"You won't get a second chance to make a first impression."
Coco Chanel.
Do you agree with Mademoiselle Chanel?
Yes, before people appreciate your high intelligence and inner beauty, before you surprise them with what you know about global warming or cooling that scientists are talking about, or maybe express their point of view about free radicals in the human body, they will first appreciate your appearance. It may happen within three or seven seconds, but that is exactly what will happen.
Every woman must learn to create an image that is beneficial for herself. “They are greeted according to their clothes - they see them off according to their minds,” says a popular proverb. But it is impossible for our mind to manifest itself in 7 seconds, so we need to be able to show ourselves in a favorable light. However, in these 7 seconds, our clothes can reveal our state of mind, our social background, and maybe even our profession and creditworthiness, as well as our moral qualities. After all, with the help of clothes, you can influence not only the state of health or mood, and therefore our appearance, but also change our manners and even character. A woman who puts on luxurious kid gloves becomes different, and her manners are completely different. Or the one who wears a hat with a large brim - she feels taller, her posture changes. Or maybe the one wearing an exquisite fur bolero, perfectly matched to her cashmere coat, she has queen's gait... If you choose the right clothes, they will see you. But when choosing clothes, the woman herself should be visible.
The legendary Chanel once said: “Look at a woman in a dress. No woman - no dress. "
How do you rate yourself - beautiful or ugly? If you are ugly, think that even a diamond requires a special cut and setting in order to shine with radiant beauty.
And clothes should be your frame. At the same time, you can emphasize your advantages - for example, luxurious shoulders or long legs, beautiful eyes or beautiful well-groomed hands. But no matter what merits you have, you need to show them so that they are perceived as an integral part of your appearance as a whole. Do not try to hide less attractive features or parts of the body, but try to make them more attractive with the help of clothes, unobtrusively "weave" them into your appearance. Concentrate on where you should be. If you heed these tips, you will feel confident.
"The height of vulgarity for me is when everything is for show: thoughts, body."
Giorgio Armani.
When choosing clothes, it is important to correlate your appearance with the clothes you like. This is a subtle art. When we look in glossy magazines and see beautiful clothes, we need to correctly imagine how we will look in them.
If you have any problems and you don't like yourself, pay attention to the clothes. mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ assures you - you win. Do not forget that in all situations, clothing for a woman is self-realization. The desire to dress beautifully is a typically feminine trait. This is not typical for many men (we'll talk about this later).
If you do not care about your appearance, it means that you do not love yourself enough, then who can love you? But perhaps this is a temporary condition of yours, because of the problems that have arisen. Most often, the lack of appearance care is some kind of problem with children, for many women this is a serious weapon that inflicts mental wounds. You can list many problems that interfere in life. But at the same time, I would like to look at it differently. If you have learned to respect yourself, to take care of your appearance, perhaps half of the problems that are now with you would disappear by themselves. After all, the lack of care for your appearance is a loud signal to others.
In addition to problems, there is also low self-esteem. When you, having looked at yourself 10 times in the mirror, say: "How fat I am!" or "What are my short legs!" or "Well, I have hair, it's disgusting to look!" These thoughts affect your subconscious mind and destroy your self-esteem. If only that. And then the media (television, cinema, magazines, etc.) put pressure on us, urging us to do fitness, lose weight, pick up a stomach, do a facelift, etc. And there may even be hysteria - today we often meet cases of anorexia or bulimia, enthusiasm for liposuction and other plastic manipulations, even when you can do without them.
Therefore, it would be nice to look at yourself, as it were, from the outside. See the merits and demerits in reality. And solve these problems with ... clothes that create your style, your personality.
And so remember, it only takes seven seconds to create the first impression of a person. You may not have time to open your mouth, and your clothes will tell a lot about you.