A lot has been written about blondes lately. A huge number of anecdotes, jokes and theories. Some argue that blondes are obviously more attractive, others are of the opinion that brunettes are more passionate and intelligent, and blondes at the same time they are cold and have less intelligence. Who is from girls are prettier, blondes or brunettes?
The concept of beauty is very complex. Each historical era gave birth to its own idea of beauty. True, blonde hair has become popular and fashionable since antiquity. Why are blondes more attractive and desirable? The answer is probably simple - what kind of hair the goddess of beauty should have no matter how golden. And so, the very first blonde is the mythical goddess Aphrodite. Ancient Greece - strict and noble beauty is in fashion. First of all, golden-haired blondes, with blue eyes and white skin, were appreciated.
In ancient Rome, the cult of blondes, blond hair and fair skin also flourished. The wives of the Roman patricians used whitening white, skin care products, and milk. During their travels, in addition to their retinue, they were accompanied by herds of donkeys, in whose milk they bathed. Hair was rubbed with goat milk oil and beech wood ash. And then they sat in the sun for a long time, opening only their head to discolor their hair. At the same time, they put on a special hat with brims so that the hair was open and the face was closed. Blondes' blonde hair was considered the ideal of beauty.
In the Renaissance, a different understanding of beauty arises. A special, beloved by Venetians, hair color - golden-red - is coming into vogue. The value of the hair was so great that if the beauty had dressed up in the most luxurious dress, adorned with gold and other jewelry, but had not tidied up her hair, no one would have thought about her beauty. "A woman's hair should be thick, wavy and long, their color should be like gold, or the burning rays of the sun" - so it is said in the treatise "On the beauty of women."
Empress Eugenia, wife of Napoleon III, was blonde, and the ladies of the court tried to imitate her in everything, and even in the color of her hair. It was then that the Parisian hairdresser Hugo found a means for bleaching hair - hydrogen peroxide. And soon there was not a single dark-haired lady left at the court. Even now, this drug continues to turn women into blondes.
Where are blondes most common? Of course, among the inhabitants of the Nordic countries.
What determines the color of our hair? Hair color depends on the amount of pigments: eumelanin (black or brown) and pheomelanin (yellow-red) in the hair. Their percentage, as well as the density of their arrangement, gives a wide variety of color shades.
Blondes blonde hair can be divided into shades as follows:
1.very light, almost white blondes
3.platinum blondes
5.bright yellow
6.light blond (gray and yellow)
7.blonde blondes - (light brown color.)
The popularity of blondes has become the reason for the creation of a whole series of hair dyes.
To discolor the pigment, a mixture of alkali and hydrogen peroxide is applied to the hair. Alkaline opens hair scales and, combining with peroxide, provides an oxygen evolution reaction - the pigment is partially destroyed, voids are formed in the hair. Now the hair is bleached, but at the same time weakened. Now they need to be filled with pigment again, otherwise they will be lifeless and dry like tow. Further, the hair is tinted in the appropriate shade that the lady wished. When highlighting, hair also needs mandatory toning.This must be taken into account so as not to remain in the future with lifeless hair.
Now there are many products and dyes for hair, thanks to which you can become a blonde. In addition to the fact that there are preparations that not only lighten the hair, but also fill it with a new pigment, i.e. lighten and tint at the same time.
It is better to entrust hair coloring to a master hairdresser. And after visiting the hairdresser, listening to the advice of the master.
After all, you can harm your hair on your own. Burnt hair is the result of a violation of the dyeing technology. Unfortunately, not only you yourself, but also an ignorant hairdresser can burn your hair. Therefore, if you come to the master and he does not ask a question - when and how your hair was last dyed, and also does not warn about the possible consequences and results of dyeing your hair, then you may have problems.
Even if everything is taken into account and the master turned out to be the best, the result of staining may not be what the client would like. It is possible that your own pigment is too stable, or maybe the day before you were alarmed by something, and your physical condition is not the best at the moment, and taking medications can also affect the result, etc.
So, if you want to be with a hair color like Marilyn Monroe, you have to try. It should be noted here that Marilyn Monroe's hair color is more a merit of cameramen than hairdressers. And Marilyn Monroe's own hair was light brown.
It is possible to become an absolute, ideal blonde without ruining your hair, but it will take time, patience and money. One day, you won't be able to become a blonde.
As far as we know, texts and knowledge are very good, because knowledge is a potential power, but the Internet is the Internet, and here it is impossible without photos and pictures, therefore, in addition to the text, we will periodically add photos of blondes - the most beautiful blondes!
The most beautiful Blondes with perfect looks
And these are the most glamorous blondes you can find)))
A beautiful blonde girl is experimenting on her appearance -
comic entertainment video in English, with Russian captions.
The publication will be updated from time to time, depending on the availability of other news in the world of fashion and beauty. Some pictures and photos of blondes will leave the page, and new ones will appear, because the Internet grows and develops, which means that the mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ Magazine must be periodically updated.
If you or your girlfriend is blonde, or maybe your beloved girl is blonde, and there is a desire to make her or yourself a surprise gift, send your best photo and we will post a photo among other beauties with blond hair.