Do you read reviews about cosmetics and perfumes, as well as other products before buying? I read and sometimes find really useful information, but at times I come across not at all what I need, about this and much more - how to conduct
So we waited - it happened! Spring has come to the territory of Russia, and now it is getting warmer and warmer every day. A few days will pass, and we will see fresh grass and, of course, the first flowers. And a little later, the queen of flowers, the rose, will bloom, without
Everyone knows that it is necessary to choose the right colors in our clothes, but few know about the combination of perfumery and precious stones. What scents pair best with diamonds or rubies?
Buying your favorite scent, have you noticed that the scent of the new bottle is different from the previous one, although they look identical? This does not mean at all that you were deceived and sold a fake. It is possible that the perfume was stored incorrectly in the store and from this
Fashionable hairstyles, what are they today and what were they in the past? will help you find the answer to this question, and today we have a short journey into the history of hairstyles, as well as an interview with stylist Eva Eliseeva.
There are many proverbs in the world that the main thing is not the external side, but the content. However, the packaging - the outside is important in most cases. For example, when buying perfumes and cosmetics, we very meticulously evaluate the box and
I walked around the shops, saw what we have there new from cosmetics and perfumery ... There are many buyers everywhere, this is not surprising, because tomorrow is March 8th, the day when the most perfumery is presented. And we have prepared especially for this day
Many of us have noticed the advertising campaign for the Guerlain Shalimar fragrance. This fragrance has a long history, and was created a little later than Chanel No. 5 Almost 100 years have passed, but Shalimar has not lost its popularity. Let's find out how everyone
Small lavender flowers cannot compete in beauty with the queen of flowers, the rose, but they can compete with her in perfumery and cosmetics. After all, lavender finds its application in the production of fragrances and cosmetics, aromatherapy. Today we
Philosophy of beauty and healthy lifestyle, that's how my first website was called. There was a lot about a healthy lifestyle, beauty and of course the right hair care. After all, the beauty of hair is composed on the basis of two main factors. First, then
According to statistics on the Internet, most of the sites are devoted to personal growth, online earnings, motivation and success. And writes everything about history and art, beauty, without thinking about money and financial success. Although if you take a close look at
Today, the fashion industry is actively attracting artists. Artists, composers and sculptors, music performers, take part in creating fashion collections, decorating boutique interiors and illustrations for albums, staging shows.
When buying perfumes in real stores and on the Internet, we, in addition to the fragrance itself, pay attention to the country of origin. If this is France, then everything is fine, and such a perfume inspires confidence. If the fragrance is made here in Russia, for some it is
The Max Factor brand is one of the most recognizable brands on the cosmetics market today. At the same time, Max Factor is associated with the United States, in much the same way as the Coca-Cola brand, although initially this cosmetics did not have to the United States
The French city of Grasse is considered the capital of perfumery and has been creating wonderful fragrances there for many years. Only France is not the only one rich in perfumery masterpieces, they are also in Russia (Perfume "Red Moscow") and in England. English selective perfume
Spices and ginger itself are primarily associated with cooking, various confectionery, ginger tea and traditional medicine recipes. True, the excellent properties of ginger could be appreciated not only by ancient chefs, but also
France and, of course, Paris Riot of colors, crowd noise, bright nights. But France is different. Cozy, quiet, sleepy home. Small and provincial. France is small, quiet, terribly quiet, towns. Medieval towns with old streets and
Nina Ricci, a very beautiful sonorous name, it literally speaks of aristocratic origin and love of luxury. Do you know Nina Ricci perfumes? Do you know the name Marie Adeland Nieli? This is all she is - Nina Ricci, her original name. Besides