Fashion Jewelry

Onyx stone - properties and photos of jewelry

Among all the minerals, the most common is quartz, which unites numerous varieties of stones of amazing beauty. All of them are divided into two large groups: crystalline and cryptocrystalline. The latter include chalcedony. Among them is the Onyx stone. A distinctive feature of onyx is the presence of layers of different colors, arranged parallel to each other, giving rise to an amazing pattern.

Onyx in ancient times, in the East, was not considered a lucky stone. The Arabs, Yemeni peoples and ancient Chinese especially avoided this stone. But among the ancient Jews, this stone, among other 12 stones, was used in the confidant of the high priest Aaron, as stated in the Bible, and this confirms that one should not be afraid of this beautiful stone. Moreover, later it was used as a talisman, it was believed that the stone helps to lead people, and therefore it served as an amulet for the leaders.

Onyx stone
Onyx stone

The peoples of the Caucasus and Greece treated this stone not only kindly, but also with great respect. It was believed that onyx can only be obtained by a “pure-hearted person”. Onyx was used to make gem, amulets, brooches.

Its coloring is amazing - plane-parallel layers of different colors, sometimes contrasting, make up a fantastic color palette, which includes almost the entire color spectrum. Its color is influenced by impurities of various elements and their compounds. The width of onyx stripes depends on the temperatures at which the formation process took place.

Green onyx
Green and Black Onyx Beads
Black onyx

Arabic onyx is a combination of black and white stripes, as well as green and white. Brown and white, as well as orange-red - sardonyx, red and white - carneolonyx, white, gray or bluish - chalcedonyx, a combination of stripes of any other colors - ordinary onyx. Onyx belongs to hard stones, while it is a relatively inexpensive ornamental stone.

Onyx stone bowls

The layered structure of onyx allows you to carve cameos of amazing beauty from it. It is, both before and now, is widely used in large items: onyx vases, caskets, candlesticks, countertops, used in mosaics and cladding, and of course in a variety of jewelry. No special precautions are required to clean it, as it is a hard and chemical-resistant stone with a high melting point. It is enough just to wash the product with a soft brush in running water.

Where is this beautiful stone born? The most beautiful are onyxes from the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Brazilian, Uruguayan and Indian. Onyx is mined both in North America and Australia. We also have onyx deposits in Russia. These are Kolyma, Primorsky Territory, Chukotka.

Onyx beads and bracelet

If some of you are wondering whose zodiac sign this stone is, then it is definitely difficult to give an answer here, since the stone has a wide color palette. Wear jewelry made from this stone for all who admire its beauty.

As for its medicinal properties, people have long attributed properties to it in case of problems with memory, the circulatory system, or with excessive nervous excitement. And black onyx has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth. advises, first of all, to consult a doctor with such problems, and in order to have a feeling of additional protection against such ailments, you can wear onyx jewelry on yourself. In any case, the stone is beautiful and worthy to become your adornment.

Onyx jewelry
Black Onyx Jewelry
Earrings and rings with black onyx
Black Onyx Jewelry
Interior items made of stone
Interior items made of stone
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