What is the ideal girl like? What should be the ideal height and weight for a modern girl? Why modern, isn't beauty eternal? It turns out not forever, and beauty standards change over time. Even at the same time, in different countries and cultures, beauty standards can vary significantly.
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ will try to consider the standards of beauty and figure out what kind of ideal girl she is living in the territory of modern Russia.
In Soviet times, the standards of beauty were squeezed into narrow frames, then it was better for a girl to be a gray mouse and not to flaunt her dignity. The ideal girl in the USSR should not strive to look overly seductive and sexy. Soviet society rejected the ideals of bright sexy girls, and such ideal girls could not count on popular love and admiration. A Soviet girl should be modest, dressed like all people, and in general she should not stand out. Often, girls and grandmothers wore clothes of the same style and of the same fabric.
Ideal girls for the USSR
I managed to feel the influence of the Soviet system of values on myself. During the extinction of the Soviet system and on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, I happened to study in one of the Soviet schools. And my essence is such that I never wanted to live like everyone else, I did not want everything in my life to be like that of people. Already in childhood and adolescence, I had a bright personality, but unfortunately at that age I lacked wisdom and I wanted to stand out in what emo girls and Gotess girls stand out for today - an unusual appearance that should reflect my complex inner world.
Naturally, I did not hear anything about emo and goths then, so the subcultures of emo and goths did not exist then. But then there was another subculture - punk!
One sunny day, I came to a Soviet school with an unusual hairstyle, such as I saw in English punks. Rather, the hairstyle was much simpler, the comb is very small, neat and natural color of my hair, without coloring.
Today, with such a hairstyle, you can go almost anywhere, and you can be sure that there will be no problems, and somewhere they won't even pay attention, but then in the USSR, the ideas about the ideal girl were different and the teachers reacted badly to my transformation. All their statements boiled down to the following: here she is a lost girl, and what unfortunate parents she has! She will surely become a cheap bedding and end up somewhere under the fence. This is what the teachers said and my case was not an isolated one, during the USSR, the ideal girl was an inconspicuous gray mouse, who did not stand out in any way and dutifully honored the ideals of the Komsomol and the party.
Fortunately, in the USSR, I managed to be born not in 1937, but during the very decline of the Soviet empire, thanks to which I managed to see that old world and enter into a new life, into a country of great opportunities and many freedoms - modern Russia.
When the USSR collapsed, a lot became available quickly, and most importantly - the ability to travel around the world, and information, news - from all corners of the planet Earth. True, society itself changed gradually, and even now in the minds of many people that Soviet way of thinking remains, and, accordingly, the ideas about the beauty of an ideal girl are the same Soviet ones. You've probably seen evil grandmothers condemning and cursing beautiful, brightly dressed girls.
The legacy of the USSR is strong, but practically no one pays attention to these grandmothers, even their own granddaughters and great-granddaughters dress the way gloss dictates to them, the TV, the community around them and their idols.Thanks to such freedom and diversity, girls have a huge choice of clothes, behavior, and image in general. We can meet a hot girl, an emo girl, or a girl with glasses and an e-book, or we can run into a glamorous girl, or a girl who considers herself glamorous, and very close to see a creative designer girl who resembles a computer game heroine.
Can any of them be called the ideal girl of our time? Of course! The guy is a goth, he wants to see a girl next to him who is beautiful in his eyes and literally glows with darkness. For some, a girl designer with a camera will be the perfect girl. It turns out that the ideal girl for everyone does not exist? In fact, there is no ideal for everyone in this world, but you can quite find the image of the ideal girl for the majority. As in the days of the USSR, in modern Russia there are certain ideals that are professed by the majority.
In modern Russian society, the main equivalent of success is not certificates of honor, Lenin's prizes and the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor, but everything is much simpler - money and their amount. Money rules the modern world, money is a universal all-pervading energy, it is easily transformed into most desires, it opens almost all doors and hearts.
