Gala Dali: secrets of success in life and love
She was the main model and source of inspiration for Salvador Dali, who made her an icon of art. In the circles of surrealist artists, they joked that if an artist painted a good picture, he probably fell in love with Gala ...
Vivid stories about the artist Nadya Leger
Nadia Leger is an artist, a representative of the avant-garde of the early twentieth century, as well as a woman with an extraordinary destiny. You can easily make films in the adventure genre about the life of Nadia Leger. However, today her biography could well be published and how
What is beauty and how to distinguish real beauty
What is beauty? Why do people from ancient times adorn themselves with flowers or beads made of colored stones? Why are works of art created - from drawings of animals on the walls of caves to works of contemporary artists ...
Chinese embroidery - the art of silk embroidery on silk
Silk thread embroidery on silk fabric is a real pearl of oriental arts. According to the chronicles, this type of creativity appeared in ancient China more than 2000 years ago. During this time, embroiderers have accumulated a wealth of experience and traditions ...
Portraits of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna
On the night of July 17-18, 1918, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna with her cell-attendant Varvara and the Grand Dukes were taken out of Alapaevsk. They were taken to the forest to the old mine ... ..
Historical costume of the Belarusian gentry
The gentry is a privileged class, like the nobles and aristocrats in neighboring countries. They created their own democracy with the only difference that the people in the Commonwealth were not the entire population, but only the gentry. But today we will not go deep into
Russian beauties in the paintings of Makovsky
Makovsky's worldwide fame was so great that his paintings were beyond the means of Russian collectors. Therefore, in Russian museums and private collections, it is almost impossible to find the artist's paintings. Most of Makovsky's paintings went to the collection in the USA
The history of costume and fashion of Moscow Russia
The basis of the costume of Muscovite Rus was the costume of Kievan Rus - shirts, trousers-ports. But at the same time, in the costume of Muscovite Russia, division by class is already more noticeable ...
The history of the Biedermeier style in fashionable clothes
The most interesting and unusual period in the fashion of the 19th century was during the dominance of the Biedermeier style in Europe. This style in European costume existed almost in parallel with the style of romanticism in the 1820s-1840s ...
The real Cinderella who became the White Queen
In real life, you can find many stories that resemble famous fairy tales. The first half of Louise de Vaudemont's life resembles the fairy tale of Cinderella, but then the fairy tale takes a different turn, and Cinderella turns into the White Queen.
Italian Renaissance fashion and costume
Renaissance fashion is associated with the further development of society and the individuality of each person. The Renaissance originated, first of all, in Italy, because the inhabitants of this country perfectly remembered the lost greatness of the Roman Empire and wanted to return it ...
Art Nouveau and the beautiful women of Alphonse Mucha loves Baroque, Gothic and Art Nouveau styles very much, so we periodically replenish our box of articles on these styles and we just can't ignore the work of the artist Alphonse Mucha ...
Rococo style in clothing and fashion of the Rococo era
Fashion of the 18th century is a fashion for youth, luxury and carelessness. Rococo fashion is the fashion of the last carefree years of the French aristocracy, and the aristocracy of all of Europe ...
The history of fashion in Spain in the 16th - 17th centuries
Spain of the 16th century - a maritime colonial Empire.In the 16th century, Spain is strong and powerful. At the same time, Spain remains a Catholic country, although in Europe ...
Beautiful girls and beauty standards in the 15th century
We complain about the government and living conditions in Moscow, but let's remember life in the cities of the Middle Ages. Life was not easy then - overcrowded cities, unsanitary conditions and disease, hunger and religious repression. At the same time, women do not
The history of shades of green in fashion and psychology
Green energizes and gives new strength, because green is traditionally associated with nature and spring, growth and flowering. Therefore, green shades have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothe and tune in a positive way. And also
Bright and warming orange clothes
Orange is almost always associated with the sun's radiance and warmth. Therefore, clothes and fashion accessories in orange shades inherit the energetic qualities of the Sun, increase creativity and warmth.
History of the 19th century in beautiful female portraits
Vladimir Ivanovich Gau was born on February 4, 1816 in Reval. Watercolourist Vladimir Gau left us an excellent gallery of portraits of his era. His works are in many museums and are the pride of collectors ...


