Feminists argue that before a woman was a powerless creature, men ruled everything, and women were forced to obey. There is some truth here, but in general, everything is not so. Previously, only those with strength, courage, wisdom and cunning ruled. Not necessarily all together, sometimes there was enough strength, and sometimes cunning and deceit won out over strength.
The bottom line is that before, almost all people were powerless, both men and women. A prince or a feudal lord could act harshly with his peasants, but he himself could suffer, falling into the disfavor of a king or tsar. Therefore, in those days, those who had strength and cunning had rights. Strength belonged exclusively to men, which means that women remained cunning and wisdom, thanks to which they could rule strong men.
There are many examples of wise women, some were born queens and princesses, others found themselves in a hopeless position, but managed to gain power, for example, Roksolana, the beloved wife of Sultan Suleiman. Only today mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ wishes to remember exclusively Princess Olga.
Grand Duchess Olga was born in harsh times, and despite her noble origin, at any moment she could lose everything, including life itself, but her name is forever inscribed in history. At the same time, Princess Olga is canonized. How did she manage to do this - to combine the worldly and the heavenly, how can she maintain power on earth, where strong cruel men ruled, and at the same time not forget about the soul?
Olga is a noble Varangian by origin, and the "dominant qualities" inherited by her from the ancestors of the seafarers and warriors, which manifested themselves in her so strongly and fully that they were forever reflected in the national memory.
Olga was the first woman who became the ruler of one of the largest states in Europe at that time - Kievan Rus. She did not wage wars of conquest, but directed all her energy to domestic politics, therefore, for a long time, the people retained a good memory of her - the princess carried out an administrative and tax reform that eased the situation of ordinary people and streamlined life in the state.
At the same time, the princess severely punished the enemies of Kiev. She punished the Drevlyans for betraying and killing her husband, and the punishment was severe. It would seem that Olga's reputation as a Christian woman has been compromised by this famous story. But let's turn to the content of the event itself. Note that the history associated with the Drevlyans cannot be divorced from the general realities of that time and the situation, the position in which it found itself princess.
Olga was a wise ruler of the state, therefore she was aware of her responsibility for the lives of people and the integrity of Kievan Rus. This is sorely lacking in some current politicians.
If Olga had not taken those decisive and cruel measures, the future of the Russian state had completely different prospects, because in those distant times people understood and recognized only a strong and harsh power, only such power was obeyed.
If Olga had acted softly, the princely power would have lost its authority, she would not have been put into anything anywhere. As a result, bloody feuds would have filled Russia, as happened at the beginning of the 20th century, when a kind good family man, but a gentle and indecisive tsar, Nicholas II, turned out to be at the head of Russia.
Therefore, Olga acted harshly, but wisely, thanks to which the dignity and authority of the authorities were fully restored. For "the earth is full of rumors"! And the rumors that princess holds power "with a strong hand", have passed all over the earth and even reached all subsequent generations many centuries later.
Having asserted her power, the princess ensured not only her future, but also did good to all people.Under Princess Olga, there were no more riots and strife, people lived quietly and calmly, and the authorities could deal with pressing matters for the development and improvement of the state, and not calming the minds and suppressing uprisings and unrest. Isn't this a stable life that all reasonable citizens want?
Over the centuries, there may be different opinions regarding the role of the princess in the destinies of our state, but for everyone the image that is forever imprinted in our national memory is indisputable. This is a majestic image of a woman with an invincible will and high dignity, invincible courage and a truly statesmanlike mind.
Princess Olga is a great woman who, by force of circumstances, stood at the head of a huge, still emerging state. Olga turned out to be worthy of the historical lot that fell to her. And people have not forgotten Princess Olga, she is canonized as an equal to the apostles. Only 5 women in the entire Christian history have received such an honor!
At a time when Ukraine is torn apart by strife, politicians and opposition leaders are fighting for power and money. Ukraine needs such a ruler as Princess Olga, who can severely punish enemies and traitors, and at the same time unite the people around her!