Fashion Jewelry

Rhinestone Jewelry

Before talking about the beautiful creation of nature, about rock crystal, let's start with the most common mineral called quartz. You guessed it that rock crystal is the same quartz, which includes carnelian and citrine, onyx and agate, and many other minerals. There is no other breed in the world that has such a diverse and indescribable color palette as quartz.

Pure quartz is transparent and colorless like water. But at the same time, these are purple amethysts, blue and blue chalcedony, transparent as a tear, rock crystal, golden and yellow citrines, orange carnelian, multi-colored jasper, green mushrooms. All these numerous varieties are divided into two groups: crystalline and cryptocrystalline.

Rhinestone crystals

Quartz has been used in jewelry since ancient times. He is called the "father of glass". After all, crystal vases, mirrors, optical, window and bottle glasses are all made of quartz with the addition of lime and alkali.

Rock crystal was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed that it was so frozen that it lost the ability to melt. In 1529, rock crystal first appeared in the literature on mineralogy.

Rhinestone ring

Rhinestone colorless and transparent, it belongs to the crystalline varieties of quartz. Crystals can be up to several meters in size. Its properties - high transparency and luster, especially after polishing, allowed ancient craftsmen to use rock crystal in the manufacture of lenses. It was even possible to melt metal with such lenses. Even in ancient times, the doctors of Tibet used crystal balls in the treatment of wounds (ultraviolet rays of the sun, passing through the crystal, kill bacteria).

Bowls, cups and various jewelry were made of crystal. Carl Faberge was very fond of working with rock crystal. In nature, there are rock crystal crystals similar to diamonds. They were found in the Crimea - Crimean diamonds, in the Carpathians - Marmaros diamonds, in France - Alencon diamonds. Deposits of rock crystal are known in Russia (Ural, Far East, Yakutia), Brazil, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, USA, Madagascar, etc. The largest, high-quality and purest rock crystal crystals are found in the Urals, Pamirs and South Yakutia.

Rhinestone Jewelry
Rhinestone Jewelry

The usual sizes of rock crystal crystals are 2-4 cm in diameter, there are also very small ones - up to 1 mm, there are large specimens - up to 2 m. Rock crystal is a very hard mineral and can scratch glass.

Today, jewelry is made from rock crystal - beads, pendants, earrings, brooches, souvenirs, as well as Easter eggs and magic balls.

Magic ball
Rhinestone Jewelry

How to clean rhinestone products

Rock crystal is a mineral resistant to chemical attack and mechanical damage. It can be simply washed with a soft brush in a solution of detergent, then rinsed with warm water and wiped with a soft cloth. It is not afraid of sunlight, but it should not be exposed to strong heat in order to avoid cracking.

Mineral, possessing its medicinal properties, should be classified as positive. Although each stone that is used in jewelry has many different advantages in its dossier, thanks to which we try to choose “our own stone”. If you are one of those who are looking for your talisman, then astrologers recommend wearing rhinestone for those born under the signs of Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius. advises to wear it for those who, looking at the stone, feel a sense of joy.

People have always associated products made of rock crystal with mystery and magic, trying to see their future through a clear crystal or see the other world.Nowadays, psychics also often resort to using crystal balls during their sessions. No one will argue that minerals help in medicine, only not by their magic, but by the influence on the human body of certain elements of which they are composed. And all because man himself consists of the same elements and is a part of nature.

Be that as it may, in ancient times, a person believed that the contemplation of the purity and transparency of this mineral calms, gives peace of mind and puts thoughts in order. In other words, the stone carries the energy of goodness and warmth, despite the fact that its crystals resemble pieces of ice. Looking at the joyful shine of rock crystal, the soul is filled with joy and love.

Rhinestone vases
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