Hand care and manicure

Hand skin care at home

If you want to preserve youth and beauty as long as possible, pay little attention to the beauty of the face, you need to take care of yourself comprehensively, the skin of our hands needs care no less than the face.

Our hands are in motion for a long time, they do something useful, simultaneously being exposed to harmful substances and an aggressive environment, for example, while doing household chores. But this is not the only reason for the aging of the skin of the hands.

Very often looking at photos of celebrities, we notice that the face of some stars looks young enough, but the hands give out age. Why is this happening, because the stars do not wash the dishes, do not do the cleaning, their hands are only for manicure?

The fact is that celebrities are just as lazy as so-called ordinary women. A singer or actress may be good at her work, which brought her fame and money, but otherwise she can be a completely mediocre person, which is characterized by both bad habits and laziness ...

Therefore, the stars, although they have all the possibilities of self-care, do not always use them. A mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ wants everyone to be beautiful, or rather wants to give everyone such a chance. Therefore, today we will consider simple and affordable methods of hand skin care. We will not talk about salon procedures, but purely home care.

How to take care of your hand skin

1. Apply hand cream daily in the morning and in the evening. Buy several types of hand creams and experiment as you read reviews and tips online. At one time of the day, a protective cream is suitable, at another time, use an anti-aging cream, a cream with a lifting effect. Also, don't forget about sunscreen.

2. Exfoliate your hands twice a week. To do this, you will need either a ready-made hand scrub, or sea salt, or oatmeal soaked in water.

Sea salt scrub - use an electric mill to grind sea salt and dry mandarin (or other citrus) peels. You can add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil to the resulting mixture, or ylang-ylang - they whiten and strengthen the nail bed, level the surface of the nail. Therefore, they can be simply applied to the nails and cuticles, diluting in ordinary oil in the amount of 2 drops per teaspoon of oil.

As a result, the skin surface is freed from keratinized particles, and there is access for oxygen and active components of creams. This makes it possible to improve blood circulation and nourish the skin of the hands well. After the scrub, apply a nourishing cream.

In addition to a scrub, sea salt will be useful for your hands in the form of a solution, although in this case, your nails will appreciate its healing properties. Sea salt contains many trace elements necessary for nails. Therefore, it is enough to dissolve salt in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water and immerse the pens in the solution for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the nails will have time to absorb the necessary elements, and at the same time the cuticle will be ready for manicure.

Hand skin care at home

3. Massage of the hands. The skin is aging due to the fact that it does not receive the necessary nourishment and care. Simply applying hand creams is not enough! Therefore, make it a rule - when applying the cream, carefully massage and rub it into the skin of your hands, paying special attention to each finger.

4. Contrasting baths of cold and hot water can be another helper in hand skin care. It is good to add sea salt to a solution from cold water, to hot water - essential oils of ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, bergamot or lemon. You need to transfer your hands from the baths after 5 minutes. As a result, the skin is tightened and perfectly toned. They need to be done twice a week.

If you take care of your hands in such a simple way regularly, throughout your life, your hands will never give out the age written in your passport, they will always look much younger than the hands of your peers who are too lazy to take proper care of themselves.

Hand skin care at home
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