How to dye a man's hair at home
More and more men are beginning to anxiously monitor their appearance and are seriously worried about the appearance of gray hair. Gray hair immediately makes you older, and in our world it is fashionable to be young, healthy and athletic. Everything can be fixed with hair coloring, but how do you choose a product?
It is generally accepted that if the paint does not say that it is male, then it is female, and men need to look for a special male hair dye. These products take into account the characteristics of men's hair, which is thicker and stronger than that of girls.
Only girls have different hair. Compare the hair of a Russian woman and a Chinese woman, they differ even more than the hair of our men. Therefore, if you think so, there should be special means for girls of the European type, Asians, African women and others. Most paints on the market do not account for these differences. Although many companies produce special men's paints. But in Russia, especially in small towns, it is not always easy to buy such funds.
Almost everything can be ordered via the Internet, you just have to wait 2-3 weeks, maybe a month. But you can buy very high quality and unusual products. The beauty industry offers many men's colors, special coloring shampoos, crayons and crayons for coloring gray hair, natural remedies and much more.
If you don't want to wait, advises to buy regular women's paint in the nearest store. Choose a shade close to your hair, and also keep in mind one little secret. The instructions for most women's dyes say - apply to unwashed hair! In the case of men, this rule must be broken. Wash your hair a couple of hours before the staining procedure and get an excellent result.
How to dye a man's hair with female paint
1. If you have no experience in coloring, ask a girl friend who has repeatedly painted herself. The first experience is often terrible. I have seen such an example when a man tried to dye himself, but as a result he looked like a shitty kitten.
2. so as not to ruin your clothes, wear an old T-shirt or even limit yourself to swimming trunks.
3. The scalp near the hair should be smeared with a greasy cream, otherwise a dyed contour may turn out, which will be below the level of the hair roots. This painting resembles a doll with painted hair. It looks funny, but you will have to wear a hat all the time for a couple of days.
4. Take an allergy test. You can apply some paint behind the ear.
5. Starting coloring, first of all apply the product on gray hair, and then on all other parts of the hair in order to achieve an even color.
6. The first time it is better to buy unstable paint, it is washed off in 7-8 times. During this time, you will be able to understand how much this shade suits you and dyed hair in general. Fragile products do not contain ammonia, which means they do not harm your hair. If you like the new look without gray hair, you can always buy a more permanent product.