Today will not talk about how to get rid of gray hair, how to color gray hair, or what methods to restore the natural condition of the hair, and at the same time its natural pigment. No, today is not about that, but about why women dye gray hair, how are they not satisfied with the natural gray hair for their age?
Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev loves to discuss some topics regarding clothing style, makeup, hairstyles and hair coloring of Russian women. How sincere is he in his judgments, history is silent about this, we will not talk about it, but we ourselves will ask ourselves why Russian women paint over gray hair more often than European women?
It all depends on the associations that produce gray hair in themselves and in the surrounding society. And associations and impressions of gray hair, often of the same type - gray hair is old age and decrepitude. Gray hair can almost never beautify a woman, and most importantly, they rarely give anyone wisdom. In the case of men, everything is easier, for some men, gray hair gives experience and maturity. It is easier for men, even wrinkles do not always spoil them, the main thing is that these are noble wrinkles, and not those that have appeared as a result of bad habits.
So, gray hair is the most obvious sign of old age, and an old woman in Russia is ... In general, being old in Russia is not at all easy, because now old age is not respected and honored as in the old days. Previously, old people were respected, helped and supported, since old age used to be a bearer of knowledge. The younger generation consulted with the owners of gray hair, learned from them life and wisdom.
Times change, today gray hair and old age are practically not associated with intelligence and wisdom. Today's old people are not carriers of wisdom, but of diseases and weaknesses, bad habits and disappointment in life. Who wants to be in such a role? That is why we do our best to delay the arrival of old age and its signs, among which gray hair is one of the brightest.
Why is this happening, why before the bearers of gray hair were at the same time bearers of wisdom, and today's youth do not think so. Loss of morals and disrespect for elders? Not at all, the reason is different. The world has changed, now old people, with rare exceptions, are not bearers of knowledge. There is so much knowledge, and it is so conveniently placed in computers and the Internet that there is no need to ask the older generation for advice, because in any case, the information space of the Internet stores more knowledge.
As a result, we have what we have, and on this we need to finish philosophy, and to accept reality as it is - gray hair inspires respect for few people, they are a sign of old age and nothing more. Old age is not in fashion now, and therefore it is better to get rid of gray hair by all available ways, because besides old age, they cause other unpleasant associations.
After interviewing several young boys and girls, I was able to find out what some of them think about gray hair and what associations they have. Their thoughts are different, but the repetition was often heard - it seems to me that the gray hair is dirty, that it stinks. Why? The old people stink, they wash little, take care of themselves poorly, and are unclean.
It is harshly said, but we must face the truth, in fact, many people of the older generation lose the desire to take care of themselves with age, dress in all kinds of rags, do not keep their clothes and body clean, as a result of which they emit an unpleasant odor. Therefore, for many, very many, gray hair is associated not only with the aging process, but also with uncleanness and neglect.
Women who are not indifferent to themselves do not want to cause such associations at all, so they dye their gray hair and I must say that their act is completely justified.
Old age will never be in vogue, and although youth is a kind of club, from which everyone is eventually excluded, you can extend your membership in the youth club as much as possible, or at least seem ...