, the first thing you will find out is that the lens that you purchased with the camera is useless and you need to take another, or better 2-3, each for their own tasks. There are already more serious expenses ahead, measured in tens of thousands. Then it turns out that the built-in flash is useless and knowledgeable people never use it. You will have to additionally purchase an external flash, which also costs more than 10,000 rubles. As a result, if you buy a Canon EOS 5D Mark III or Nikon D800 camera for around $ 100,000, you still have to spend the same amount on flash, lenses and battery compartment. Without a battery compartment, these cameras are not always convenient to hold, the hand gets tired.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Even if 200,000 rubles are not significant money for you, the question is brewing, why is all this necessary? If the goal is to become a professional photographer, then everything is justified. If you want to take a photo for yourself, then there is no point in looking at expensive cameras. They look solid, but nothing more. You won't get any real benefit from an expensive DSLR. It takes years to comprehend the skills inherent in professional photographers, not not two years, but 5 years or more. Any skill takes time and patience, and only a professional can use a professional camera to its fullest.

Nikon D800

Nikon D800

You do not need to shoot weddings to order, and various objects for a commercial catalog. You need to take photos for yourself, for girlfriends and friends. To do it slowly, without straining, and therefore there is no need to buy and carry a heavy camera with you. Also, do not forget that lenses for SLR cameras often weigh no less than the camera itself. And if it is comfortable at home with him, then it is inconvenient to take for a walk. If you go on a trip, you will have to equip a separate bag for the camera and its accessories.

Bag with camera, flash and lenses

Just don't be sad, it's not that bad. An amateur photographer can also take photographs - masterpieces, without the help of a DSLR, in some cases even better than those of professionals. The difference between a professional photographer and an amateur is that a professional can get a guaranteed result in almost any circumstances, while an amateur will only get beautiful photos from time to time.

The conclusions from all of the above are as follows - a girl who does not want to become a photographer does not need a digital SLR camera at all! This applies not only to the Canon EOS 5D Mark III or Nikon D800, but also to all other digital SLR cameras.

You may be advised to buy a camera like Nikon D3200, it is inexpensive, together with a lens in the region of 20,000 rubles. Many girls may be tempted to buy at such a low price.

digital SLR camera

Beauties, do not forget, buying such a camera, you save on money, but at the same time the weight and size of the camera will be only slightly less, you still cannot put it in your purse. I know all this from myself and my friends. If you want to have a camera with which you can walk for pleasure, take it outdoors and on trips, you need to look at other options.

If not a DSLR, which one should you choose for a girl? Is it possible to find a camera of small size and weight, while with capabilities that are in no way inferior to a DSLR? There are such cameras, they are much superior to conventional digital compacts, and are almost in no way inferior, and in some ways superior to SLRs.

Interchangeable-lens digital mirrorless cameras

They do not have a mirror, due to which the weight and dimensions are significantly less. At the same time, you can change the lens, install an external flash and, in general, the possibilities in terms of creativity with these cameras are enormous. Choosing such a camera, you will get almost everything at once - convenience and comfort during shooting, as well as a reserve for the future, if you suddenly want to develop in terms of creativity.

Now the main thing is, which mirrorless camera to choose for a girl?
It all depends on your finances and design preferences. The design of the camera is also of great importance and here it is up to you to decide.And I will offer several options, all 5 cameras are presented in ascending order by price.

Mirrorless digital cameras for girls
1 The most affordable yet lightweight digital camera is the Sony Alpha NEX-5 Kit. Matrix 14.6 megapixels, video shooting with a resolution of up to 1920x1080, rotary screen 3, weight without lens 297 grams.

A small drawback of this camera is the lack of the ability to connect an external flash, and besides, a very average lens is offered in the kit, although such a lens is enough for a start, then you can buy a better one. The lenses that come with such cameras do not greatly affect their cost, which means that you do not overpay too much.

How to choose a digital camera for a girl Sony Alpha NEX-5
Two different modifications, in different colored cases
How to choose a digital camera for a girl Sony Alpha NEX-5

2 Next in ascending order is another model Sony Alpha NEX-7 Kit Matrix of 24.7 megapixels, video shooting with a resolution of up to 1920x1080, rotary screen 3, weight of the camera without battery and lens 415 grams. This camera has everything you could wish for in a slightly larger size and weight than the Sony Alpha NEX-5.

How to choose a digital camera for a girl Sony Alpha NEX-7
How to choose a digital camera for a girl Sony Alpha NEX-7

3 The next camera from Fujifilm. This manufacturer is not as popular as Sony or Canon, but I can assure you that Fujifilm cameras are very high quality and by choosing this camera you will make a very good purchase.

Fujifilm X-Pro1 Matrix 16 megapixels. High speed continuous shooting (up to 6 frames / s), video recording in Full HD (1920x1080) with a frequency of up to 24 frames / s The camera body is made of metal, the body finish is high-quality leatherette.

Interchangeable lens mirrorless camera for girl
Interchangeable lens mirrorless camera for girl
Interchangeable lens mirrorless camera for girl

4 Leica X2 variant
Leica cameras are more than just quality cameras. Among the cars there is Bentley, the Hermes Birkin stands out from the variety of handbags, and Leica takes a similar place among cameras. Matrix 16.5 megapixels, Maximum resolution - 4928 x 3264, battery capacity 450 photos, shooting speed 5 frames / sec.

Leica digital camera for a beautiful girl
Leica digital camera for a beautiful girl
Leica digital camera for a beautiful girl

5 Last option, for those who need to have an expensive camera and do not want to carry heavy ones - Canon or Nikon. There are cameras that contain all the features and benefits you need, while being lightweight and expensive.

How to choose a Leica digital camera

Leica M

How to choose a Leica digital camera

Leica M9-P

How to choose a Leica digital camera
How to choose a Leica digital camera
How to choose a Leica digital camera

Leica M9-P, this camera has many different technical advantages, for example, the Leica M9-P is the world's most compact full-frame camera, it is equipped with a full-frame sensor measuring 24 x 36 mm, while the Leica has a small body size. The display of the camera is protected from scratches by a sapphire crystal, such a glass is placed in the most expensive models of Swiss watches. Sapphire crystal is one of the most durable materials in the world, making it virtually scratch-resistant. And besides the technical advantages, the camera is very easy to operate and it also has a very long resource. The Leica M9-P is one of the most reliable cameras in the world. The Leica M9 cameras are available in a variety of designs, including designs from Hermes.

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