Women's shoes
What mules we will wear in 2024
In the warm season of 2024, mules are still in trend. Warm weather encourages relaxation and nudity, and in warm spring and hot summer, shoes should be easy to put on and take off. Therefore, mules and grannies, suitable models
Fashion shoes - choose your perfect pair
Fashion brands compete with each other and fight for our attention, offering more and more new accessories. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ studied all the current collections of the warm season of 2024, and found out which women's shoes should be bought to walk in them
Fashionable women's boots spring-summer 2024
The taller the boots, the more effectively they emphasize the slimness of the legs. Therefore, over the knee boots do not lose popularity and are often found among new fashionable shoes for the spring and even summer of 2024 ...
How to choose and with what to wear shoes on the platform
The platform shoes combine a flat, flat sole and a high platform. Thanks to this, comfort is maintained, and the legs visually lengthen, height increases, which is very convenient for girls of short stature.
35 accordion boots for winter 2024
If you are tired of tight-fitting stocking boots and do not like boots that are too tight at all, buy boots with an accordion on the shaft. These models give us freedom and relaxation, and give our image a special zest ...
Women's winter boots 2024-2025 - the best models
In cold winter, women's legs should be shrouded not only in beauty, but also in warmth. Fashion brands offer many models of boots, we just have to choose and enjoy the beauty and comfort ...
Fashionable women's shoes with laces - the best models
Fashion brands are actively experimenting with laces, trying to make a woman's leg even more seductive. Therefore, in the fall-winter 2024-2025 season, shoes with laces must have a shoe shelf in your wardrobe ...
Evening and wedding boots over the knee boots
Treads are very beautiful boots, but they are not combined with any clothes, sometimes they can create an image of an accessible and vulgar woman. But all this does not apply to the boots from Georges Chakra. The designer presented high boots that are perfect
Treads and boots-stockings fall-winter 2024-2025
The higher the boots are - boots or stocking boots, the more effectively they emphasize slender long legs. In the collections of 2024-2025, you can find many models of high boots that look attractive, stylish and luxurious. Let's pick a new pair
Boots with fur and other fur shoes of the cold season
Fluffy fur boots, ankle boots, sandals, shoes, loafers, slip-ons, and just slippers with fur outside - this is one of the main fashion trends in the shoe wardrobe for autumn and winter 2024-2025 ...
100 models of women's shoes for fall and winter 2024-2025
Fashionable footwear in the cold season of 2024 and 2024 amazes with a variety of styles and styles. Variety of choice is great, but sometimes it creates uncertainty. Therefore, in order not to wander in confusion among the abundance of fashionable shoes, check out
The brightest ankle boots and ankle boots 2024-2025
If you like minimalism or strict, elegant looks, skip this post. Today mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ wants to share unrealistically bright ankle boots that combine several bright shades and prints in one pair. These models will like far
Ankle boots 2024-2025 - all fashion trends
Some girls are so fond of ankle boots that they complement summer looks with half-open lightweight models with perforation. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has already talked about summer ankle boots, and today we will look at models for autumn and winter from new collections, so that
Victorian boots for gothic and fashion looks
There is a great variety of shoes in current collections. Some models are well known to us, others raise a lot of questions - these are the so-called hybrid models, they borrow elements from different shoes and add something of their own. And there are also shoes with
Sock shoes - shoes for the cold summer 2024
Stylists have taught us for many years that it is unacceptable to combine open shoes with socks! But for several seasons, fashion brands have been actively promoting the idea of ​​wearing sandals and other open shoes in combination with socks, golfs or nylon
Basic rules for the care of textile shoes
In the warm season, I especially want to wear light and comfortable shoes. These properties are possessed by textile shoes, because it is so easy to combine them in various looks with colorful summer clothes, but such shoes require special care ...
Why buy textile shoes in 2024
Textile footwear is far from being inferior to leather footwear. In fact, textile shoes are easier to decorate, and they are also more comfortable in the summer heat, and most importantly, textile shoes are cheaper, and this is now an important point for many when choosing and
Fashionable platform shoes - 2024 collections
In the spring season of 2024, not only grandmothers are relevant, but also shoes with a high platform. A flat sole or a low heel is undeniably comfortable. It is always comfortable in such shoes, the legs are resting, but each of us has the desire to see ourselves at the top ...


