Continuing the theme of glossy magazines, I wanted to consider them from all sides and pay attention not only to good qualities, but also to those that bring not the best emotions and results to our life.
Let's think about what is so useful, or at least interesting, we find in glossy magazines?
Most girls flipping through glossy magazinestart comparing themselves to magazine beauties, mentally try on their outfits and ... get upset. Probably there is something. After all, not everyone has such a peach complexion and such eyelashes, and hair, and I don’t want to talk about them, let alone look. And what is then possible to repeat or acquire? Maybe such boots, or maybe underwear? The girls read every letter, look at every photo - it seems to them that this is life. Indeed, in these magazines, magnificent photographs, one might say, are a work of art. They give us guidelines in fashion in the field of style, life in general. Only there are not so many really useful for life in some glossy magazines.
There are pages where an article is posted on how to win a man's heart and even how to behave in a given situation. However, some girls take this "life" depicted in the illustration as real seriously. It is foolish to envy magazine beauties, the beauty of which is the merit of computer graphics and the result of many hours of work of stylists and makeup artists!
Glossy magazines are created to advertise and sell products and services to us. They cope with this perfectly, make them run to the store, shop.
Many will think, but perhaps glossy magazines do not help make our life more fun and brighter? I think there are many opportunities to gain a good mood and joy in a completely different way, in the world of nature, music, and finally, in the world of family happiness, comfort. Therefore, you should not surround yourself with a pile of wonderful glossy magazines. Believe me, this is not real life for the absolute majority, and in the long term, information from glossy magazines will only bring disappointment.
After reading a dozen different magazines, you draw one conclusion: a woman should always do something without interruption, work on herself, from epilation to the endless search for the ideal man.
When you leaf through a fashion magazine, you still run the risk of earning an unpleasant complex - I cannot afford it. But you’ll be smarter if you don’t buy only one thing from a fashionable designer, and with the same money you will find many necessary things and update your wardrobe.
And most importantly, remember that fashion designers the best models are inspired by women themselves. Moreover, it was they who ultimately changed the fashion. The worldview is changing, and with it, the clothes.
Marlene Dietrich - she loved to challenge, adored strict style. In 1931, she dared to appear on the street in a man's suit.
Isadora Duncan - whose simple white dress inspired Paul Poiret to create a revolutionary flowing silhouette. It was she who, before anyone else, decided to appear on stage without a corset and barefoot.
Practical jersey suits Chanel perfectly matched the spirit of the times. Chanel's models responded to political events such as the First World War or the flood of Russian émigré nobles that swept Paris after the October Revolution. For the first time in history, street fashion has penetrated haute couture fashion.
Fashion is something that exists not only in clothes, said one of her mottos. - Fashion is in the air. It is connected with our thoughts and worldview, with what is happening around us.
If you wish, you can look at similar publications on the topic of gloss. First article - Glamorand the second one is How to become glamorous
Glossy magazines for The magazine
Glossy magazines