At this point, many will object to me, recalling the saying that you cannot buy love. And I do not mean true love, because in the heart, in which the main ideal is money, there is very little room for it, so such hearts open well with money. In such a world, the most demanded and, accordingly, ideal, will be the girl who is most fully adapted to live among such ideals. Good or bad, the question is spiritual and philosophical, and we will leave it for the future. Now consider this ideal of the modern girl and empirically prove that we are right.
The modern ideal girl has a slender figure, her body is trained by fitness, and her hair and skin are not polished with Photoshop, but in SPA and beauty salons. The ideal girl is well versed in styles and knows how to combine clothes, accessories, jewelry and makeup. However, she is not afraid to experiment and break some rules. The ideal girl knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it in all ways.
An ideal girl, her height, weight - is also an ideal model figure. The model figure is not at all an anorexic nymph, but simply a tall, slender figure with breasts. Look at the Victoria's Secret angels, what kind of figures they have, this is how the figure of the ideal girl of our time should be. It’s not just like that, for advertising and promotion of lingerie, just such girls are selected.
If a different ideal was spelled out in the subconscious of people, then we would see completely different beauties on the catwalks. The modeling business is an exclusively commercial field of activity and the main task of the models is to make sales, as much sales as possible! Many stakeholders and specialists are involved in the process, they all want to make money, and believe me, it makes no sense for anyone to impose the Victoria's Secret angel figure standards on society. These ideals are registered in the consciousness of society not for a year or two, but gradually, and when they are registered in our brain, they will stay there for a long time. Think of the evil grandmothers on the bench, condemning glamorous girls. Grandmothers live by the ideals of the USSR, despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 years ago, and modern media mixed its legacy with dirt.
Grandmothers, with rare exceptions, do not recognize new ideals, and the current generation has its own ideals, which they also do not want to part with quickly.
Conclusions - the ideal girl of our time looks at us from the catwalks, she has a model figure, model height and weight.
But what about the words of men who say they like chubby? There are such men, but in fact there are few men who sincerely like plump and even more plump girls.In most cases, saying such words to plump girls, men are cunning, for one simple reason. Which one? Guess with three tries.
Modern beauties are the ideal girls of the fashion world
One of my friends is a great lover of experimenting in psychology, has done a lot of research, and including she was part of the image of a girl-donut and a girl of model appearance. How did she do it?
We live in the 21st century, where the world is ruled by information, and the Internet and social networks have become an extension of reality. So she used the possibilities of the Internet to feel the desires and thinking of modern men, how they really relate to the appearance of girls.
Our researcher started 12 questionnaires, in each of which she wrote a little about herself, talked about her personal qualities, and along with this indicated her height, weight, and, of course, put a photo. All the girls were different, but in fact, they had differences that were visible at first glance, half of them were girls of model appearance, model weight, model height - ideal girls. The second half of the girl is donuts, of different sizes, from 70 to 100 kilograms.
An important note - all selected girls have a good, well-groomed appearance. Our psychologist borrowed all the photos from one friendly modeling agency, where, in addition to simple models, there is a base of plus size models.
Perfect girls photo
For several evenings she talked with men and girls (girls also write to girls). And after a couple of weeks I came to the conclusion - they write about the same, in terms of quantity, but if you look closely at the meaning and intentions, the difference is noticeable right away. Acquaintance with girls-puffs is initially considered as an acquaintance for a very close relationship, without any obligations. Men seem to be sure, if a girl weighs 70-80 kg or more, then she has problems in relationships, and she will agree to 1-2 times.
Remembering her experience of dating and communication, the experience of her friends and experimental subjects, who can be called dumplings, our psychologist noticed that in reality dummy girls receive fewer offers of dating and communication than ideal girls. Much less! Why is that?
In fact, everything is simple, men treat plump girls like boys treat a moped. Everyone wants to ride, but the main thing is that friends and acquaintances do not see it.
The approach to girls with a model appearance is completely different.
Here you can philosophize a lot and come to the conclusion that all our men are bad, and what can not be said about these men, but men are part of society and modern civilization, they think the way our world requires.
Perfect girls - portrait photos
Beauty Contest - Girl of My Dreams