How to find a model from a photo?

How to find a model you like from a photo, and in general how to find a photo of a model itself, if you liked a model showing a collection of clothes at Milan Fashion Week, for example, a collection from Blumarine fall-winter 2024-2025?

If we know the name of the brand in which the model took part, it will not be difficult to find her photo from the show. We hammer into the address bar of the browser, select the fall-winter 2024-2025 shows, look for Blumarine, leaf through the collection photos and find the model we like.

How to find a model from a photo

For example, we liked this girl in the photo and we found her.

How to find a model from a photo

Thus, you can easily and quickly find a photo of the model, but we also want to know more about her, what is her name, how old and how things are in her personal life, and we would also like to find her personal page on FB and Twitter.

If we use a Google search for this photo, we will be shown links to the Blumarine collection published on other sites, where again there will not be a word about our model. How do you find her?

search for a model on the Internet

We look at the link on the same website - Street Fashion at Milan Fall 2024: Attendees, Models, follow the Models link and look at photos of all models from Milan Fashion Week. There are a lot of girls, so you have to spend 5-15 minutes, but it's worth it, you can borrow ideas from them to create your own style.

models from milan fashion week photos

After scrolling through a number of photos, we find a beauty, this is how she is in everyday life.

Cara Delevingne photo

Now we open Google, select the picture tab, click on the icon in the form of a camera, it is built into the search form. We insert our photo there. Google gives out a lot of links and the alleged name is Cara Delevingne.

How to find a personal page of a model from a photo

Then you can search for this name and find a biography, personal page and high-resolution photos.

In the case of our model - Cara Delevingne, a model of English origin, but despite this, she allegedly has a VKontakte page. There are pictures of her, but why does she need VKontakte? Cara Delevingne does not know Russian and she is a very popular model, everything is fine with her and it makes no sense for her to sit on VKontakte .... The VKontakte page is 100% fake, and the administration of the social network is obliged to check it in an amicable way, and if there is no confirmation, delete it!

How to find a personal page of a model from a photo

Looking further, we find the Twitter model - httpss: //
Here, as we see a lot of subscribers, and most importantly, Twitter is verified, this is the real page of Kara Delenvin. Almost any model can be found just like that.

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